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    Используйте «satchel» в предложении

    satchel примеры предложений


    1. Therefore he had designated his little brother to carry the satchel with the satellite phone terminal

    2. He took a stethoscope and an old hand-cranked blood pressure band from a leather satchel

    3. He bottled the sample and placed it in a satchel he carried

    4. Tatilus came out holding a satchel

    5. and hugged him, ‘I’ve put some food in the satchel

    6. satchel and closed the cover

    7. Petr removed his satchel and placed it on the ground

    8. thing climb into the satchel

    9. put the satchel back over his shoulders

    10. Petr gingerly stood and threw the satchel over his

    11. place the satchel over his shoulder and grabbed

    12. of the satchel on his back

    13. satchel on Kassim’s back, as he led the horse out of

    14. This time Matt took the satchel

    15. of the satchel on his back and closed the flap

    16. ” She reach into her satchel and produced three parchments

    17. with his foot and the mother push me with a satchel

    18. As Philemon’s hand came out of his satchel, his fingers looked like the talons of a battle-scarred sea eagle as they failed to hang onto a fish

    19. We walked with the clothes in the satchel again

    20. ” Homer sighed, then drew a cloth out of his satchel to wipe his berry-stained hands

    21. But when she reached for Homer’s satchel, he felt the motion of her arm

    22. Nerissa grabbed for the empty satchel

    23. The Legionnaire’s copper eyes twinkled with new inspiration and he reached into the satchel he bore

    24. She reached into the pouch at her side, her trusty leather satchel that went everywhere with her for as long as she could remember

    25. “I packed this satchel for you, sir,” the youth said to Homer as he caught up

    26. Resisting the urge to look back and possibly draw more attention, she made her way to the physician’s tent as instructed to retrieve her remaining items, including her sword and her satchel

    27. She gathered the objects in her arms and made her way to her new shelter, carefully placing the satchel on the ground and her blade upon her bedroll

    28. Longleaf nodded to Bosco, who reached into his satchel

    29. Around her neck, she wore the same type of little satchel that had held the substance she had blown into Sierra’s face

    30. Once his heart-throb disappeared into the kitchen he asked, “Are the pictures in the satchel?”

    31. Strapped to her back was a khaki-colored satchel containing an explosive charge

    32. Each team was composed of four cells; a four-man penetration cell with Bangalore torpedoes, two five-man assault cells with satchel charges, and a two-man fire support team with B-40 grenade launchers and AK-47 rifles

    33. Each of the ten assault cell members had a faded khaki-colored canvas satchel strapped to his back

    34. Buey Dan, a satchel charge on his back also, edged closer to Tui

    35. Buey Dan could tell by the sounds of firing and lack of satchel explosions that the attack was being badly blunted

    36. He had heard only two of the peculiar blatting/ripping sounds of satchel charges going off when he should have heard 9 or 10

    37. The three men on the roof, shocked at seeing Tui's shattered body, did not notice the khaki satchel slung through the air behind them

    38. He heard the mortars of the Bien Hoa attack and saw Harold Rawson run out with the satchel charge

    39. He thumped a satchel against the hull of the ship

    40. He reached up and grabbed the satchel

    41. Nem clutched at his satchel to keep it from swinging, knowing the old thief’s trick of judging if a bag held something worth stealing by how it swung

    42. It was a good reminder Nem wanted to get rid of the contents from the satchel he was carrying as soon as possible

    43. Nem clutched at his satchel, playing the part of a nervous newcomer

    44. Nem placed his satchel on the table, which groaned appreciably under the weight

    45. Bors put the chest on a counter in plain sight to get it out of the way, and placed the satchel on the floor

    46. As Nem reached into his satchel, a number of knives slid out where he could see them

    47. At 9:05, Jeffery hands his dad his satchel

    48. He stands and takes the Dustbuster from his satchel, flips the switch from Intake to Outflow and starts blowing the accumulated dust and hair all over her face, neck and breasts

    49. Stavros finally went to his satchel and pulled out some plans as Zoe watched him in the dim light

    50. Fighting against the lurching of the boat, she retrieved the knife and rope from Jai’s satchel, stowed under the middle bench

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    Синонимы для "satchel"

    satchel sack pouch tote receptacle bag purse