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1. ~ Researchers in the US have found that skipping breakfast routinely can indirectly increase the chances of developing diabetes and heart disease as the sugar deficient body craves for fatty foods which are hard to resist
2. mantra in a country where desires are routinely crushed
3. time, as he routinely healed the blind and crippled,
4. intentions, are routinely abandoned when new insights
5. Inmates routinely omitted one line in the pledge of allegiance, often
6. Waterhouse routinely accepted commissions
7. All of the previous had become routinely repetitive years ago though and what she once carried out with pride and zeal was now just a part of her daily and weekly things-to-do list that was methodically checked off in robotic fashion
8. Remarkably, this major neck twisting movement is routinely carried out without his having to go in afterwards for some heavy-duty, chiropractic therapy at the local buho medical building!
9. He nevertheless remained concerned for the other Nord and took to looking over his shoulder routinely, to make sure he had not fallen too far behind
10. Musical talents and interpersonal skills are not measured by IQ tests – which only measure verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical domains – but IQ is routinely thought of as a statement of overall intelligence
11. Congress now routinely passes laws that violate Constitutional provisions, which our current Constitution-hating Chief Executive is only too happy to sign into law
12. Police bashing has become the prevailing custom in many of our urban centers despite the heroic efforts of the many brave men and women who routinely place their lives on the line each and every day protecting law-abiding citizens
13. In the old days it was Immigrants, Catholics, Labor and Farming, among other groups that were routinely pandered to
14. Immigration Reform is unlikely to occur anytime soon for the (very) simple reason that such measures designed to quiet the tides of illegal immigration must necessarily conflict with the efforts of corporate lobbyists and their political minions in conjunction with private enterprises that have come to rely heavily on cheaper sources of labor to operate their businesses and who have repeatedly demonstrated their calloused indifference to rules of law and native born working men and women and are willing to operate outside the law if that‘s what it takes, at the expense of Native Americans for the ―benefit‖ of Illegal Aliens who are ―here‖ to collect a paycheck if nothing else, who routinely flaunt our nation‘s laws while abetting an underground economy injurious to open markets
15. Then again, aren‘t such Keynesian practices still being routinely championed by legislatures in our own country?
16. Such mannerisms that, in a more congenial era, would have been properly frowned upon by a politer society, are now routinely encouraged in today‘s bread and circus
17. Meanwhile, future (employment) opportunities continue to look grim for the American Worker as companies are presently finding themselves in the enviable position of being able to secure their labor requirements from an expanding (global) pool of labor including such (potential) resources who are routinely flaunting our nation‘s borders
18. On the other hand, half-hearted efforts routinely performed do not meet the requirements of good faith and are therefore insufficient in themselves
19. Indifference to customary (religious) attitudes is a cause of grave concern; especially among practicing Christians and (Orthodox) Jews alike who perceive the gradual erosion of the underlying principles and teachings of proud (religious) traditions and its demoralizing effect on society; of Christians and Jews in name only who are routinely abandoning their churches and synagogues while shedding their religious customs and beliefs in alarming numbers to worship before the alter of the ―golden calf‖
20. Although this ―group‖ is routinely characterized by the ―mainstream‖ media as right-wing fanatics, this enigmatic contingent, commonly referred to as ―swing voters,‖
21. What audiences are routinely being exposed to, however, are parents portrayed as unaware, uninformed, unstable in their own manner and out of touch, much to the chagrin of their complacently smug and obnoxious children who always seem to ―Know Better
22. When principles of non-violence are either self-contained or practiced unconditionally under circumstances (otherwise) calling for a measured response, (sound) judgment and common sense appealing to the requirements of a peaceful, well-ordered society that every citizen (otherwise) owes an obligation, and whose conspicuous merits, perhaps laudable in some instances, however questionable at other times, and where (such) natural impulses are routinely rejected, even more remarkably when Property and Person and at times the Nation, are at risk by (anti-social) individuals determined to provoke harm; weighs in the balance, and where (institutional) recourse is problematical or uncertain, an (individual) is required, inasmuch as it lies within that individual‘s capacity to do so, to discourage such annoyances as they may present themselves to that individual as well as that individual‘s family and friends, however contrary to that individual‘s ―nature,‖ lest that individual‘s misplaced pacifism further encourage mischief makers and bullies alike, by providing license to habitually upset the harmony and safety of private and public concerns as it (otherwise) suits their primitive whims
