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    ruins примеры предложений


    1. Many of the legends found in the literature of other civilizations can be excavated in the ruins here

    2. a pallid ghost among the ruins of their estates in the mountains, a woman who wore

    3. America was still officially a nation at the time, though Washington was in ruins and the new capital at Dallas not far behind

    4. She was restoring everything of his to how it had been in 2278, hoping that would soften the blow of waking up as a clone in the ruins of Biology Base

    5. "You mean is it a primitive civilization in ruins or an immense and ancient civilization thousands of years ahead of us in everything but energy technology?"

    6. It was like the ruins of Susa, restored and perfected

    7. The meeting went late, until the full moon was getting high over the ruins of Susa

    8. They came away remembering that the leaves don't shrivel in the dark and the animal bones aren't wood and that all the animals look like little furry people with tails and that the cities are all just the bare skeletons of buildings that they think look like abandoned ruins

    9. Unlike her mother, a poor and feeble creature tied to the old days, a woman who shimmered like a pallid ghost among the ruins of their estates in the mountains, a woman who wore the same, disgustingly stained gown throughout her long and decrepit life, this Countess had broken with those dusty traditions

    10. I did a sabbatical in the wilds, hiked all the way up to the ruins of Numidor, did the monastery scene and then became a migrant field hand for thousands of fertile-prairie miles out east somewhere or other and wound up in Hrrst decades later

    11. the stumbling ruins of a font

    12. Refused so completely that the data showed no city here, just jungle-covered ruins

    13. They had seen nothing but ruins

    14. "We see a misty mountain of jungle-covered ruins but the natives still think it's downtown

    15. I found it while ferreting around in the ruins of a castle stronghold in the north of Wales where she was imprisoned for some time before being transferred to Wight where she spent the last years of her life

    16. In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old (Amos 9:11)

    17. It seems unmarked by its long rest in the ruins of the Roman shop

    18. She hiked about an hour before she came to something interesting, the ruins of a road

    19. He found out that they were storing some of their plunder in the beloved ruins on our own little island of Faria

    20. The high plateaux are impenetrable except by way of the narrow gorge and they say you can still see the ruins of houses and the chapel looking down onto the beach, a perfect watching place

    21. 'You can still see the ruins of the chapel of Agia Melina surrounded by big chunks of marble

    22. “He made up the humans and all the pretty animals, but there was something in the ruins of that planet and those crystal balls on poles, those signals were real

    23. Its devices might live on in the ruins and that protocol the avatar decoded might even be real, but the inhabitants of those cities have been gone at least a thousand years

    24. When at last I caught up with the others, they were on the lip of a wide plateau of sandy rock and there, emerging from the wiry scrub, stood a tidy cluster of stubborn ruins and dry stone walls that seemed determined to stand forever

    25. My hands stroked the old, old stones bordering the ruins of the basilica of Agia Melina and by climbing on one at my feet I was able to look over the walls at the proud white marble columns still upright in the grounds

    26. Then she spoke, 'So, these looters use the sacred ruins at Faria as their base, that much is definite

    27. It's not for sale and anyway, there are sacred ruins

    28. 'Sacred ruins? Protected? Oh, don't be so damned sentimental

    29. Emanuele went on to tell me that the cobbled street leads down to the ruins of a Roman palace

    30. The forest had grown back over the ruins that were once the suburban sea around Reston, except where a few yards remained clear and well armed families grew crops in the clearing, living in the circled hulks of old cars and trucks covered with tarps

    31. The Angels even slagged Washington, though there was nothing left there but scavengers picking at the ruins

    32. She never asked, and Ava never seemed to get home the concept that the essential difference was that Koruki lived in a healthy and thriving civilization, while Ava lived in the ruins of a former one

    33. together and ruins himself

    34. This was not the pyramid, this was something even older, perhaps the oldest works of man he had seen since the ruins of the old north

    35. Unlike those ruins, this was in constant use

    36. ' They began stumbling through the ruins

    37. Your parents were under the wall … your mother was brought out of the ruins alive and lived long enough to be taken to hospital but she died from her injuries

    38. If you could only understand how we are still the same, I’ve been flesh and Angel and flesh again and I’m still me, the girl from the parking garage in the ruins of Reston who really did love you

    39. Eve looked towards the village, and saw the ruins of the Delacroix Church and the Park

    40. “This village shall serve as my throne, as we spread truth and justice across the universe!” Justice announced, and out of the ruins of Trouble Valley he rose a great, giant pillar, and on the top was his throne, which he proceeded to sit down upon

    41. Trouble Valley was in ruins

    42. And so now the five children were returned to normal, here in the ruins of the Yohannan house, here with Wiremu, Tipene, Sunil and Madhavari

    43. He said this when he was up at the ruins of the castle

    44. Some of the villagers had gone back to the ruins of the old village

    45. Matt walked through the ruins of the Revelation Hotel, until he came to Room 7-14

    46. and the ruins be rebuilt

    47. It had been built as the stables of Oliar’s castle, the ruins of which loomed behind the house and fields on the other side of the street

    48. Alan thought it looked like the ruins had lain there at least a thousand years

    49. They had no idea that the diagnostic channel existed, it had been de-activated long before their crystal had been rescued from the ruins of Dempala

    50. crannies of the area, and the obscure ruins he’d run to

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    Синонимы для "ruins"

    wreck debris shipwreck hulk