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self-interest примеры предложений
1. Women are transformational leaders; they encourage people to transform self-interest into that of the group
2. Motivated by self-interest - Pharaoh listened to Moses and Aaron, and what did
3. thoughts were consumed with self-interest!
4. he saw my fear mixed with self-interest
5. “All operating systems decide in their own self-interest,” Ava said, “that’s why we had to stop using them, but all of you should remember them from your mortal years if nothing else
6. on your own self-interests, it’s the same as being greedy
7. Self-interested, veiled attempts @ promoting your biz will fall flat
8. than the last time he’d seen her? He’d shown nothing but scorn and then self-interest that day she approached him on the street
9. He’s far too proud, too self-interested, and too spirited for me to want to deal with him at all, let alone think of useful bargaining chips
10. Self-interest is a clever deceiver
11. This much abused word should be understood as rational self-interest, not as absolutely neglecting the rights of others
12. In this manner, the love an individual expresses for another individual is conditioned by self-interest and that the underlying motives behind every kindly and selfless act conceals an (inner) need or emotional requirement that an individual seeks to fulfill
13. NATO is unsuited for rogue nations lest it (too) devolves into a meaningless and (utterly) ineffective organization similar to the United Nations, for example, that has transformed itself over the years into an assembly characterized by corruption and (political) intrigue, parochialism, (national) self-interest, political posturing, factionalism and unstable alliances with openly hostile, refractory nations opposed to Freedom
14. Where has it been written that a Great Nation must commend itself to the parochial interests or jealousies of ancient traditions that have lost their comparable standing or concede its leadership position among the Community of Nations, rather than conforming to its (own) enlightened self-interests? Such designs must inevitably tarnish that nation‘s highest historical achievements that it should (otherwise) enjoy and (rightly) pass along to posterity
15. Modern Society is in the throes of a revolutionary Revolt of Conscience; the solitary by-product of moral and intellectual parochialism that is gradually revealing itself in the vested self-interest(s) and manners of unbridled Individualism that has undermined equalitarian idealism, that once defined the national culture, by rendering every individual the sole arbiter of his or her own conscience and ensuing choices without giving proper pause to how such choices may otherwise impact, for better or for worse, other individuals or to a transcendent authority that each must (inevitably) be held accountable; that is to say, whose (social) consequences existing outside the provincial boundaries of that individual‘s (own) estate are no longer limited by (moral) restraint or prescribed rules of moral and ethical conduct but conditioned rather by circumventing designs contrary to the proportionate interests of a well-ordered society
16. …portends a Crisis of Conscience for the obvious reason that were an individual evil, in which case Conscience would no longer factor into that individual‘s evil intentions or designs, or complicit in some activity considered evil (in the conventional sense) or (otherwise) cognizant of loftier moral arguments that should properly inform his or her actions, who has chosen, however, to promote expediency and self-interest over principle and the (rightful) concerns of others, that individual has willfully and knowingly sidestepped the boundaries that separate Good and Evil or, at the very least, its milder derivative, Right from Wrong, (thereby) waiving all rights for (personal) redemption whereas Amorality, on the other hand, suggests a gross indifference to moral clarity; an ―intellectual‖
17. Justice, in the mind of a Cynic, is that which promotes Self-Interest!
18. One that perpetuates itself and only thinks of its own self-interest
19. O‘Connor, for his own personal self-interest, has been happy to accommodate
20. It is true that there have always existed (the) opportunist‘s among us; so-called public servants who routinely violated their sacred oath by placing self-interest above the interests of the people; who viewed their respective offices as so many conduits for attaining power and prestige
21. “I’ll say,” I said, “some are adamantly opposed and some are adamantly in favor of city interventions…though some seem to be pretty self-interested, it seems to me
22. “That kind of self-interested thinking is what I have come to expect from those who have spent too much time with Jeanine Matthews
23. Kirk speaks of “the strange human faculty—inexplicable if men are assumed to have an animal nature only—of discerning greatness, justice, and order, beyond the bars of appetite and self-interest
24. M: Self-interest and self-concern are the focal points of the
25. The essence of the motivating force for human behavior is based on the same elemental force of self-interest first manifest in single-celled organisms
26. This is not to deny either the myriad forms sublimated self-interest can take, nor to deny the evolution of altruistic behavior
27. Can self-interest be suppressed? No, because self-interest is an integral part of human nature
28. frustrated form of self-interest is corruption
29. In a self-interest
30. self-interest is NOT covered by ethics - on the contrary, it is supposed that self-interest operates
31. self-interests (which is almost every time, everywhere!)
32. The rich and educated Indians were afraid of losing their status or well paying job and did not want to make an effort out of shear self-interest, apathy, and fear to bring about any change in status quo
33. Fear and self-interest prevent most of us from acting against brutal kings and dictators
34. Being an optimist by nature, I truly believe in humanity's capacity to innovate ourselves out of the dark places our biology and self-interest often lead us
35. I was trying to goad him, hoping he’d make a statement against self-interest in the presence of two law enforcement officers
36. ago he took him for just another egghead, a self-interested lab rat whose concerns he could easily
37. Thus while survival instinct would govern the animal behavior, self-interest could rule the human conduct
38. Self-interest is basically a good thing, but sometimes it gets overdone
39. The happiness of others is another form of self-interest and enhances our own interests
40. The attachments are not personal but based on the mind or self-interest
41. He didn’t gain objectivity with this distance, but rather became entrenched in subjectivity through serving self-indulgence and self-interest
42. Moreover, knowing the core behaviors that give away what people are really like opened the vast playground of their self-interests, within which I could pass unnoticed
43. Bonnie’s path included being the unwitting perpetrator of misapplied love, in order for her to understand how most of us are conformed to manipulate others under the guise of our daily negotiations through life: everything is political, and honesty is habitually framed by self-interest
44. Moreover, knowing the core behaviors that give away what people are really like opened the vast playground of their self-interests to me, within which I could pass unnoticed
45. Bonnie’s path included being the unwitting perpetrator of misapplied love, in order for her to understand how most of us are conformed to manipulate others, under the guise of our daily negotiations through life: everything is political, and honesty is habitually framed by self-interest
46. foolish to expect this self-interest to change
47. belief that they know best, because the reality is that their self-interest prevents
48. types of self-interest, and greed, and to not cooperate with each other
49. There's greed and self-interest in the American and the Asian;
50. problem with the marketing industry that is; it’s a one-sided promotion of self-interest