23. If this sounds like so much hyperbole, the reader might properly consider the confiscatory tax policies of socialist governments that have routinely driven many of its most productive citizens to safer (tax) havens in order to ward off efforts designed to appropriate their wealth
24. ) Adopting conspicuously faulty and (otherwise) self-serving reasoning conveniently side-steps a very important fact; that we all exist in a less than perfect world subject to changing fortunes and other unexpected events that routinely challenge our mettle; and that Nature, however, has its own inestimable manner of compensating each of us with an innate capacity to endure hardships and rise above our present condition however unfavorable or improbable our prospects for a ―better‖ life may appear and that an individual‘s threshold for suffering and privation oftentimes vary in proportion to that individual‘s (mental) endurance and acquired habits in spite of that individual‘s accustomed environment and in any event, such (gratuitous) impressions are problematical at best and should not serve as a litmus test in determining who should or should not be permitted to live or given an equal opportunity to exercise free choice(s) pre-empted by selfish motives indifferent to such rights; motives whose arbitrary designs are (otherwise) impervious to the apparent limits or consequences of questionable solutions whose (hardened) indifference to Life must inevitably diminish the (inherent) value a society confers upon its citizens regardless of their station in life
25. while draft dodgers are elevated to higher office…where death is an option…where narrow-minded assumptions routinely dismiss Truth‘s proper standing…where prescriptive authority seeks its (own) rewards rather than the public good…
26. The hastening of scholastic mediocrity in America‘s (urban) Public School System is understood by the efforts of (its) soft-headed administrators and educators seeking to promote equality of results at the expense of its brightest students, many of whom are routinely held in check in order to allow their less talented classmates ―sufficient‖ opportunity to play catch-up; oftentimes necessitating a lowering of academic standards for the ―benefit‖ of other students who are intellectually less gifted, thereby promoting false impressions of academic achievement where performance results are (oftentimes) questionable
27. This, coming from a degenerate who routinely abused his body (over the years) with drugs and alcohol and heaven knows what else
28. Question: Should public servants be permitted to own stock in companies that routinely seek political favors within their immediate sphere of influence?
29. Carter‘s endlessly quixotic ―peacekeeping‖ overtures to autocratic regimes throughout the Third World in a transparent attempt at redeeming his failed presidency; this is not to imply, however, that our ex-president does not (otherwise) share a certain sympathy with such leaders as evidenced by his fawning indifference to human and civil rights abuses routinely evident in many of those countries
30. standards risen in recent years; a great, big house furnished with all the modern conveniences, purchasing or leasing a new car every couple of years, a television in every room, showcase furniture, expensive trips abroad, extensive wardrobes, routinely dining out, consumer products purchased and quickly discarded, electronic gadgets, exercise equipment, cell phones for each family member, casino gambling, so on and so forth
31. That illegal aliens continue to routinely 111
32. To this purpose, a number of terrorist organizations are being routinely supported by hostile (Arab) Nations sharing a common, distorted primitive worldview of Western Values encouraged, in part, by soft-headed internationalists, self-congratulatory appeasers, and useful idiots who continue to provide a moral and intellectual base of support to the ideological opponents of Freedom
33. Christ‘s principled teachings are oftentimes questioned by Secularists, Atheists and (nominal) ―Christians‖ alike who routinely disclaim their authenticity by either challenging scriptural interpretations or biblical precedence(s) mentioned in His teachings; that is to say, questioning whether or not Christ specifically said this or said that or whether His (contemporary) followers/biographers simply put words in His mouth in order to lend legitimacy to an incipient religious movement inasmuch as Christ, Himself, never 122
34. That judicial nominees are being routinely challenged on private matters of Faith is setting a troubling precedence in our nation
