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self-indulgence примеры предложений
1. ‘That makes it sound like self-indulgence
2. Abnegation uses it to describe self-indulgence
3. 98 (Self-indulgence of Sinners: Sin originated by Man: all Sin recorded in Heaven: Woes for the Sinners)
4. Of course it's hard! You have years of waste, self-indulgence, wrong thinking and downright laziness to put right
5. self-indulgence on the agenda
6. Will he recognize the foolishness of self-afflicted punishment? Will he see the carelessness of self-indulgence? He has experienced both to their utmost extremes
7. disease, accident and self-indulgence, worry and overwork
8. I realized the self-indulgence of my prayer
9. It wasn’t until she was on the sprinter taking her from Birmingham to Abermôr, when she had the beautiful, spectacular views of the Welsh countryside and coastline flashing past her window, that she then allowed herself the self-indulgence of recounting her brief affair
10. He didn’t gain objectivity with this distance, but rather became entrenched in subjectivity through serving self-indulgence and self-interest
11. The end of the storm was such a relief that I was suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling of being so alone and helpless, after a few moments of this self-indulgence and knowing that these feelings were not helping my quest, I soon controlled myself and after a meal of corn cake and water I left the burrow again
12. Our culture, especially in the western world, has deepened man into complacency and self-indulgence of thinking that this soft life is deserved and earned, when in fact it has been paid for many times over by many of those that have preceded us
13. He was feverishly eager to join in their orgiastic state of self-indulgence
14. All the rest of the 24 hours, they're free to do what they like—not to waste their time in idleness or self-indulgence, but to make a good use of it in some congenial activity
15. Women have had to learn that they do have a right to a bit of self-indulgence now and then
16. Men have to learn we can no longer allow self-indulgence to be his only way of life
17. There is a social autism that is the self-indulgence of space, i
18. style was one of total waste, total self-indulgence,
19. “If by The Table you mean relationships of open sharing, then isolation, separation, indifference, ungratefulness, haste, hatred, self-indulgence, waste, and starvation
20. I would starve myself, then binge, starve myself, then binge, in a constant cycle of self- abnegation and self-indulgence
21. In other words, their presence incites us to be vigilant, and deter us from self-indulgence
22. Lees: Sediment or dregs; the substance on the bottom of the wine glass, expressing ease and self-indulgence that is undisturbed
23. But remember this… what created all this, the engine which drove it, the dynamic which produced it all was the dynamic of our ever-increasing population, of too many people having too many babies… too many people fucking, the oldest sin of the Jewish Old Testament: the original sin of carnal knowledge, the sin of sexual self-gratification and self-indulgence: not for the purpose it is designed for, the survival and propagation of a species; but merely because as apes who have no tails and stood up on two legs: and started using tools… it allowed us to move out of the small ecological niches we had been living in so we could spread out over the entire Earth
24. … as ways of selling consumption as a form of pure self-indulgence: i
25. Western civilization can’t get better because the dynamic of self-indulgence always makes things worse: never better
26. You cannot improve anything by self-indulgence
27. The dynamic of human self-indulgence leads to laziness
28. The result of the global culture of self-indulgence: are 7 billion human who refuse to reflect critically upon what they buy or do or think
29. The global result of self-indulgence are rising levels of stupidity and lowering levels of intelligence
30. rising levels of arrogance, smugness, and outright criminal behaviour, rising levels of gangsterism as the rising tide of self-indulgence wipes out everything that older generations learned the hard way by earning their learning
31. 7 billion humans… addicted to every possible kind of self-indulgence possible
32. course it's hard! You have years of waste, self-indulgence, wrong
33. ’ The object, as we see, is reached at one time by idealism, at another by materialism; at one time by laxity and a cry of freedom, at another by an extravagant and cruel orthodoxy; at one time by despotism, at another by revolution; at one time by excessive puritanic strictness, at another by all the genialities of an 'enlightened self-indulgence
34. The veil of self-indulgence was rent from head to foot
35. More dangerous to the wielder, too, this weapon of wealth, double-edged with the cupidity and misery of mankind, steeped in all the vices of self-indulgence as in a concoction of poisonous roots, tainting the very cause for which it is drawn, always ready to turn awkwardly in the hand
36. "Don't fear for me, father," said Mary, gravely meeting her father's eyes; "Fred has always been very good to me; he is kind-hearted and affectionate, and not false, I think, with all his self-indulgence
37. If there is any single industry where egoistic materialism and self-indulgence are acceptable, even glorified, traits, the retail brokerage business is it
38. Money is certainly capable of becoming the root of all evil, as it can lead an individual down unsustainable paths of self-indulgence
39. What holiness is there in giving concerts in the choir? I don’t like it, it’s just self-indulgence!’
40. What holiness is there in giving concerts in the choir? I don’t like it, it’s just self-indulgence!”