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    1. Nerissa wanted to shush her, fearing that she’d wake

    2. ” I tried to shush her so she could save her energy but she continued

    3. ” I tried to shush her but she went on

    4. He motioned Hilderich to shush himself, putting a finger to his mouth but Hilderich went on, after coughing what appeared to be blood in his sputum:

    5. Marina was constantly trying to shush him so other people wouldn’t hear

    6. The two officers gathered around her and tried to shush her

    7. “Vre papse pia, shush, cried out Grandfather, tee pothia kai tee steethos? At which she would thrust out her one breast, the other having been surgically removed, and say, ‘Ne mor e, me thelane oulee

    8. With a grating noise and an almost imperceptible, shush of air, the lid lifted off its seating and was placed on edge, on the floor

    9. Omes raises his hands to shush the class

    10. "Shush" and she puts her hand on the

    11. He attempted to shush her to silence, without success

    12. “Just you shush,” his mom replied slapping him on the

    13. Burning Cloud held up an open hand to shush the young

    14. Just then, Aquarius raised his hand to shush Samara

    15. Even Mack Starling and Flash Goldplume, both of whom liked to tell raucous stories, were trying to shush Harvey, who was in the middle of proclaiming he knew something looked odd about the dog and the doghouse, and how it had been the next place he was going to check

    16. He put a finger to her lips to shush her and then replaced the finger with his own lips

    17. A vast field stretched below, filled with the shush of green grass

    18. “Oh, shush, wasn’t nothin’ you did or even you bein’ here that caused this darn foolishness

    19. There was the swift shush of his feet in the leaves and the big shush of the creature in the sky, while moonlight snowed everything and stars glittered

    1. "Thank you, thank you,' Ish said as Fred shushed him

    2. Chris shushed her and pointed to Fletcher who was already sound asleep

    3. They shushed them, leaving them to gain their bearings and strength as they moved on to Ethan and Auster

    4. He shushed her quietly as he ran his thumbs over the soft half moons that were her lips

    5. ” George shushed him and said do you want to hear this shattering news or what?” I was at the end of my tether and so replied

    6. ” I started to protest but Helen shushed me using her favourite hand gesture with her wrist cocked palm up like a copper telling you to halt

    7. “Do you not think that I would have had him put in prison for what he did if I could have proved that he raped me the trouble was that it was half my fault in a way” I protested but she shushed me

    8. Alexia shushed him and checked around the yard again

    9. I started to ask him how things were going, but he shushed me

    10. thought I was joking, and she laughingly shushed me out of the kitchen, saying that she would do my dishes

    11. Eyes wide, he shushed the doctor before he could speak, and leaned over the bed in desperation

    12. Amonas shushed him and answered with strain in his voice, its gruff tone exaggeratedly harsh

    13. but the comment was clipped when everyone else shushed him

    14. Bella put a hand on her eldest sons shoulder and shushed

    15. ” He coughed again and Nyla shushed him “You

    16. they’d been, how tersely they were shushed

    17. George proposed and shushed the others into silence

    18. She shushed him quietly

    19. I shushed them

    20. started to laugh, but Hurtubuise shushed them

    21. Sawler, who shushed him before he could say a word

    22. that someone shushed a caterpillar that was crunching its way

    23. I instinctively tried to get up, but Libby stopped me, that’s right, then she shushed me

    24. Another part of his mind shushed that more careful thought, thinking that there might be something useful to be learned from this experiment, even if it did cost the troupe one of its younger members

