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    1. She was busy helping the farms along the ridgeline in the reaping of their crops, and the farmers spoke of her in glowing terms

    2. down, and reaping that thou didst not sow

    3. reaping that I did not sow:

    4. reaping the harvest of the earth

    5. Nathalia kept up with two, three, sometimes even four at a time, but her blades had been reduced to shields, darting in all directions to parry a multitude of blows while every second, a score of her companions were cleaved in half, cut down by the demons' blades as though the wolf helmed beings were reaping wheat

    6. Being patient, persistent and consistent is the key to reaping the long-term

    7. To see or use a shopping cart in your dream indicates that you are reaping the rewards and benefits of your hard work

    8. Regardless, they’re following Avienus’ lead and certainly appear to be enjoying the chaos they’re reaping

    9. left the reaping of the blue planet too late;

    10. Since we are the ones taking the hits for our service, we’ll now be the only one reaping the benefits from it

    11. ! But this time, she would do the reaping

    12. Every citizen, in one way or another, is expected to participate in a constructive manner that accrues to the mutual benefit of every citizen living in a free and open society; that each individual is obligated to lend his or her unqualified, excepting such conditions were that society has spiritually and morally corrupted itself, support in the cause of freedom; and that the general welfare of that society should take precedence over the private belief system of any individual who continues reaping the benefits of living in that society

    13. The law of sowing and reaping is one of God’s most

    14. Karma Is Never Wasted – Reaping Now and Later

    15. Reaping the Fruit of Actions

    16. When the unexpected happens, and we meet with difficulties, failures, and misfortune, we realize that we may be reaping what we have sown, and that we are wiping off a past debt

    17. Field: Harvest or reaping of what has been sown; occasion that is presented to accomplish great things; the great deeds of God; the earth or world

    18. 7 And in those days there was neither sowing nor reaping in the Earth; and there was no food for the sons of men and the famine was very great in those days

    19. 5 And the Lord was exceedingly angry against them, and the Lord continued to destroy the seed in those days, so that there was neither sowing nor reaping in the Earth

    20. 5 And the Lord was exceedingly angry against them and the Lord continued to destroy the seed in those days so that there was neither sowing nor reaping in the Earth

    21. time reaping the benefits of working with Khua Su

    22. 22 "He said to him 'Out of your own mouth will I judge you you wicked servant! You knew that I am an exacting man taking up that which I didn't lay down and reaping that which I didn't sow

    23. 24 "He also who had received the one talent came and said 'Lord I knew you that you are a hard man reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you did not scatter

    24. His lord said to him: Well done you good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things you enter into the joy of your lord; Also he who had received two talents of gold came and said: Lord you gave to me two talents of gold; Note I have gained two other talents of gold besides those; His lord said to him: Well done good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things; enter into the joy of your lord; Then he who had received the one talent of gold came and said: Lord I knew you that you are a hard man reaping where you have not sown and harvesting where you have not cultivated; and I was afraid and went and hid your talent of gold in the ground; see there you have what is yours! His lord answered and said to him: You wicked and lazy servant you knew that I reap where I did not sow and harvest where I have not cultivated therefore you should have placed my money with the money exchangers and then on my arrival I should have received my own back with usury; therefore take the talent of gold from him and give it to him who has ten talent of gold; because for everyone who has it shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him who has nothing even that which he has shall be taken away; and you will throw the unprofitable servant into outer darkness where there shall be weeping and grinding of teeth; When the Son of Man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory; and before Him shall be gathered all nations; and He shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats and He shall place the sheep on his right hand side but place the goats on the left; Then the King shall say to those on his right hand: You blessed by my Father come over; Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world because I was hungry and you all gave Me food; I was thirsty and you all gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you all clothed Me; I was sick and you all visited Me; I was in prison and you all came to Me; Then shall the righteous answer Him saying: Lord when did we see you hungry and fed you? Or thirsty and gave you drink? When did we see you a stranger and took you in? Or naked and clothed you? Or when did we see you sick or in prison and came to you? and the King shall answer and say to them: Truly I say to you in as much as you all have done it to one of the least of these my brothers you have done it for Me; Then he shall say also to those on the left hand depart from Me all you cursed ones into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels because I was an hungry and you all gave Me no food I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink: I was a stranger and you did not take Me in; I was naked and you all did not clothe Me; I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me; Then they shall also answer Him saying: Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you? Then He shall reply to them saying: Truly I say to you in as much as you did it not to one of the least of these ones you did not do it to Me and they shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous shall go into eternal life

    25. You knew that I was a hard man taking up what I laid not down and reaping what I did not sow; therefore then you should have not given my money to the money exchangers that at my coming I might have required my own back with usury? And he said to those who stood by take the dollar from him and give it to him who has ten dollars; and they said to him: Lord he has ten dollars because I say to you that to everyone who has shall be given something; and from him who has nothing even what he has shall be taken away from him; but those my enemies who were not willing that I should reign over them bring them here and kill them in front of Me

    26. Many have often mistaken reaping consequences of sin, for God punishing them

    27. Unfortunately, some of the additions were excavated with less care than others,’ she sent a baleful stare to Ishbel before continuing, ‘and we are now reaping the problems

    28. Others mock, doubt, ridicule, speak with irony and boastfulness, reaping nothing but the fruits of their doubt

    29. While you're reaping the wound-healing and skin-protecting benefits of eating more vitamin C, try smoothing some on your skin as well

    30. In fact, I’m still reaping the consequences

    31. simply a season of sowing and after this comes the season of reaping

    32. Reaping means collecting the fruits of your labor and enjoying the benefits of it

    33. Sowing and reaping are two different seasons that happen at different times and

    34. If a man were to offend another man by stealing his food or reaping havoc on his domicile the punishment would be swift and total

    35. Third World countries, and they're reaping the bulk of the

    36. You may have heard about the baby formula incident so many years ago, but this time Nestlé was stealing water, bottling it and selling it in Michigan and reaping the profits

    37. giants have been reaping huge profits for years

    38. Corpoorate America – this is the term for the companies that complain about losing money while reaping huge profits –


    40. I cannot remember ever going far from the village, my whole childhood was spent learning the skills of agriculture, ploughing, sowing, and reaping as my father had done and his father before him, I am quite large for my age, a head and shoulders above my friends of the same age, the hard labour being responsible for building both my muscles and my stamina

    41. They’ll know that their sowing Is what they’ll be reaping

    42. no decision for neutrality bearing the insidious expectation of reaping

    43. The prisoners would help her escape, and she could still end up reaping all the glory from this remarkable phenomenon

    44. One principle that is constant through every season is sowing and reaping

    45. Sowing and reaping will never 122

    46. becoming apparent to even some of the simplest observers that America is reaping a bitter

    47. And, not to be forgotten, former students should be surveyed periodically after graduation, when they’ve had a chance to reflect on their past and consider what they wish they would have done differently; reaping the benefit of experience and hindsight

    48. Nutritionally, there was no difference from a real tomato and a replicated one, but humans still had a strong connection to tending plants and reaping the benefits, and that connection is what made it nice

    49. No one learns to read and education is reserved for cultivating crops and riding reaping machines

    50. deeper underlying causes: the Andijan conflict was reaping up the country between

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