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seedling примеры предложений
1. But I'd like to push this a step further and ask "where did the seedling come from?" We know most, if not all, of the stuff came from the local environment
2. Whether your tooth came out or you planted your first seedling
3. seedling in the palm of her hand and said a blessing and surround it with a field of loving energy before she planted it into the soil
4. that the root of the seedling may become uplifted
5. It is now up to each of us to see that this young seedling doesn’t get uprooted in the name of weeding
6. When you are rooting the cuttings or growing the seeds for transplanting outdoor, then the jiffy peat cups and seedling starter kits become available in the indoor gardening supplies
7. By the pouring of the water which falls from the sky and holds the vital materials, the life appears into the grain and it becomes a living seedling after it was still and inactive with no action nor motion
8. Who brings out the weak olive seedling from the hard and firm stone which does not break open, except with great difficulty?
9. Every seedling of the same species starts out very much the same, and looks very much the same
10. „Of course it will be as a seedling in you first, but steadily it will grow to be a young plant
11. that in the centre of the bare floor there lay a single limp seedling that looked as if it had
12. wounded seedling with awed puzzlement as I tried to understand its meaning; then a
13. the seedling lifted its weak head and set to standing by itself in the palm of my hand and
14. But he was already kissing her, one hand on the side of her face, the other removing the sandwich from her lap and putting it on the seat next to him, and it turned out that little seedling hadn’t been crushed after all, and that first kisses didn’t necessarily require darkness and alcohol, they could happen in the open air, with the sun warm on your face and everything around you honest and real and true and thank God she hadn’t been chewing gum because she would have to have swallowed it quick-smart and she might have missed the fact that Tom tasted exactly the way she always suspected he’d taste: of cinnamon sugar and coffee and the sea
15. Pine Bloom looked straggly and overgrown with weeds, seedling pines were beginning to show in the fields and the house was sagging and untidy
16. She told him about her problems of weeding and hoeing and planting, of fattening the hogs and breeding the cow, and he gave good advice for he free now and the farm gone to weeds and seedling pines
17. two enemies of Georgia planters, the seedling pine and the blackberry brambles
18. new-sprung child of nature; there were you, the belated seedling of an
19. "He is Amby Seedling, the chap who used to sometimes come and help at Talbothays," she explained indifferently
20. She indirectly inquired of Amby Seedling, who had followed Izz from Talbothays, and by chance Amby remembered that, amongst the snatches of melody in which they had indulged at the dairyman's, to induce the cows to let down their milk, Clare had seemed to like "Cupid's Gardens", "I have parks, I have hounds", and "The break o' the day"; and had seemed not to care for "The Tailor's Breeches" and "Such a beauty I did grow", excellent
21. And Gandalf coming looked at it, and said: 'Verily this is a sapling of the line of Nimloth the fair; and that was a seedling of Galathilion, and that a fruit of Telperion of many names, Eldest of Trees
22. Mabeuf had succeeded in producing seedling pears as savory as the pears of St
23. If several varieties of the cabbage, radish, onion, and of some other plants, be allowed to seed near each other, a large majority of the seedlings thus raised turn out, as I found, mongrels: for instance, I raised 233 seedling cabbages from some plants of different varieties growing near each other, and of these only 78 were true to their kind, and some even of these were not perfectly true
24. Nor let it be supposed that differences in the constitution of seedling kidney-beans never appear, for an account has been published how much more hardy some seedlings are than others; and of this fact I have myself observed striking instances