    25. Biledumper was ready with a response, but Obeast shushed him once again

    26. Melissa fumbled to get there and then shushed her sister to hear the story

    27. She shushed him to silence at first,

    28. The crowd shushed again, watching, waiting, and full of suspense

    29. An Zi was about to say something when the other three women shushed her

    30. Credit pointed his finger in the air and shushed her as he took notice of the flute

    31. to Liam who shushed him with a look

    32. ‘SShh…’ he shushed her

    33. Sebastian made a rude noise, and I shushed him

    34. Jordon gave a startled cry but was instantly shushed by Jason

    35. My internal editor immediately pointed out how dumb that was, but I shushed it

    36. He shushed her as she cried out

    37. D’ata was yanked back to his feet abruptly and shushed the animal too loudly in an effort to calm it

    38. Emily shushed him with her finger, and he noticed that Allen was asleep

    39. kept her hand over his mouth and softly shushed him

    40. ” He shushed her like you would a toddler, but she didn't shrink from it

    41. “What exa…” She shushed him again

    42. He shrugged and started to say something more, but Nancy shushed him with a hiss

    43. Newt shushed them again

    44. “What—” Teresa began, but Thomas shushed her

    45. It made you wish you had just shushed the naysayers and brought three hot little sliders in your clutch to nibble at opportune moments

    46. I’ve been women folks shushed him

    47. Will shushed her but looked a little pale as Regan drove the stick farther into the space between the bottom wing and the asphalt

    48. I shushed her, and she let out a short hysterical laugh, then seemed to regain her composure

    49. Joe shushed me and put his hand on Julie’s head

    50. He shushed me and held me and walked me back to the waiting room, where we sat with three other sets of parents who were nearly paralyzed with fear

    1. She heard it before she reached the edge of the cliff – a violent, shushing, surging noise

    2. But her fear melted away with a gentle shushing

    3. For a brief moment, Sebastian was afraid he would speak or call out in fright, so he placed his finger in front of his lips, shushing Hans as they made eye contact

    4. ' Maureen got a fit of the giggles and fell sideways off the bean-bag, shushing and pointing to the ceiling

    5. So she held him close, shushing him softly, and whispered into his ear, “It’s alright

    6. Kay threw a grape at the curtain, shushing her

    7. “Don’t lose it down there!” blurted Leduc, shushing instantly when Andre caught his eye

    8. first and had put his arms around Janelle and was shushing her,

    9. She began shushing across the pale

    10. Rasha put her finger to her lips in a shushing gesture

    11. I heard the shushing of the raven’s wings in the air above

    12. "Scrape him off me," Swann ordered, nodding in Tobie's direction, and the Sergeant firmly herded the Doctor away, shushing him as he went

    13. Rousseau were hunched over laughing so hard that other parents were shushing them

    14. As I walked, I heard a shushing sound coming up slowly on my right and having decided that I wasn’t going to let the thing disturbing the brush dictate where I went, I opted to take the splinter path that went that way, hoping to get a glimpse of something a little more substantial

    15. Aaron waves a hand at Beaumont as though shushing him

    16. I held you like a child, shushing you when you started to speak, reminding you to just be calm and focus on breathing in, and breathing out

    17. I tried protesting, but she kept shushing me to be quiet

    18. His mother put her finger to her lips, shushing him

    19. while he is shushing me with soothing distractions like: “There, there, Lizbeth

    20. whole house was filled with everyone shushing everyone else and giggling and, even out on the patio, there was jostling, moving and people yelling at other people to be quiet

    21. “Wait, there’s more,” Robyn said, waving her hands and shushing her

    22. Things started to quieten down, and you could hear a lot of shushing going on

    23. He put his finger to his lips in a shushing gesture, and pointed to Margery on the prayer stool

    24. Ralph stood up, shushing the dog, and walked softly in the direction of the sound

    25. I was bouncing her and shushing her and then I heard another noise, a train coming, and I turned my back to the fence and I saw her—Anna—hurtling towards me, her mouth open like a gaping wound, her lips moving, but I couldn’t hear what she was saying

    26. The audience in Lisbon seemed to be shushing me, until I realized that they were requesting “She” in a polite Portuguese whisper

    27. But sometime during the first stanza, a shushing sound replaced the noises of the crowd, as though people were saying Shhh, I want to hear

    28. Very late, with certain star coveys shuttled down the sky marking the time as after midnight, Charlie heard the shushing of the tall grass parted by her penduluming hips

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