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    sense of duty

    1. She felt Tdeshi's hormones prompting her to blow off comfortable old Kulai and run off on an adventure with a dashing manly man, but Ava's sense of duty was going to force Herndon to pay for this junket with his fast boat

    2. She was very depressed and he knew that the only reason she was still alive was out of a sense of duty to him

    3. expected her to work, but her strong sense of duty

    4. But that had been out of a sense of duty, and a commitment

    5. He’d been propping up the lousy Mayor for years, mostly because of his sense of duty to the Halflings of Thimble Down

    6. “To follow through on what we have started; out of a sense of duty, or maybe it is some mistaken, forlorn way of accepting responsibility,” he concluded dramatically

    7. Is it your sense of duty? Pride in your work? Love for your country?”

    8. On a battlefield men die quickly, they fight back; they are sustained by fellowship and a sense of duty

    9. “I feel a sense of duty to rescue these stories from obscurity,” Morrow said

    10. On the plus side, however, some of us should have received some sort of medal for what we had been through, and all things being equal and in harmony with his sense of duty and compassion, he would call it an even trade and we mustn’t do it again

    11. work, their sense of duty to the Anointed owners or

    12. sense of pride in their work, their sense of duty to

    13. pride in their work, their sense of duty to the

    14. sense of duty to society, joy of cooperating with

    15. Sāttvic - gives willingly, with faith and humility, to the right cause with full knowledge about the results of his action, as a sense of duty, and without expectation of getting anything in return

    16. collective sense of duty toward all spared ones and I believe

    17. A sense of duty forced Irma back to see what had happened

    18. Unfortunately, a misguided sense of duty made Antony decide to visit his parents first in case they were worried, so Jag drew him a detailed map of where he was headed and easily extracted a promise that his lover would join him as soon as he’d checked up on his parents

    19. After the Civil War, many African-American Christians felt a strong sense of duty and destiny to serve as missionaries to Africa

    20. “War should not be waged unless it is absolutely necessary! It is unfair to the men and women of the armed services to have their sense of duty and obligation taken advantage of in an unjust war

    21. Though it was not necessary to appear in public perfectly coordinated, she felt it more fitting that a woman’s colours complement those of her husband than the two clash; after all, it gave a sense of duty and respect to those who noticed the faithful wife’s careful harmonization

    22. It was that, combined with the sense of duty that he owed this young woman, which had convinced him to continue with his own private inquiry to ascertain exactly what had precipitated the disappearance of the guest

    23. doubt, a jury and even the most skeptical judge would unquestioningly accept the word of a man of the cloth, regardless of their own religious denomination; here in the South, all holy men, whether liked or not by other congregations, were revered as pious, honest, and devout men whose sense of duty to the Master they served would never permit them to subvert the truth

    24. It was quite curious that she should offer her assistance in light of her sentiments towards the latest victim, but Feltus attributed this to her sense of duty in bringing a murderer to justice, regardless whether she believed the actions were appropriate

    25. There would surely be some resistance from those not wanting to become involved any further, but he was confident their sense of duty was strong enough to compel them to put aside their reservations and do that which was just

    26. Though he seemed to secretly dismiss the entire possibility of any connection, his sense of duty and his own overriding curiosity instigated him to pursue the truth

    27. And a sense of duty

    28. at our new sense of duty and obligation!

    29. discretion and the highest sense of duty

    30. my beliefs and what was expected of me; my sense of duty was

    31. best frame of mind as we traveled to his house and really went out of a sense of duty, not

    32. The expression that crossed Timonus' face showed a man struggling inside with his own mortality as well as his sense of duty and, perhaps most surprisingly of all, his own cowardice

    33. My step-mother opened her mouth to speak, but Tante Else, urged by her sense of duty, flowed on

    34. Barnes's politeness and sense of duty as a guest never flags for a moment--this is what happens, and it happens in the mornings also

    35. Fed by the angry voices of frustrated agents demanding answers to their inane questions, Bino’s sense of duty built to a crescendo

    36. He was not confident he could control Roger Gould’s inquisitiveness or his sense of duty to Her Majesty’s Government in London

    37. to his sense of duty

    38. beyond his sense of duty

    39. And even as I waited in ambush, my sense of duty was to join my brothers and fight at their sides, but I felt near useless

    40. She admired his sense of duty, his

    41. “Even though I was tempted to hide, through a sense of duty to protect, I faced it, as did

    42. This requires no sacrifice, nor any sense of duty to his fellows

    43. wait as it would be for her and admiring his sense of duty and concern for their safety

    44. sense of duty than any serious paternal interest

    45. "Your father never told you anything about your nature, did he? He never had proper Tempest pride or sense of duty to his people, but while we were married, I was coming to realize it was time for us to change their role in the world, and strike first

    46. You have no more nat'ral sense of duty than the bed of this here Thames river has of a pile, and similarly it must be knocked into you

    47. I encountered a chaplet or string of miserable and unfortunate people, and did for them what my sense of duty demands of me, and as for the rest be that as it may; and whoever takes objection to it, saving the sacred dignity of the senor licentiate and his honoured person, I say he knows little about chivalry and lies like a whoreson villain, and this I will give him to know to the fullest extent with my sword;" and so saying he settled himself in his stirrups and pressed down his morion; for the barber's basin, which according to him was Mambrino's helmet, he carried hanging at the saddle-bow until he could repair the damage done to it by the galley slaves

    48. I would not attempt to force the confidence of any one; of a child much less; because a sense of duty would prevent the denial which her wishes might direct

    49. It has been suggested to me that this sense of duty is not a patriotic sense or a religious sense, or even a social sense in a seaman

    50. What awakens the seaman's sense of duty, what lays that impalpable constraint upon the strength of his manliness, what commands his not always dumb if always dogged devotion, is not the spirit of the sea but something that in his eyes has a body, a character, a fascination, and almost a soul--it is his ship

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