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salable примеры предложений
1. However, both fixed and variable costs were rising faster than salable
2. into a salable package, one that John Q
3. Nor are the poets who write them to be blamed for this; for some there are among them who are perfectly well aware of their faults, and know what they ought to do; but as plays have become a salable commodity, they say, and with truth, that the actors will not buy them unless they are after this fashion; and so the poet tries to adapt himself to the requirements of the actor who is to pay him for his work
4. If it is important that an issue be readily salable, it is still more important that it command a satisfactory price
5. Consequently it enjoys an independent salable value, similar to automobiles, jewelry, and other chattels on which personal loans are made
6. The protection accorded the equipment-trust holder by these arrangements has been somewhat diminished in recent years, due partly to the drop in commodity prices which has brought reproduction (and therefore, salable) values far below original cost, and also to the reduced demand for equipment, whether new or used, because of the smaller traffic handled
7. In this sense it is largely immaterial whether the lender views mortgaged property of this kind as something with salable value or as something with an earning power, the equivalent of a going concern
8. We are allowing for the fact that motor-truck inventories are likely to be less salable than the average
9. We have said that the former has the option of considering himself merely as the part owner of the various businesses he has invested in, or as the holder of shares which are salable at any time he wishes at their quoted market price
10. When the going is good and new issues are readily salable, stock offerings of no quality at all make their appearance
11. An asset or mix of assets tends to have high quality when it appears to be salable at a price that can be estimated with a modicum of accuracy
12. Thus, property and casualty companies’ investment portfolios consist largely of marketable securities, salable to meet the businesses’ sudden needs for cash to satisfy claims
13. Unlike the outside stockholders’ shares, shares in Corporation held by the Schaefers were “tainted”—that is, they were not freely salable
14. On the way, she told him that she had been married less than a year to a man who sold trinkets in the market, whom Florentino Ariza had often seen on his company’s boats unloading cartons of all kinds of salable merchandise and with a multitude of pigeons in a wicker cage of the sort mothers used on riverboats for carrying infants
15. But above all harvest as early as possible, if you would escape frosts and have a fair and salable crop; you may save much loss by this means