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    Используйте «scrofula» в предложении

    scrofula примеры предложений


    1. to have the gift of curing scrofula by laying their hands on it (the royal

    2. , now and then a few intermittent fevers at harvest-time; but on the whole, little of a serious nature, nothing special to note, unless it be a great deal of scrofula, due, no doubt, to the deplorable hygienic conditions of our peasant dwellings

    3. With her other hand she was pulling along a poor puny little fellow, his face covered with scrofula, the son of a Rouen hosier, whom his parents, too taken up with their business, left in the country

    4. You'd be dead," said Scrofula logically

    5. "I'm admitting nothing," said Scrofula testily

    6. There was no other attribute that so much impressed her with a sense of new and untransmitted vigor in Pearl's nature, as this never-failing vivacity of spirits; she had not the disease of sadness, which almost all children, in these latter days, inherit, with the scrofula, from the troubles of their ancestors

    7. face covered with scrofula, the son of a Rouen hosier, whom his

    8. It has gastric fever, gout, goitre, gangrene, scrofula, sciatica, croup, consumption, ophthalmia, vertigo, small-pox, and cholera

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    Синонимы для "scrofula"

    king's evil scrofula struma