A good rule of thumb for crawl space ventilation is about two square feet of opening for every 25 lineal feet of wall
Just as a general rule of thumb I would use a pop-up on an information site and
As a rule of thumb it should be no more than twice the previous purchase
The bigger the dog, the bigger the handler, was the rule of thumb which is not to say he smaller man could not handle a big dog
foods are best, and my rule of thumb is to offer the best quality, least processed food
As a general rule of thumb, look for a university website first, or news analysis by professors
All this seems to have been summed up in the personal rule of thumb called the Golden Rule
A sensible rule of thumb for an end-to-end system is to estimate four to eight hours of
It can be as simple as observing the ten-to-one rule of thumb: one person in the user
Rule of thumb: When the focus is on you, you have pride
and the Japanese accents are often confused (and the rule of thumb is so easy:
The rule of thumb is no funny stuff and it
A rule of thumb that could be followed by risk-averse
good rule of thumb, but the problem, as it has
And it is still a good rule of thumb, but the problem, as it has always been, is
The rule of thumb for a pretty good business therefore
rule of thumb before posting to any of these sites is to ask yourself: Does this
When he revealed this rule of thumb to the
Typically, the rule of thumb has been to keep the gap to within 15 years
However, as a rule of thumb, it may be useful to use the following guidelines in trying to assess whether or not the problem is serious or can be easily addressed
An important rule of thumb is to always send a plain text version of the
English common law, a husband had the right to beat his wife, subject to the "rule of thumb," which prevented him from using a stick any broader than his thumb {Heise
One rule of thumb is that a product found on the wrong shelf is fair game for starving grocery store workers
frame? Now the rule of thumb is if it appears to fit reality, use it accept it
The rule of thumb is that the number of litter trays in the
As a rule of thumb for digital products the commission will be around 50% and can even go up to 75%
It's the rule of thumb to pick affiliate programs that offer something that's relevant
Well, it's a rule of thumb that if something is exciting, funny, interesting or at least
When is your focus group online the most? It's a rule of thumb that most users
Eating all things green is a good rule of thumb
However, as a general rule of thumb:
A good rule of thumb is that the longer the time frame, the more significant it is
As a general rule of thumb, the existence of a trend depends on a series of highs and
2) The Rule of Thumb Method: The rule of thumb method is a modification of market
(Retention x ROE), and proceed with deriving “the rule of thumb” method
Assuming that the “rule of thumb” inverse of the PE gives us an accurate cost of equity, we
The E/P rule of thumb would calculate the same cost
“Rule of Thumb”, Earnings to Price or E / P Determinations
As a rule of thumb, 150-300 for A1 level, 300-900 for A2
My rule of thumb is to understand the intent of the
Here’s a rule of thumb I use: It takes
education, or if it’s merely schooling, here’s a simple rule of thumb: if
As a rule of thumb, it is
A good rule of thumb for messaging your group members is give
One rule of thumb is that although you are the driver of the project and ultimately the one in charge, the vendor should have the bulk of the headache
As a rule of thumb, a weekly newsletter
So the first rule of thumb is to produce useful content
A good rule of thumb
One rule of thumb for the amount of sand that you will need is about 1/2 to 1 pound of
A good rule of thumb to use is that 1 palm is 1% of the body when estimating the % of the skin
If you have debts which don't fit into the above categories, use this simple rule of thumb - after a divorce all of the joint debts you had should be closed and paid
The rule of thumb in order to get positive results on personal ads is that people should always be honest
Why not adopt the common rule of thumb that states if you don’t know how it was prepared, it’s best to avoid eating it! This will help you stay away from store bought foods and cook more of your meals at home
Rule of thumb for harvesting courgettes is to do so when they are approximately four inches long; the skin should be tender
The main rule of thumb in constructing a Fantasy Football lineup is to employ diligent research
The rule of thumb with respect to rankings is simple; the better your player ranks the better is your Fantasy Football team
In fact, it is a good rule of thumb to always dress appropriately for any situation
A good rule of thumb is to expect retracements to terminate at about 50 percent of the preceding setup leg, plus or minus a very large margin of error
As a rule of thumb, if, after several swings in the same direction, a swing emerges that is two to three times the length of the average swing, this may indicate an overextended market and a possible climax
As a working definition, a rule of thumb might be that you want to see no more than two or three bars on your time frame outside the breakout level and then strong momentum reversing the move
In general, there is an old rule of thumb that says that larger markets (in terms of nominal value) trend better; though this is difficult to prove quantitatively, it is a useful guideline to keep in mind
As a rule of thumb, entries in consolidations are usually less precise than entries in trends
