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    sine примеры предложений


    1. What makes it important is the word "uhuru" for it became sine qua non for African independence by armed struggle if needs be

    2. Simple sine C radio sound wave

    3. the current of a sine wave lags the voltage by 90°

    4. cated a wave, it can be described as a combination of many simple sine waves

    5. about the nature of the behavior, messages that "This is play" embedded in the rest and the sine qua non of the successful interaction among these creatures

    6. is a sine qua non for understanding the commonalities of female experience, as are specifics for understanding the diversity

    7. Wait until the file appears within the blue editing area – it resembles a sine wav screen or there about (Fig 28)

    8. Sine the Muslims cherish an overwhelming sense of God, it is natural to speak of the fear of God

    9. You work with a guy for a year, discuss quadratic equations and sine and cosine and polynomial functions, and you hardly know anything about what his interior decorating tastes are like

    10. combined in sine wave theory

    11. He ca m e in a t once , pa use d for a m om e nt just inside the door, looke d round, the n soft on his m occa sine d fe e t strode quickly a cross the room , fe ll on his kne e s in front of the Director, a nd sa id in a clea r voice: "My fa ther!"

    12. In the nature of single blessedness he would one day take unto himself a wife when Miss Right came on the scene but in the interim ladies' society was a conditio sine qua non though he had the gravest possible doubts, not that he wanted in the smallest to pump Stephen about Miss Ferguson (who was very possibly the particular lodestar who brought him down to Irishtown so early in the morning), as to whether he would find much satisfaction basking in the boy and girl courtship idea and the company of smirking misses without a penny to their names bi or triweekly with the orthodox preliminary canter of complimentplaying and walking out leading up to fond lovers' ways and flowers and chocs

    13. Greek letters move across the undersides of his eyelids: isosceles triangles, betas, sine curves

    14. In fact, he said, commitment to the point of obsession wasn’t merely an obligation but a necessity, the sine qua non without which the novelist might as well bite on a shotgun barrel and exit this life as Hemingway had done

    15. I noticed myself cultivating a sort of nostalgia for the present, developing the reflex to squelch pointless self-talk and simply notice whatever was going on around me: a blast of hot halitosis from a subway vent as I walked to work, the carpet of suburban lights seen from a landing airplane, rippling water reflecting sine waves of light onto the side of a boat while I was shooting a story in Virginia Beach

    16. 5 shows a situation that will probably not be encountered in actual trading: a market that is moving in an idealized 20-period sine wave, with 20-period SMA and EMA applied

    17. When the SMA length matches the sine wavelength, there are always as many values above as below the moving average, so the average nets to zero—an SMA will always hide any cycles that are whole-number multiples of the SMA length

    18. ’Twas true that Aristotle had said, “Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae”; or, in plain English, “No great Wit without Madness intermixt

    19. , have created a natural enthusiasm for research as a business asset and a natural tendency to consider the possession of research facilities as the sine qua non of industrial progress

    20. Clearly understanding what investing is as opposed to speculation is a sine qua non for running fundamental finance investing operations, and the definition of investing is one of Graham and Dodd’s major contributions to the field of security analysis

    21. These four elements are the sine qua non for an investment commitment using the safe and cheap approach, because their presence results in a minimization of investment risk

    22. After all, the achievement of the public distribution and the raising of over $30 million was a sine qua non

    23. A perfect two-bar sine wave cycle sampled at the peaks becomes a square wave due to sampling

    24. Because there are more samples, the sampled data are a better replica of the sine wave component

    25. 2, where the input data is a chirped frequency sine wave whose period is continuously swept from a 10-bar cycle period to a 60-bar cycle period

    26. Readers can easily make their own chirped frequency sine wave data source in Excel

    27. Values into the Open, High, Low, and Close columns, overwriting the values in those columns with the chirped sine wave values

    28. Considering theoretical sine wave signals, the effective gain of the AGC is the decay factor to the exponent of the half period of the sine wave as

    29. If both hands are pointing up, the response is a single upward arc, approximating one alternation of a sine wave

    30. If one hand is pointing up and the other pointing down, the strip response to the energy input is approximately a full sine wave

    31. The two full sine wave modes are approximately the second harmonic of the two single-alternation modes

    32. If the observation period is half the dominant cycle, then for a pure sine wave, the closes up is exactly equal to the total closes during part of the cycle from the valley to the peak

    33. For example, assume the data being examined is a perfect sine wave whose period is 20 bars

    34. The autocorrelation with zero lag, averaged over one full period of the sine wave, is unity

    35. In this case, the positive alternation of the sine wave is correlated with the negative alternation of the lagged waveform and the negative alternation of the sine wave is correlated with the positive alternation of the lagged waveform, with the result that perfect anticorrelation has been reached

    36. When the lag is equal to the period of the sine wave waveform, the correlation is again perfect

    37. In this theoretical example, the correlation values as a function of lag vary exactly as a sine wave

    38. The DFT is accomplished by correlating the autocorrelation at each value of lag with the cosine and sine of each period of interest

    39. The DFT is accomplished by correlating the data with the cosine and sine of each period of interest over the selected window period

    40. The original Sinewave Indicator was created by seeking the dominant cycle phase angle that had the best correlation between the price data and a theoretical dominant cycle sine wave

    41. The modified Hilbert transformer can be used as an effective trading indicator because the quadrature component output leads the real output in the same manner a cosine wave leads a sine wave

    42. As a function of time the sine wave starts at zero and increases toward its maximum value while the cosine wave starts at its maximum value and decreases in amplitude

    43. Note that the cosine wave crosses zero just as the sine wave reaches its maximum value and has zero slope

    44. The cosine wave represents the rate of change of the sine wave

    45. Because of the right angle property, I often refer to the sine component as the in-phase component, and the cosine component is the quadrature component

    46. 4 The Hilbert Transformer Indicator Has the Correct Phase and Amplitude as Shown by the Response to a Chirped Sine Wave Whose Period Varies from 10 Bars to 40 Bars

    47. This is analogous to taking the derivative of a sine wave to generate a cosine wave

    48. The outstanding performance of the Hilbert transformer is best demonstrated by its response to a chirped sine wave whose period continuously increases from 10 bars to 40 bars

    49. Basically, the real component moves with the general direction of the prices, and the imaginary component is a predictive indicator for the real component in the same sense that a cosine wave is a predictor of a sine wave

    50. 3 A Sine Wave Can Be Generated by a Rotating Phasor That Is Pinned at the Origin

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