35. It is easy enough, I suppose, for café latte types earning above average salaries to criticize the company from the vantage point of high-rise corporate towers and sprawling industrial parks where office workers, comfortably ensconced in the privacy of their cubicles, routinely shop on their Internets or indulge in a casual game of solitaire while pretending to look busy
36. Missing are the notable, home like qualities and atmosphere of mom-and-pop stores, common in my youth, that are being routinely superseded by uniform shopping centers
37. The Motion Picture industry has enjoyed a long running fetish with strong, physically intimidating women routinely beating up on or otherwise skillfully out-maneuvering the obnoxious designs of pretentious, self-centered males filled with a heightened sense of their (own) self-importance; convenient foils portrayed as anachronistic, insensitive, chauvinistic types deserving an occasional thrashing every so often from women scorned or in response to inopportune or unsolicited (sexual) banterings or harmless wisecracks intended to make a definitive statement about strong women coming of age
38. In the real world, it is men, if they may be properly called men, who are stalking and routinely beating up on defenseless spouses and girlfriends at an alarming rate
39. The evolution of uniform military standards, however, subsequently rendered militias, in the traditional sense, obsolete until the events of 9/11 raised important questions about our nation‘s seemingly impregnable borders that have subsequently lent legitimacy to the efforts of ―Minutemen‖ who routinely patrol our porous Southwestern borders with this one notable exception: most are likely to employ binoculars rather than muskets
40. Delnagro‘s troubling column (―Anthem gets attention‖) questioning why players and fans attending professional sporting events should be required to stand during the playing of our National Anthem, despite conflicting ideological viewpoints, instead of being allowed to ―sit it out in peace‖, if that is their desire, underscores a disturbing tendency among a number of Americans who routinely take peace for granted
41. It is unfortunate that as modern society, of which sports is a microcosm, routinely over-steps the boundaries of polite manners and good taste, that it is increasingly encouraging an ―in your face‖, self-centered generation of athletes who are setting the wrong examples for our youth
42. How much longer is our nation expected to fill the coffers of rogue nations that routinely utilize its (oil) revenues to finance our destruction! One can only hope that once public concern supersedes its off-handed complacency by making its presence felt in Washington, that its (collective) impact will hopefully override the perennial lip service that oftentimes passes itself off as a genuine commitment to solving this dilemma
43. At that time, believe it or not, empires routinely went to war to collect money owed to businesses in their countries
44. His caustic remarks provoked a number of (unformed) thoughts in my mind including but not limited to 1) the boundaries separating treasonous statements from free speech 2) plausible grounds calling for his immediate dismissal 3) the appalling lack of character and common sense conspicuously absent among (so-called) Intellectuals and (dis-engaging) parents (refer to John Walker Lindh) who casually dismiss the questionable attitudes and positions adopted by their children while routinely footing the bill for their college tuitions and 4) more recently, a former relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves (John Rocker) who was sentenced by the court of public opinion to perform community service after making unsavory remarks to a newspaper reporter about Gays and African Americans inconsistent with the (civic) requirements of social and politically correct conventions
45. What I find surprising, however, is that many were/are routinely elected from traditionally conservative districts and states
46. This in addition to liberal judges who have routinely used the bench to advance their own private prejudices without the formal consent of the governed; by judicial fiat and questionable constitutional interpretations conforming to their world views
47. In this manner our oligarchical courts have evolved into ideological breeding grounds for ―progressive‖ reforms and social engineering where voter expression(s) are routinely overturned
48. Bruce has long been exonerated by the Court of Public Opinion whose increasing complacency for gross stupidity and thoughtless expression(s) has provided a forum for the likes of self-centered ―comedians‖ who routinely project anger, hate and a genuine contempt for conventional manners under comedic
49. I feel that the reason for her unqualified support is that this attractive figure‘s rags to riches story has keenly affected the (starved) imaginations of individuals who have come to know her ―intimately‖; unlike the nameless, faceless individuals routinely hatching plots inside corporate board rooms
50. It is true that there have always existed (the) opportunist‘s among us; so-called public servants who routinely violated their sacred oath by placing self-interest above the interests of the people; who viewed their respective offices as so many conduits for attaining power and prestige