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    1. He was making the accusation that Tdeshi’s death wasn’t self-inflicted wasn’t he? Kulai realized he had to be careful what he said or there could be a lot more trouble about this than he wanted to deal with

    2. Two: It was a mutiny of some kind—a self-inflicted disaster if you will

    3. where arbitrary corruption attends to its self-inflicted wounds, a tragic reminder of our (political) leaders who have lost their moral compass…

    4. The greatest (moral) ―tragedies‖ are oftentimes self-inflicted by individuals who choose to orchestrate their own disappointments by making ill-advised (decisions) without giving proper thought to the consequences of their actions, who are/were nevertheless capable of critically examining every aspect of such decisions; that is to say, their moral and rational dimensions, had they been properly inclined to do so and who, having suffered the unhappy effects of ―unexpected‖ outcomes, are wont to attribute their personal misfortunes to Chance rather than their own indomitable designs and indiscretions

    5. Such privations, whether real, imagined (or self-inflicted), for that matter, have (otherwise) proven that industry and time have a way of justifying their own rewards

    6. Our pain is for the most part self-inflicted

    7. It is really easy to see the red-flags of self-inflicted-mind-

    8. ” To ensnare oneself by overbuying into a situation that seemingly has no foreseeable escape or that creates mental suffering is not true enslavement as I am defining it, because it is self-inflicted

    9. therapy of writing, as my reasons for self-inflicted wounding have become clear

    10. Self-inflicted death only returns you home, but know that you will live again in a human form once information had been passed to you so that you can again experience those same conditions and allow yourself to grow

    11. self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head

    12. with his hot shower helped to ease but not erase the self-inflicted

    13. started to bring about an easing of his self-inflicted tensions

    14. · Restriction – Is self-inflicted

    15. It seems certain it was all self-inflicted

    16. symptom of suffering with self-inflicted harm

    17. Most of his pain had been subconsciously self-inflicted

    18. Split patients often report anesthesia and amnesia for the pain of abuse, or self-inflicted pain

    19. Only a few hours before it had seemed Team Sydney were alone in the world with fate against them and then people stepped out of nowhere, people who had much bigger problems than we did (ours were, after all, self-inflicted) and jumped, unbidden at the chance to lend a hand and get a couple of nutty strangers they would probably never see again, back on course

    20. “Bangladesh, Haiti, Congo and most of the island states were early test-case collateral damage in the race to get enough wealth to create ways to survive our self-inflicted armageddon

    21. This knowledge, she says, can end many of the self-inflicted problems we create in this world

    22. “Any scars you have from that day are self-inflicted in case you’ve forgotten

    23. When police officers were called to investigate, they found the deceased in the woods with self-inflicted wounds on both wrists

    24. The coroner had said that the dose was self-inflicted but intentional suicide had to be ruled out because the police had found no evidence to support the theory

    25. It would be easy to say that those not walking in prosperity are living under a self-inflicted curse of not tithing or being faithfully com-mitted to the ministry

    26. self-inflicted slavery that causes political corruption, line-

    27. dream that the self-inflicted silk sold to them for real

    28. ity and aggression, or self-inflicted by an inability to

    29. takes were self-inflicted by the students themselves,

    30. He was destined to resume his tribulations and self-inflicted, masochistic penance on the altar of love

    31. I sympathise with them, I treat them, after all, but their illnesses are self-inflicted

    32. � That kind of self-inflicted meaning perspective keeps our world a fearful and a very small and isolated place

    33. self-inflicted and we male chauvinist pigs would be

    34. Several years before, the House had been through a similar tragedy: the seventeen-year-old namesake son of Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak had died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound

    35. * Tojo was found in his home that day, sitting in a chair, blood gushing from a self-inflicted bullet wound in his chest

    36. In wealthy countries, this is easily the leading cause of death for kids from ages five to fourteen, outpacing the next four causes—leukemia, drowning, violence, and self-inflicted injuries—combined

    37. I knew what they were—self-inflicted slashes

    38. I hoped and prayed that the print from this self-inflicted deformity would free my brother and indict Troy Wagner

    39. Undoubtedly the result of his self-inflicted injuries

    40. Short squeezes could be considered a market phenomenon rather than a short error, but they are, in fact, a self-inflicted wound

    41. Or Germans and Russians are living peacefully near the border, peacefully exchanging their labour and the products of labour, and suddenly the same institutions which exist only in the name of the pacification of the nations begin to quarrel, to do one foolish thing after another, and are not able to invent anything better than the coarsest childish method of self-inflicted punishment, if only they can thus have their will and do something nasty to their adversary (which in this case is especially advantageous, since not those who start a customs war, but others, suffer from it); thus the Customs War between Russia and Germany was lately started

    42. It was curious to see in that list of wrongs, so many that had since been self-inflicted by us

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