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    1. Eighteenth century British statesman and namesake of the Falkland Islands (not the Malvinas, as Argentina would have us believe), and let us never forget the American President who in 1982 helped Margaret Thatcher retake them after Argentina invaded

    2. Perhaps a tunnel lay behind it, providing a secret path in – perhaps even a path which could be used in time to retake the keep before the mercenaries arrived

    3. She had kept alive their once chance to retake it before morning, before the mercenaries arrived to make the conquest complete

    4. What would happen to Hawaii? Plantation owners not only overthrew the legitimate Hawaiian Queen, Liliuokalani, they defeated an attempt by Hawaiians to retake their homeland

    5. It is so important that parents retake the guardian’s role in relation to diet

    6. Why did he feel that need except that there was a remnant of the followers of EL in it and other places, that the followers of Yahweh felt a strong need to take, or was it really to retake? Jebusites had settled there or taken it by force at some time between the time of Abraham and David

    7. I just had to do a retake when he said that, to check if his tongue was in his cheek or not, particularly as he was in the process of lighting up again

    8. Remember, the hordes of sin are ready to retake our lands, and enslave

    9. The latter decided he would retake Napoles, but on the way, his Suizo pike men refused to fight until they were paid

    10. 2 So all that remained in the city of Tapnach came out to fight with the sons of Jacob, and they thought to retake from them the booty and the spoil which they had captured from Chazar and Sarton

    11. 2 So all that remained in the city of Tapnach came out to fight with the sons of Jacob and they thought to retake from them the booty and the spoil which they had captured from Chazar and Sarton

    12. was just in time to retake his pole from the now-faltering Shobal

    13. Our enemy will not rest easy until he has regained the strength to come for you again and try to retake the mind-cane

    14. Isn’t that what they teach you Su-Katii? What we need from you now is to break out of these mountains and retake the mine…’ Sorus paused for a moment, not wanting to give the last of the news,

    15. She held out hope the Major would retake the ship, and restore proper order, but as the time went by, her hopes dimmed

    16. The generals argued across the globe and had decided to try to retake the northern lands

    17. A volley of crossbow quarrels routed the mob, and a charge of horsemen littered the market with bodies, but Athemides was smuggled out of the city to plead with Trocero to retake Tamar, and march to aid Shamar

    18. Emerson knew that the Federation would rally to their defense if only because it would give the Federation’s conservatives the excuse to retake the star systems that had been absorbed into the Swordsman held territories

    19. The Taliban would be stupid not to use that golden opportunity to retake some lost ground

    20. The rioters killed many foreigners but the Romans still held the Antonia fortress when I left and will most probably retake the city as soon as they can receive reinforcements

    21. Peter Stilwell, sandwiched between General Ismay and George Townsend in the third row of spectators, shifted uneasily in his seat as he listened to the Imperial Staff colonel briefing Prime Minister Churchill and dozens of senior officers on Operation VIKING RAIDER, the plan to retake Norway and close the access of the Baltic Sea to the Germans

    22. They were now in a standoff, with the Anglo-Canadians unable to retake the airfield and the Germans unable to use it as long as the Canadians’ mortars were within range of it

    23. While the United States is not in a position right now to retake Korea, it intends to stop the Soviets from grabbing any more territory, including the Japanese Kuril Islands

    24. Given a week or two, it will be next to impossible for the Japanese to retake by force those islands without sustaining horrendous casualties in the process

    25. If Japan wishes to retake the Senkaku Islands from China, it will then have to do it in a hurry, before the Chinese can fortify the islands and land sizeable garrisons on them

    26. You should now have on your computer my prepared video presentation, which will take about three minutes to play and was taken at first inside the helicopter that was carrying me and some of the Japanese soldiers now fighting to retake the islands

    27. Did you know that Ho Chi Minh, who was fighting the Japanese during World War Two, twice asked for the help of the United States then and got some through the services of our OSS, now replaced by the CIA? We could have then convinced Ho Chi Minh to participate in a democratic local government, but we missed the boat and let the French retake control of Indochina