First, prices are nowhere near normally distributed, so the rule of thumb for standard deviations does not apply; over a large sample of markets, approximately 88 percent (not 96 percent) of closes are within two Bollinger standard deviations of a 20-period average
A good rule of thumb is to not consider any fade trade unless the market is extended beyond the bands on whichever time frame you are trading
) As a general rule of thumb, whenever a market makes a sharp move in one direction immediately followed by an equally sharp move in the other direction, the normal expectation should be for that market to spend some time consolidating and oscillating in a series of smaller swings around a central price
A rule of thumb says to count 8 years to 8 years, 2 months
Looking ahead, the end of the next 15-year interval from September 1953 targeted a major top toward the end of 1968 (rule of thumb: 15 years, 2 months)
A rule of thumb is that, if you are trading relative strength ideas, you want to be long the strongest markets in an uptrend, and you want to be short the weakest in a downtrend
A heuristic is a rule of thumb, a cognitive shortcut that can quickly find the answer to a problem that might otherwise be intractable
But we’ve come to realize that prolonged downturns in the market can wreak havoc with an investment portfolio, especially in the early years of one’s retirement, and any good rule of thumb has to account for that possibility
Of course the 4% rule is only a rule of thumb and not an exact science, but it serves as a good financial yardstick for determining the approximate size of the nest egg you’ll need
We think it works best when, like any rule of thumb, it is applied with a strong dose of common sense
This is sometimes called the 28/36 rule, and it’s what mortgage lenders typically use as a rule of thumb in deciding whether or not you qualify for a loan
As a rule of thumb, if today's volume is higher than yesterday's, then today's trend is likely to continue
As a rule of thumb, weekly channel coefficients are twice as large as daily ones
As a rough rule of thumb this is generally considered to be around 70% of the time, whilst only trending for 30% of the time
As a rule of thumb, however, if such a breakout occurs at the beginning of summer during a short crop year, the bias will be for further movement upward
A good rule of thumb on when to sell your straddle is when implied volatility has swung to the upper extreme or at least returned to “normal,” depending on the pattern and how you want to play it, or, when the straddle has achieved your profit objective
As a rule of thumb, investors should spend the bulk of their time on the disclosures of the security under study, and they should spend significant time on the reports of competitors
2 A traditional rule of thumb was to subtract your age from 100 and invest that percentage of your assets in stocks, with the rest in bonds or cash
As a rule of thumb we suggest that the product of the multiplier times the ratio of price to book value should not exceed 22
Thus, as a rule of thumb, companies with large NAVs relative to market prices have net worths that consist in great part of retained earnings
In terms of capitalization, it is a good rule of thumb that satisfying creditor requirements is a lot more important than meeting OPMI desires in structuring a capitalization
A good rule of thumb for estimating a business’s total lease obligation (and a method that is often used by credit-rating agencies) is to multiply one year’s rental expense by seven
You can find operating leases in the notes to the financial statements, and you can either discount the future operating lease obligations using a discount rate or multiply one year’s rent by a multiplier rule of thumb, such as seven
It always depends on the situation, but a good rule of thumb is to ascertain the size of the position you want to accumulate
A rule of thumb I like to follow is this: if a spread is greater than 0
Many financial advisors use the rule of thumb “percentage in bonds and cash equals your age”
15-times market cap is my personal rule of thumb – something I’ve arrived at after years of experience in the market
A rule of thumb is that a rolling bet usually works out as costing more after two to three weeks
The rule of thumb is: the tighter the spread given by the spread firm, the more cost-effective spread betting is
Just remember this general rule of thumb pertaining to volatility and you should be fine: If volatility is high, conditions may favor option sellers because they can get more premium for the options they want to sell
A good rule of thumb to follow is to fade the media and, more important, fade public opinion
A good rule of thumb—if given the choice—is to fade the public
The simple rule of thumb is that higher volatility favors option sellers and lower volatility does not
A: As a general rule of thumb, we would recommend margining no more than 60% to 70% of your account at any given time unless you are willing to meet a margin call should you get one
The math behind this method is not exact, but this is a pretty good rule of thumb
A simple rule of thumb for investors with a time horizon of 10 years or more is to use the market’s capitalization weights as guidelines
Lynch’s rule of thumb is that a company’s P/E ratio should equal its earnings growth rate
How do we know which tick chart to use? There isn’t an exact science, but the rule of thumb is this: the higher the volume, the higher the tick chart