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rule out
1. “I wouldn't rule out that possibility,” agreed Peter -one of the few in our class the guru thinks high of
2. Well, I can safely rule out everyone in the van
3. ‘But you wouldn’t rule out the possibility of his survival
4. The goal of a physical should be to rule out any conditions that may
5. “She forced it to go to that situation on the bus so that she could rule out Erudite—except Erudite wasn’t ruled out
6. It looked to him like Juana had the advantage, but he wouldn’t rule out Isabella’s chances
7. You’re here to work, but don’t rule out the opportunities for networking and capacity building that being in a shared space offers
8. physician’s exam must be conducted to rule out other conditions that
9. But what? He wracked his brain wondering what she could possibly be after and when his mind came up blank he knew he couldn't rule out the possibility that she meant what she said
10. "Any clue that can rule out half the population of the galaxy is a helpful clue
11. findings do not rule out interactions, other than gravitational effects,
12. I started to rule out that it was really a poem
13. As many scientists have surmised, it is impossible to rule out the possibility, however remote, of sentient beings in our cosmos that live in a greater then 4D
14. • Rule out medical issues that prevent you from losing weight
15. ―We can effectively rule out coincidence, sir,‖ the Marshall said
16. that they religiously follow, and you can probably rule out most ( but not all)
17. that that would rule out such trades as those of a butcher or a fisherman; but
18. Let's not be too quick to rule out that possibility, merely on the basis that it is
19. The Doctor that assessed her had said that they needed to rule out the possibility of “social phobia" and prescribed Valipene
20. To “rule out a possibility” was the most vague and lamest reason to put a child on a drug
21. ‘With the size of the boots that were used, I think we can rule out a female murderer in this case,’ said the detective
22. Nevertheless, you can’t rule out the possibility of republication with a new title and cover
23. I think we should also rule out riding with someone, unless we are beyond that mile radius in question
24. Of course, this cause does not rule out the fact that it could be environmental
25. completely rule out alternative healing either – I’m not sure about witch doctors
26. Of course, you can never rule out Murphy’s Law
27. This led to the tailgating phenomenon and hours of partying before – we can’t rule out during – and after the game
28. As soon as the governments of Europe can rule out their differences and restore a stable peace, an official transit point for trade and travel will be opened here in Paris, connecting Europe with the Global Council
29. If your veterinarian cannot rule out medical problems being the cause of the
30. Those of you not familiar with his agenda, it’s a great show if you have an open mind and don’t rule out conspiracies
31. On the other hand, she could not rule out the possibility that Faye herself was running behind schedule after a late-morning swim that necessitated drastic measures to repair her disheveled appearance
32. If that was true, her presence in the lobby and the Tower last night were warranted and clarified that issue in his mind, even if it did not completely rule out the possibility of being connected with the murder
33. completely rule out the possibility of there being something there
34. rule out even thinking about it
35. Of course, it does need evaluation by a medical professional to rule out any organic condition
36. I think I can safely rule out Gerald; he just arrived within the hour
37. Maybe he just wanted to have the house, shed, salvage yard office and vehicles searched by the police to rule out those possible hiding places
38. Carefully I spell Ichiro’s name, we check it twice to rule out the possibility of a mistake
39. requirements does not rule out the presence of other microorganisms, which could be considered
40. Wondering what you can do with your kids, friends and loved ones, if you rule out all entertainment-cum-killing substitutes? Try making something together
41. You can rule out products that are under or over qualified at this point, and hold on to the best 2 or 3 products
42. individuals with constipation should be evaluated by a doctor to rule out potentially
43. Women who are infertile should consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of
44. 45 A placebo-controlled trial is needed to rule out the possibility that
45. completely rule out the possibility of "becoming alive
46. swinging a bat, because that would rule out any of
47. rule out a number of conditions that closely mimic the disease, including chronic
48. evaluation has been careful taken to rule out this kind of risk for all patients
49. We cannot rule out, therefore, the possibility that the conclusion presented in this book may need some
50. She had answered in code, unless her words had been a complete coincidence, which I didn’t rule out as a possibility