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    short-term примеры предложений


    1. [Was this question designed to play on my short-term memory weakness?]

    2. Set short-term, motivating,

    3. Hey, cowboy, it’s a short-term

    4. He stood and went to the lightboard where he kept his short-term notes

    5. can be perfectly appropriate in the short-term, as they

    6. be an invaluable safety measure in the short-term

    7. As you learned earlier, while a sudden drop in calories will have a short-term effect, a

    8. more problems in the long-term than it solves in the short-term

    9. The company you are contracting with short-term will

    10. Then there are those who are driven by short-term results

    11. money in the short-term

    12. Indeed, whoever has ruined the Brotherhood has done us a great favor, both in the short-term and long

    13. Both have to do with reaching long-term goals through delaying short-term gratifications

    14. Whatever the reason, it seemed that I had a perfect ability to find those short-term jobs

    15. These concerns had no bearing in TIAR; you enjoyed the feeling of it being real, or at least that was the short-term experience

    16. short-term memory, but that was not the only reason, because the

    17. We decided what proportion of the hotel complex would be for short-term guests,

    18.  Thinking of the long-term consequences of actions, not merely the short-term pleasure

    19. As oftentimes occurs with old age, however, such purges, or memory losses are random and short-termed rather than time sequential

    20. Whatever the reason(s), America, in the short-term at least, remains the final line of defense of world freedom

    21. in the short-term, but in the long-term, honesty always wins

    22. Our nation‘s short-term memory and its unwillingness to address this (very) important matter will prove troubling for future generations of Americans in the coming years unless we somehow manage to get a firm handle on this thing

    23. Maybe it was open season for short-term romance after all

    24. Stress Diaries are important for understanding the causes of short-term stress in your life

    25. Stress Diaries help you to get a good understanding of the routine, short-term stresses that you experience in your life

    26. These short-term successions might well have been a result of unstable climatic conditions that interrupted the annual flood levels that later would lead to invasions of Asiatic opponents such as the Hyksos (Hittites?) during that time

    27. It was as though the short-term memory tape recorder

    28. I confided in him that I didn’t like having Delbert around, but that Jeannine insisted, and it was a short-term arrangement

    29. The counter to this is that we wish to develop the skills and capabilities of all our team members, so a dip in short-term productivity, as a result of cross-training and staff development, is acceptable, as long as we anticipate

    30. Congress envisioned by our founding fathers of a part-time citizen legislature where serving in Washington was viewed as a short-term duty of public service, not a full-time career

    31. a short-term cure that could not, in the long run, solve an-

    32. She had hardened her heart to this short-term view and now she was baking a different recipe, something to nourish them all in the end

    33. ' People would be temporarily better off in the short-term because they would now have free water

    34. The long-range goals stop you being frustrated by short-term setbacks

    35. Give up short-term cash for long-term profit

    36. Many of the solutions to the top ten challenges are “soft” in that it is more about methods than it is about measuring hard numbers and short-term results

    37. This gives you best idea of the long-term and short-term patterns forming

    38. "That was a short-term emergency, and it was ordered by the goddess

    39. to join us, the best short-term solution would have been to

    40. A short-term capital outflow induced by a monetary shock creates a payments imbalance that

    41. are short-term patterns and cycles as well

    42. In terms of time frame, needless to say, the shorter the number of days included in the calculations, the more responsive the momentum will be to short-term fluctuations, and vice versa

    43. § Focused attention is a short-term response to a stimulus that attracts attention

    44. I promise it’s all short-term pain that you’re exchanging for a lifetime of feeling great!

    45. The truth spell he’d cast wasn’t for short-term use

    46. Crime rates vary with temperature depending on both short-term weather and season

    47. We walked straight to the parking lot to get into my car where I paid for the short-term service


    49. This can bring short-term financial upheavals and testing times in love

    50. The stress is mostly coming from short-term planets

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