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registrar примеры предложений
1. suited, coiffured and qualified registrar
2. A couple of the days ago the consultant had asked the registrar why she was still on the ward, ‘Does she not have a home to go to?’ he had asked bluntly
3. In Australia and New Zealand, as in the United Kingdom, a doctor who wishes to become a specialist applies for a position as registrar (equivalent to resident in the USA) after completing his required years as house officer
4. Once accepted into a specialty the registrar then advances through the required number of years of specialty training (different for each specialty) and becomes senior registrar for his last year
5. When I was on call, most of the time there was also a senior registrar on duty
6. "[The registrar of voters] didn't want to accept that as my address," Stallman would later recall
7. For over an hour Lepine sat at the office of the registrar,
8. As a voter came in and signed in, the registrar could enable a separate code person to queue their substation for one available access/id letter code
9. As if that wasn't bad enough, I chose RegisterFly as my domain registrar
10. On the liber scolasticorum where Nostradamus had written his name for admission, the Student Registrar, Guillame Rondelet, scratched out Nostradamus‘ entry, noting in the margin: He whom you here see crossed out—mark well, reader—has been an apothecary or quack
11. All heads snapped in that direction and targeted two young women in poor, tattered clothes heading towards the table of the registrar clerk
12. name into their computer – your registrar will know where to locate your
13. In this case – your registrar would not know where your site is hosted and
14. To avoid this situation - all you have to do is simply ‘point’ your registrar
15. together – the registrar and the host - so my registrar knows where to send
16. Kolver, then the Registrar of Medical Aid Schemes, for registration of a new
17. The registration was duly approved by the Registrar and
18. a) Your domain registrar is based in US (Solution: Move all your domains to a non-US registrar, but not before estimating the costs of domain transfers);
19. To register your domain name, you need the services of a registrar
20. Lucy had meant to do exactly as Wemyss said and keep her marriage secret, creeping out of the house quietly, going off with him abroad after the registrar had bound them together, and telegraphing or writing to her aunt from some safe distant place _en route_ like Boulogne; but on saying good-night the evening before the wedding day, to her very great consternation her aunt, whom she was in the act of kissing, suddenly pushed her gently a little away, looked at her a moment, and then holding her by both arms said with conviction, 'It's to-morrow
21. If only she would take off her hat, thought Wemyss, bursting with pride, so that the registrar could see how young she looked with her short hair,--why, perhaps the old boy might think she was too young to be married and start asking searching questions! What fun that would be
22. 'Put the ring on your wife's finger,' ordered the registrar when, having got through the first part of the ceremony, Wemyss, busy beaming down at Lucy, forgot there was anything more to do
23. You will now paste your ns1 and ns2 information that your hosting company sent you - in the nameserver 1 and nameserver 2 boxes that are located in your Registrar
24. There was no reason for the Registrar of Births, or the Driving School, to use those addresses - no reason that he could think of
25. of the Registrar of Companies
26. At six o'clock, with the aid of the charwoman, she laid him out; then she went round the dreary London village to the registrar and the doctor
27. The first thing she did there was check the mailbox, in case there was some warning from the registrar waiting for Dad
28. registrar: the organization that maintains the record of a company’s shares and their ownership; run by specialist registrar companies, most of them owned by major banks
29. Both of these 1-byte fields use values assigned by the IEEE, which functions as the registrar for the protocol
30. The domain registrar maintains records that identify the owner of each second-level domain and specify three contacts within the registrant’s organization—an administrative contact, a billing contact, and a technical contact
31. In addition, the registrar must have the IP addresses of two DNS servers that function as the source for further information about the domain
32. As far as corporate trust activities are concerned, First National City did become the registrar for Corporation common
33. After that, of course, the deluge!—and, thinking to float it out the better on a certificate of marriage, Veynes took Miss Rosamond to the registrar