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    Используйте «sensitized» в предложении

    sensitized примеры предложений


    1. Besides, there is other trillion dollars that can be added by the billion of potential human beings that are sensitized with humanitarian cause

    2. The public is not sensitized enough, to perceive the misery of strays, indifference,

    3. The body is being refined and sensitized

    4. Let’s consider an example of someone being more sensitized to hurt from hunger than from disrespecting himself

    5. His bare chest scraped across her already sensitized nipples and she arched up against him

    6. Every nerve jumped, over sensitized

    7. worry or hurry in what you are doing, this will not be clearly photographed upon the sensitized plate of

    8. The chemical makeup of DNA is an example of increasingly dynamic, sensitized, Balanced Connectedness

    9. These chemical-organic building blocks of Life are a history of the Evolution of Totalities, Dualities and Trialities continuing to produce ever-higher, more sensitized levels of Dynamically Balanced Splitness

    10. In order to do that, hominids could no longer retain a highly sensitized awareness of their surroundings

    11. We became such highly reflective creatures, we needed to absorb and digest our experiences on an extremely high level of dynamic balance; through an extremely complex and sensitized process of integrated learning

    12. The descriptive term of Pure Wonder means the attempt to have a sensitized awareness about everything all the time: not only at events that are extraordinary or stand out

    13. Pure wonder is just a condition of sensitized awareness as opposed to a brutalized, desensitized awareness

    14. What has never been studied, or tracked, or noticed, or spoken of, is the slow death of that original sensitized awareness

    15. Originally, we were designed to follow one universal adaptive pathway that insures the survival of all living things: the path of the increasingly sensitized dynamic balance

    16. Regardless of our newly acquired tool-brain, we must still follow the original root design of increasingly sensitized awareness in order to live properly

    17. All tool cultures, all tool societies, are not sensitized enough to be concerned about, handle, or deal with integrated human issues

    18. It is the power-context of our environment that determines how sensitized human awareness can be

    19. And also, everyone must sensitize themselves to the level where they can intuit, sense, be aware of their instinctive-subconscious-conscious totality of being… to such a sensitized degree that they only practice, follow, and work at developing only the truly universal truths which exist in the Universe

    20. They became more sensitized humans

    21. You cannot hold the concept of dynamic balance as the most important principle in all existence without a sensitized, expanding, wondering awareness, without a wondering imagination

    22. You find yourself incredibly sensitized to her slightest mood, or wish, or whim

    23. Their skin became more sensitized to being touched and touching

    24. That is: if a person's Inner Universe is dynamically balanced and sensitized enough to accurately and faithfully mirror that intensity

    25. In other words; the wider, the more inclusive, and the more sensitized your awareness becomes; the more honest you become

    26. It is literally the in-betweenness of all this… the dynamic balance of it all, that determines how well or badly it works, how happy or unhappy you are, how sensitized or deadened your awareness is, how simple or complicated your life is, how wisely or unwisely you act, how deep or superficial your awareness is, how intuitive or unaware you are

    27. Any intention to create a less oppressive form of government, any intention to reach a higher dynamic balance, a more sensitized level of awareness, a more humane way of living is relatively more good than the worse bad, or evil which you are opposing actively

    28. Expanding awareness, a wider awareness, spirituality, wisdom; these are all different words, different descriptions of the same process, the same dynamic of increased, sensitized balance

    29. Rosemary, Eunice believed, “sensitized

    30. But beyond the specific work he did for people with intellectual disabilities, I believe it was Rosemary’s influence that sensitized him

    31. His touch against my sensitized skin is all sensuous tingle

    32. compulsive aspects of drug taking are mediated by the sensitized dopamine efflux

    33. responsive, or sensitized, to drugs and drug-associated stimuli

    34. This indicates that sensitized animals are more motivated to

    35. gic and opioid drugs that evoked sensitized psychomotor responses also reinstated

    36. solely the result of increased locomotor activity in sensitized animals

    37. observations in sensitized animals are inconsistent with one of the core symptoms

    38. yet addressed the issue of whether the behavioral effects of drugs are sensitized

    39. Together with findings that sensitized animals show increased motivation for

    40. sized that early on in cocaine use there is a sensitized dopamine response

    41. alters the responsiveness of these brain regions, insofar as they become sensitized to

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