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    rank among

    1. In the most opulent and civilized nations, age regulates rank among those who are in every other respect equal ; and among whom, therefore, there is nothing else to regulate it

    2. Angels are often represented as the messengers of God…There are thought to be several degrees of rank among them, perhaps three, four, seven, or nine, which the later conception of the “heavenly hierarchy” arranged in ascending order: Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim

    3. For this reason, she became the highest woman in position and the greatest one in rank among them at God

    4. * Again to be “prominent” a company should rank among the first quarter or first third in size within its industry group

    5. Flowers rank among the most beautiful productions of nature; but they have been rendered conspicuous in contrast with the green leaves, and in consequence at the same time beautiful, so that they may be easily observed by insects

    6. The four Patriarchs of equal dignity have the HIGHEST RANK AMONG THE BISHOPS, AND THE BISHOPS united in a General Council represent the Church and infallibly decide, under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, all matters of faith and ecclesiastical life

    7. An end was put to our Indian wars; our Algerine captives were redeemed—our reputation was established abroad, and the United States assumed their just rank among the nations of the earth! This was, indeed, a work worthy of the illustrious patriots who achieved it

    8. She sunk from the conqueror of the Eastern Empire, to a mere city of Italy and Portugal; a narrow territory, by the same commerce, assumed the first rank among the nations of the world

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