Используйте «ribaldry» в предложении
ribaldry примеры предложений
1. Though there was much ribaldry and many drinking games after the men finished their
2. Pancho, who was noted for ribaldry and profane jokes and profane language in anyone’s presence, was the picture of decorum the whole luncheon
3. made herself the butt of sexist jokes and ribaldry?
4. The presence even for a moment among a party of debauchees of a woman endued with every quality of modesty and not less severe than beautiful refrained the humourous sallies even of the most licentious but her departure was the signal for an outbreak of ribaldry
5. good manners and politeness were inviolably observed: there was no gross ribaldry, no offensive or rude behaviour, or ungenerous reproaches to the girls for their compliance With the humours and desires of the men
6. In the house he could heard the faint ribaldry as Mirror, Mirror was played