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    savagely примеры предложений


    1. The scream buried itself deep inside Lucy, tearing reason and rationale apart as it bit savagely into her psyche

    2. rationale apart as it bit savagely into her psyche

    3. For example, there was Madeleine Rivers, who was savagely attacked by killer penguins, while exploring the tropical island of Hawai’i

    4. savagely through greed and lust and sheer folly

    5. At the same time, he began to fuck her mouth savagely and soon the inevitable happened

    6. Moving with astonishing speed, the deformed badger pushed a claw deep into the Preceptor's ear, twisting it savagely

    7. It was obvious from the state of the boar that he'd been savagely beaten

    8. Locking his jaws around the badger's leg, Brokin threw his weight forward, twisting his head savagely, breaking the bone in the guard's leg, as though it was a twig

    9. Then it caught the end of Shooter's nose in its large beak, twisting it back-and-forth savagely

    10. It wasn’t until François was locked in a cell minus his shoes and belt that he learned he had been charged with savagely beating his wife

    11. He had watched her eat savagely in the urgency of her hunger, with a familiarity that he could never forget

    12. Eynochia bit and clawed savagely in her

    13. She bit her nails savagely, her knees huddled up to her chest

    14. They set on it savagely biting each other as much as the meat from the look of it

    15. began tearing savagely at his laboratory coat with its fangs

    16. child’s prized species was ripped apart most savagely, Because of

    17. Sandford in 1857, in a 5-4 decision that was savagely anti-Negro and pro-slavery

    18. Their proponents are richly rewarded, their critics savagely attacked

    19. Almost savagely, he crammed her clothes into boxes and secured the lids

    20. Yet many Christians all over the world were being crucified and tortured to death so savagely and barbarically

    21. Haki -- grinning savagely, his eyes wide and glazed with the madness of a berserker -- killed those who surrendered

    22. It spotted the group with weapons drawn, and wrinkled its stone-encrusted nose, hissing savagely towards them, its black forked tongue lolling in the damp air

    23. The thousands of screaming Uphrian warriors funnelled up the hillside into the enemy, the lead axe-man savagely swinging his massive axe through several men, he carved a gap through their shield-wall

    24. But the man shrugged Bella off, and began to tell of the story of his friend Boweloft who was savagely eaten by a big bat creature

    25. Knots and bunches of muscle started out of the massive arms, and Conan beat his head forward and spat savagely at Constantius's face

    26. Thirst assailed him savagely

    27. Life beat strongly and savagely through his veins

    28. A systematic persecution to destroy the young Khaurani men able to bear arms has been savagely pursued

    29. Then he hurled the man savagely against the ground and stood over him with his tulwar in his hand

    30. The blade stuck to the table! He wrenched at it savagely

    31. But fierce joy surged through him as his savagely driven sword sank deep in the monster's groin

    32. The princess was untouched, though she had fought as savagely as any

    33. Only once, when she sank her white teeth savagely into his wrist so that the blood started, did he react

    34. With his first step something clanged loudly and steel bit savagely into his leg

    35. "Not he," grinned the Stygian savagely, "else I had not been his slave, but his master

    36. Conan spat savagely at the word, and Xaltotun, ignoring his fury, took a crystal globe from a near-by table and placed it before him

    37. Some of his joints felt as if they had been dislocated, and blood dripped from scratches on his skin where the monster's talons had ripped; his muscles and tendons had been savagely wrenched and twisted

    38. The king stumbled, and before he could catch himself the Nemedian, with the frenzy of desperation, rushed him so savagely that Conan staggered and fell sprawling over the corpse

    39. He broke savagely through the brush in the direction of the sound, whistling shrilly as he ran, his fear drowned in berserk rage

    40. Driven to madness, the land was in a constant upheaval of frantic revolt, savagely suppressed

    41. As always, the tribes had each its own chief or king, and they fought savagely among themselves

    42. weapons, shields and horses snorting savagely in the dark

    43. Although she was savagely killed in her sleep in 1985, her

    44. First went fat, then muscle, then the very marrow was savagely chewed

    45. With the pincers soon only 200 meters distant from each other and with their numbers dwindling steadily under the deluge of bullets, the Japanese finally decided to launch an ultimate suicide charge on the pincer commanded by Ingrid, rising from the tall grass and yelling savagely while rushing forward with their bayonets fixed on their long ARISAKA rifles

    46. The copilot then savagely pushed the firing button of the dispenser

    47. boy got savagely raped by a total animal, sometime in his early youth, and that he

    48. On cue, the big SS man, who had grabbed a long bullwhip, savagely lashed Nancy�s chest with four vigorous strokes

    49. as they struck us savagely to force us

    50. Those kept as slaves were savagely beaten and starved so that they could offer no

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    Синонимы для "savagely"

    brutally savagely viciously