Используйте «shoat» в предложении
shoat примеры предложений
1. rushed a shoat trying to root the backpack
2. Shaking his head Samson glanced around for the backpack and saw that JY still held the shoat clamped in his jaws
3. It now hung in the pantry and she had grimly promised her household that she would scratch out the eyes of anyone who mentioned the shoat to their guests or the presence of the dead pig’s sisters and brothers, safe in their pen in the swamp
4. These hungry men could devour the whole shoat at one meal and, if they knew of the live hogs, they could commandeer them for the army
5. As he would three years later, the morning Mercer found him buck naked in the north field with a machete in his hand, blood on his face like warpaint, standing over a throat-slit shoat