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    Используйте «rosin» в предложении

    rosin примеры предложений


    1. 23 And the king's servants, that put them in, ceased not to make the oven hot with rosin, pitch, tow, and small wood;

    2. A tight vessel, cylindrically shaped, was first employed, containing rosin, connected with a small boiler by a pipe which entered near the bottom, and extended nearly its length, having small apertures, over which were two inverted gutters, inclining or sloping upwards over each other; the upper one longer than the other, intended to detain the steam in the rosin, in its way to the surface

    3. The rosin being heated, carburetted hydrogen gas would issue from the outlet, or pipe, inserted near the top of the vessel, and being ignited, afforded a small blaze, about as large as that of a candle; but, when the steam was allowed to flow, this blaze would instantly shoot out many hundred times its former bulk, to the distance of two or three feet

    4. Another apparatus was constructed, consisting of two vessels, one within the other, having a cover common to both; the inner one to contain tar, (as a more convenient substance than rosin;) the outer vessel to contain water, which surrounds the other, and lies under its bottom; or, in other words, a vessel of tar set into a vessel of boiling water

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    Синонимы для "rosin"

    resin rosin