    28. She then went on to help retake Papua New-Guinea by a series of masterful air assaults and emasculated the Japanese fleet at Rabaul Harbor

    29. Croesus of Lydia in Asia Minor sought to retake some territory the Medes had taken from Lydia

    30. When it’ll slap you, you never retake in your life

    31. But it was too late for me to retake anything

    32. He had even led an HSF combat unit during the hard fight needed to retake Ares City, on Mars, from the thugs of the Earth Federation Internal Security Forces

    33. He waited for the day when his heart would be mended, and the day when he would return and retake the earth, and punish the humans who had raped it

    34. Undine had explained to them that Garcia was on the Pa Nun with Kitara and a team that would be boarding the SaLing to retake it

    35. “You should retake your movement, now that Mister Tyler has refused it

    36. And so she would retake her ship, along with her vengeance and a pirate’s bounty

    37. ' Walter did a rapid retake

    38. that studying was a waste of time because they would let him retake

    39. We have to think through how to retake the trees

    40. to retake the silver tests, which I have in effect passed

    41. “We must retake the former position as the Mighty Companion for ourselves, but only temporarily before the Dixon family realizes what’s going on

    42. Hitler’s decision to invade and retake Western Prussia was never intended to become a World War

    43. Either the Versailles treaty was a flawed unfair treaty, in which case it was not sacred and Hitler had every right to break it and retake the stolen lands of West Prussia and the corridor to the sea and the port of Danzig and England had no fucking business declaring war on Germany… or the treaty of Versailles was a sacred document which was both right and just and dealt with the winners and the losers of WW1 fairly and justly

    44. Judea to retake the territory

    45. “I offered protection until your brother could retake the job himself

    46. In desperation, the Iron Lady has reached out to Ronald Reagan, asking the United States to help Britain retake the Falklands

    47. Since we were now only eleven seats behind, we would only need six more seats in the next election to retake the majority—an ambitious but not impossible goal

    48. But our staff had something going for us that they didn’t: the 2008 elections were coming, and it appeared the Democrats might do even better in Congress than they had in 2006 and could retake the White House

    49. With naval gunfire support, a couple of the new Siddarmarkian rifle divisions should be able to retake Salyk quickly, at which point we begin an advance up the North Hildermoss from the coast towards Cat-Lizard Lake

    50. “In that case, is there any possibility of Nybar breaking out to the south? Could he retake Rankylyr and rejoin Wyrshym?”

    1. When she brought attention to it, film was confiscated, X-rays were retaken with less voltage, and she was quarantined

    2. “Now stop playing with him!!!” Quewanak thundered over the Link as soon as Mark had retaken control of it

    3. “We’re reporting here as their relief,” he motioned toward the other two Special Forces soldiers who’d been with her since she’d retaken the bridge—not very long ago

    4. Hausser ordered Kharkov should be retaken and on 2nd March the Panzer Korps advanced to be engaged in brutal fighting for the next two weeks until the city fell back into German hands on 21st March

    5. “We still have not retaken Fornebu Airfield? And what is the R

    6. retaken; he knew that their time would come

    7. Since thenVenice has retaken her position as the

    8. This could cause frustration or unnecessary concern with the patient wondering why their vitals are being retaken – was there something out of the ordinary causing them to be redone?

    9. their followers were killed and themagazine was retaken by the French, but the incident

    10. There is no earthly doubt that he is retaken

    11. More than two hundred British servicemen have lost their lives on land and sea, but British troops have successfully retaken many parts of the Falklands

    12. At the same time, the heretic navy is once more operating throughout the eastern half of Hsing-wu’s Passage, they’ve reoccupied Spinefish Bay and retaken Salyk, they’re in the process of restoring the Guarnak-Ice Ash Canal, and their ironclads are once again operating up the Hildermoss River

    13. The protective berms of the onetime Dohlaran batteries, captured when Claw Island was retaken from the Royal Dohlaran Navy, were lined with wildly cheering Marines and Imperial Charisian Navy seamen, and seabirds and wyverns eddied about the heavens, crying out in protest of the hullabaloo rising from the island’s human occupants

