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    1. “Very clear,” Johnny said, biting back remarks that would only lead to having to listen to Ackers talk more

    2. She had heard my previous remarks to a caller concerning ants and aphids and their relationship

    3. There is more and more pressure at work; Yota's pungent remarks about a writer of Pangaea who wasn't paid in time because I was too late in typing his entry, as she said

    4. In general, they were satisfied with us, but they made some remarks regarding the atmosphere of frivolity in the class and the teacher was obliged to reprimand certain persons

    5. She usually opens her mouth only to belittle me with offensive remarks such as “I have all the ideas, I am clever, whereas you can't think of anything, you are brainless!”

    6. The years of conditioning and polite remarks made to him by family friends and retainers were so ingrained that he was convinced that he was the only sane person walking the city streets that night

    7. The ruffians quieted and watched as the ladies passed close by; then some made inappropriate remarks just loud enough for the ladies to hear

    8. Bram’s remarks, immediately stood up and offered his chair to the

    9. Most of his remarks concerned the defects of the engine he

    10. These remarks provoked a reprise of some earlier thoughts in

    11. The men’s bathroom raised a couple of less than complimentary remarks from the secretary of the association … mostly on the subject of empty toilet rolls and how no man she had ever met could understand the mechanism which required the replacement of an empty toilet roll with a fresh one

    12. remarks flying across the cafeteria

    13. nervously and accompanied his remarks with a quick glance

    14. I looked at Roman, who was of course unmoved by Carl’s remarks

    15. Pick had no snide remarks for me or the rest of the gamblers

    16. He…he made some insulting remarks about Jews and

    17. Soft whispers, of innuendos, and snide remarks, when they didn't think she was listening

    18. She ignored them and moved on, climbing upwards through the High Tower, her skin too thick with scars to allow any childish remarks to penetrate

    19. At meals, she took far more pleasure in catty remarks than in the food

    20. smile at their teasing remarks as they called me ‘Jeejaji’

    21. “Leave all that, yaar,” I said, avoiding such remarks as a rule

    22. Throughout the drive Liam continued to bait me with his remarks, which bothered me until I realized that his teasing was flirting

    23. Mr Locke remarks a distinction between money and other moveable goods

    24. When in salary negotiations, employees should "low-ball" in their opening remarks

    25. As I mentioned in my opening remarks, we have to clear this room before the end of the hour

    26. His favorite remarks were, “I was a real nerd I think

    27. has been babbling about!” He sounded a little curt and as the evening progressed his remarks became more on the

    28. He began his remarks to his guests by telling them that there was that night more talent in the room than any other night, other than those nights when Jefferson dined alone

    29. He could hear scattered applause, one or two encouraging remarks shouted over the noise, a few mocking calls and a general disinterested chatter

    30. Keljar’s eyes appeared to stare inward at these remarks, rubbing his golden beard for a time before he said, “My apologies, Lady Silverblade

    31. (Did he really cut down that cherry tree?) Now, compare his remarks and sentiments to those of the present occupant of the White House

    32. I learned a bit about keeping my smart-Alec remarks to myself

    33. The Judge sentenced him to death as expected and made a few choice remarks on his lack of knowledge on what communism is in academic terms

    34. Grey had protested violently, and Brock's nose twitched in vexation as he recalled the remarks that the old badger had thrown at him

    35. Or cover over My ways with darkness, Nor let the remarks of the wayward enter in

    36. Dean‘s thoughtless remarks about a ―pathetic old man‖ recalls the relentless efforts of dedicated Nazi Hunters who spent the greater part of their (adult) lives tracking down and bringing to justice ―former‖ war criminals who evaded criminal prosecution after the war and lived to a ―respectable,‖ ripe old age

    37. Cosmo had not blinked at the smart remarks

    38. The tambourine player gasped in surprise when a half-crazed Detective Inspector Grunt wrenched the tambourine from his hand, pounded across the snow, and laid into us, shouting some very un-Christian like remarks

    39. His caustic remarks provoked a number of (unformed) thoughts in my mind including but not limited to 1) the boundaries separating treasonous statements from free speech 2) plausible grounds calling for his immediate dismissal 3) the appalling lack of character and common sense conspicuously absent among (so-called) Intellectuals and (dis-engaging) parents (refer to John Walker Lindh) who casually dismiss the questionable attitudes and positions adopted by their children while routinely footing the bill for their college tuitions and 4) more recently, a former relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves (John Rocker) who was sentenced by the court of public opinion to perform community service after making unsavory remarks to a newspaper reporter about Gays and African Americans inconsistent with the (civic) requirements of social and politically correct conventions

    40. Dawley translated, amusing the general with my remarks

    41. The remarks themselves matter little in the long run

    42. What Romney would have done as president depends on whether one takes him at his word during the campaign, or argues he only said these remarks to pander to pro-war conservatives who looked at him with suspicion

    43. He wondered, noticing the fresh scratches crossing the swell of her bosom, if the remarks he’d made to Brian Walston when he’d questioned him in the prison yard might have induced him to think that she may have made some kind of deal behind his back with his investigators

    44. He’d been trying to regain some control, but Truman’s remarks shook him every bit as much as had the bullet, the knifing and the rest of it

    45. With the ancient sound of a didgeridoo echoing through his mind, Brownie took offence at Cassa’s remarks

    46. Major Guighan stood stock still as the General’s incisive remarks made their way to his heart and mind

    47. Giving them a wide berth usually kept her from having to listen to remarks about her unusual occupation

    48. Olufemi made some colourful remarks about the driving conditions, to which Ethan pointed out they should be happy they weren’t being shot at

    49. " In fact, we should not overlook His intention that sustenance should be vegetarian, as the hagiographer remarks: "Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth, and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food

    50. His staff will gather the remarks of the left leaning media on a particular issue

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