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    1. Father said the advantage of iron was that it could be sharpened anew once dull, whereas bronze had to be melted down and then recast

    2. Also, that light of yours is about to fade again, you should recast it

    3. He did know his proclamation would recast the Great War in moral terms in the eyes of the world

    4. What does it mean? What does it portend? The thought unsettled his mind even as he recast his plans

    5. Taking this opportunity for a quick break, he had a sip of his watered-down wine and then, unable to pull his mind away from the problem of the spell’s sudden failure he recast the spell

    6. With the old transport spells, learnt before the time when the crystals had became common practice, you could only move over your line-of-sight then recast the spell, repeating the process until you eventually reached your destination

    7. ’ Following Wheeler’s lead, various theorists are trying to recast quantum physics in terms of information theory

    8. tographic adaptations or any other form in THE WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHOR-which the Work may be recast, trans-

    9. born out of ignorance of these emerging realities have to be recast

    10. Another trend has been towards rationalistic astrology, which seeks to recast astrology in terms which would be acceptable to mainstream science

    11. In the 2009 elections, the traditional Sangh Parivar workers had been disillusioned with Advani’s attempt to recast himself as a more moderate Hindutva face

    12. · Many optimization problems can be recast into decision problems with the property that the decision problem can be solved in polynomial time iff the corresponding optimization problem can

    13. they recast the entire bell and rang it; it cracked again

    14. So they simply refused to ring that bell again; and refused to recast it a third time

    15. During those two weeks the general staff recast the entire strategy on the Eastern front, pulling armies away from the northern and southern flanks of this pending attack which Hitler had devised and throwing them all into a frontal assault on Moscow: with the result that none of these operations succeeded before winter set in

    16. Most of its canons are stolen and recast

    17. The four-point cross, an ancient wisdom symbol later recast as the

    18. The texts were recast to say that a powerful male god was directly causing the

    19. Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord was incorrectly recast as the

    20. while keeping in mind that this is a Hebrew text that was rewritten and recast to support Christian

    21. Mysticism–The product of misinterpreted and/or purposely recast ancient wisdom symbology that

    22. is abundantly clear that the New Testament is based on stolen and methodically recast Hebrew texts

    23. purposely organized around pre-existing ancient wisdoms symbols that were recast as mystical

    24. It is undeniable that the so-called miracles attributed to Jesus Christ are actually recast Hebrew symbolism, hence they are

    25. deceptively obscure and recast the meaning of ancient wisdom symbology throughout the Christian

    26. Most of the symbolism that was later recast, misrepresented, and misinterpreted by religions and

    27. It was later “captured” by Greco-Rome and deceptively recast and

    28. recast and confounded ancient symbology (Egyptian and Hebrew) that was merged with a formula of

    29. deceptively recast symbolism that has been presented as literal and/or supernatural events and

    30. they were recast as religion at the dawn of this epoch of civilization

    31. Ask yourself why the early founders and leaders of Christianity recast the ancient wisdom symbol

    32. symbologies, it has been purposely recast and confounded by religion and mysticism over the

    33. were used in Europe were also recast and repurposed to hide the wisdom that they modeled

    34. Like other tales in the New Testament, this story has been recast to

    35. ” Both have been recast and confounded through religious deception over

    36. The truth about them and their philosophies were purposely confounded and recast by Rome and

    37. religions to recast ancient symbolic narratives and concepts as literal assertions, they have also

    38. wisdom that religious leaders have long deceptively recast and purposefully confounded

    39. Rome went to great lengths to recast and repurpose stolen texts to build

    40. why the pivotal wisdom symbol of the cross and four elements was deceptively recast as the crucifix

    41. (sheep) headed sphinx, ergo the later lion and lamb symbolism of Revelation that has been recast by

    42. Jesus Christ and the assertions of Christianity are blatant deceptions crafted from recast

    43. is what the ancient wisdom that was later recast as hell and purgatory actually refers to

    44. how Christian interpolators recast the seven candles and angels to refer to seven literal churches

    45. likewise be undeniable that the New Testament is a blatant deception based on stolen and recast

    46. every other wisdom symbol, Rome recast it as a Christian cross and lied about its source

    47. The framers of the New Testament (Christian Rome) merely stole their stories and recast them as

    48. undeniable that stories about the Holy Grail and Mary Magdalene are recast symbolic

    49. byproduct of that wisdom is to expose how religions recast and embellished ancient wisdom

    50. • Likewise, most of the allusions to angels are recast and/or misinterpreted symbolism further

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