    14. He’d also read the available reports on the Battle of Iythria, and he and Saint Frydhelm had visited Claw Island after the Dohlarans had retaken it from the heretics

    15. The Confederates, he told them, had retaken Atlanta after Sherman marched out, but it was a valueless prize as Sherman had burned it completely

    16. But before that order was given- almost as soon in fact as the adjutant had left Borodino- the bridge had been retaken by the Russians and burned, in the very skirmish at which Pierre had been present at the beginning of the battle

    17. retaken, but that Prince Bagration was wounded

    18. Finally, I think it was during his thirteenth year, he made a last attempt, and only succeeded in getting retaken at the end of four hours of absence

    19. But before that order was given—almost as soon in fact as the adjutant had left Borodinó—the bridge had been retaken by the Russians and burned, in the very skirmish at which Pierre had been present at the beginning of the battle

    20. At eleven o’clock they brought him news that the flèches captured by the French had been retaken, but that Prince Bagratión was wounded

    1. He was actually relieved when Sinatra dropped out, though, because Ol’ Blue Eyes was well known for following his own rules—shooting nine to five, limited retakes, and other special treatment

    2. He said, “Sometimes [Marilyn’s lateness, demand for constant retakes, etc

    1. Once the tide of the war began to turn for the US, MacArthur pushed for retaking the Philippines

    2. By pushing to conquer all of North Korea instead of just retaking all of South Korean territory, MacArthur was not seeing that this provoked newly Communist China

    3. retaking of the Philippines

    4. Three hundred and thirty-two thousand Sylvan and Serminaki dragons declared by voice and by Speaking to everyone within their range that they stood with The Just Alliance, and most of them succeeded in retaking control of their own power from Zarkog

    5. "You can help me by retaking the ship

    6. Garcia proceeded to catch everyone up to speed on their objective of retaking the

    7. anger as he considered his plans for retaking the SaLing

    8. I’m not retaking the shot

    9. Hitler was responsible for invading Poland… But that was a result of 10 years of wrangling and arguing with the Polish govt over the stolen part of Western Prussia and the repatriation German people under Polish rule: it a perfectly legitimate retaking of the stolen lands of Western Prussia which the allies had taken from Germany after Germany lost the 1st World War

    10. There was a reason the handful of schooners the heretics had lost since retaking Claw Island had each fallen prey to one of his own copper-sheathed galleons and even then only in heavy, blowing weather where the larger Dohlaran ship had been able to carry more sail than the schooner

    1. Saginaw to proceed to Acapulco immediately in order to have a United States vessel there in case the French retook Acapulco,

    2. supported by Antony’s Roman legions, retook Jerusalem in 37 BC

    3. He stood up and retook his chair

    4. He followed Emily back to the room and retook his seat and waited as she pulled on a pair of flannel shorts and vest top and climbed into bed

    5. The next year, Churchill retook the Sandhurst exams and passed

    6. The reason Hitler retook the stolen lands taken away by the Versailles treaty was because he did not believe that England or France would declare war, when he was only reclaiming the land of Germanic people stolen from Germany by the Versailles Treaty

    7. At the eleven-hundred-meter mark, Germany retook the lead from Italy

    8. The information they had suggested there were nasty shoals around Symov, and the Harchongians had removed the navigation buoys when the Imperial Charisian Navy retook Claw Island from the Dohlarans

    9. I’ve been all up and down this section since we retook miles south to Savannah

    10. But I also knew that it would only be a matter of seconds before they reached a safe location and retook control of their drones and the Icebreaker

    11. He retook his seat, thinking about juror number three, Valerie Truman, the single mother who worked at a library and earned a thousandth of what Candace Martin made in a year

    12. They attacked the Croatian Serbs, retook the Serb-held land – and raped and shot as many Serbs as they could find

    13. Bertram set off for, and Miss Crawford was prepared to find a great chasm in their society, and to miss him decidedly in the meetings which were now becoming almost daily between the families; and on their all dining together at the Park soon after his going, she retook her chosen place near the bottom of the table, fully expecting to feel a most melancholy difference in the change of masters

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    retake recapture