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    slaughterhouse примеры предложений


    1. The wall was a slaughterhouse

    2. To see or dream that you are in a slaughterhouse suggests that you may need to compromise an aspect of yourself in order to move ahead

    3. Yet the bombing of civilians were not much of a public issue until author Kurt Vonnegut in Slaughterhouse Five described the firestorms in Dresden he survived while a POW

    4. Rancid sweat, the stenches of barn and slaughterhouse, beer and baking, and odors probably relating to tanning, dyeing and soap-making were near overpowering, even to him

    5. It was a slaughterhouse, enough evidence for Roberto,

    6. I broke into a warehouse near the outskirts of town and found it was a slaughterhouse

    7. Into the one that housed Blackfin, I was dragged like an unwilling pig to the slaughterhouse

    8. On the slaughterhouse floor of my heart

    9. Countless chickens that are taken to the slaughterhouse

    10. Many pigs that reach the slaughterhouse

    11. then are sent to the slaughterhouse

    12. packed together in crates then sent to the slaughterhouse

    13. The slaughterhouse must be under the supervision of a

    14. are normally sent to the slaughterhouse shortly after birth

    15. promptly sent to the slaughterhouse

    16. It’s far cheaper to sell the horse to a slaughterhouse

    17. She not only did not know where they were going, but it would have been the same to her if they had been taking her to the slaughterhouse

    18. When he received Fernanda’s last letter, dictated by the foreboding of imminent death, he put the leftovers of his false splendor into a suitcase and crossed the ocean in the hold of a ship where immigrants were crammed together like cattle in a slaughterhouse, eating cold macaroni and wormy cheese

    19. “It looks like a slaughterhouse in there, Sir Richard

    20. On 26/9/2000, the same activity was done again with the attendance of physicians and under their sights and hearings in Dooma slaughterhouse, and similarly concerning the precise laboratory examination, then the result was the same: No germs were found at all in the animals slaughtered with pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over them, while the pathogenic germs were filling the other ones

    21. When I was directing the slaughterhouse of ‘Jermana section’ I noticed that it was very difficult to drive the animal to the slaughter hall, and it had to be dragged by 4-5 workers in order to reach the place of slaughter

    22. When the findings of the research appeared, we set to apply them at the slaughterhouse which I was directing

    23. Slaughterhouse operators see concern for animal pain and suffering as cutting into their profits

    24. The first heinous abuses perpetrated on animals when they reach the slaughterhouse are performed by truck drivers that try to jerk the heads off chickens and turkeys, cripple larger animals with clubs, and even run over some downers or escapees

    25. Gail Eisnitz revealed some very disturbing behavior and rampant slaughter industry cruelty in the book Slaughterhouse

    26. The slaughterhouse is a brutal end to some miserable lives


    28. The mob kept coming and the people were being cut down like Borsian Pigs in a slaughterhouse

    29. a slaughterhouse by-product, made from the hooves and other inedible connective

    30. Now, imagine that those processed fed citizens end up in mental health facilities and prisons, where they are fed slaughterhouse floor leftovers sausaged with PharmLab experiments

    31. “This is the Future Table of the Z's: the fattening of ASers, GOGers and NONers for the slaughterhouse

    32. animal taken to the slaughterhouse

    33. as soon as they reached the slaughterhouse anyway

    34. It resembled the refuse pile at the slaughterhouse, with the burned and mangled parts being the former medical staff who had been treating Cookie Man and others just before the rocket attack

    35. The dead and the living fastened together jammed into spaces barely enough to lie on one’s side…eating, sleeping, urinating, defecating, giving birth, going insane, horror and pain for the nearly eight week horrendous voyage…fresh air excluded, stench of death and disease exuded throughout the cabin…excessive heat, floor covered with blood and mucous, the motion of the traveling slaughterhouse caused skin and flesh to be rubbed off completely, rendering bones bare… The galling of chains a con¬stant refrain and reminder of slavery’s cruelty… co¬pious perspiration made air unfit for respiration…Preferring death to this life of misery, jumping overboard to escape death at the hands of an en¬emy… The Transatlantic and watery graves, but those who survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains

    36. The dead and the living fastened together jammed into spaces barely enough to lie on one’s side…eating, sleeping, urinating, defecating, giving birth, going insane, horror and pain for the nearly eight week horrendous voyage…fresh air excluded, stench of death and disease exuded throughout the cabin…excessive heat, floor covered with blood and mucous, the motion of the traveling slaughterhouse caused skin and flesh to be rubbed off completely, rendering bones bare… The galling of chains a constant refrain and reminder of slavery’s cruelty… copious perspiration made air unfit for respiration…Preferring death to this life of misery, jumping overboard to escape death at the hands of an enemy… The Transatlantic and watery graves, but those who survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains

    37. It’s the slaughterhouse butchers who should be glorified; not the pansies who bring them the cattle and hogs to be killed and butchered… How come nobody glorifies the hog drivers or sheepherders, eh? Such a fucking two-faced hypocrisy is built into our myths and our modern consumer society it’s disgusting

    38. Except their processing factory is not a slaughterhouse, but neat little sterilize cubbyholes

    39. You do not have the slaughterhouse with the screams of the animals ringing in your ears; as you buy your plastic-wrapped meat from your Super market

    40. He quivered as he pointed at me with one bony finger his voice cracking with age, “Now! Now you bring back my cup of eternal youth! What good does she do me now! I see that you’re enjoying her for yourself wretched fool! You’ve stripped me of all my hard won possessions! Assoria was mine! You killed my babies! The army that would have defeated any army ever made on the field of battle, but no! You couldn’t play by the rules! You used technology against me to do what? Protect people little better than cattle long overdue for the slaughterhouse! You drained me of my last vestige of power! You’ve taken everything from me!”

    41. Here countless people had been kept like a herd of beef cows at a slaughterhouse

    42. two sheep to the butcher's, two oxen to the slaughterhouse, and make one of them understand that his companion will not die; the sheep will bleat for pleasure, the ox will bellow with joy

    43. He took her to Slaughterhouse Ditch, a street near the river, and they went into a large but dirty tavern called the White Horse

    44. Merthin and Edmund emerged on to the muddy foreshore between a slaughterhouse that gave off a strong smell of blood and a smithy where hammers clanged on iron

    45. LATER IN THE morning, when the fog had lifted and the battlefield looked like a sunlit slaughterhouse, Earl William took Caris and Mair to see King Edward

    46. But men such as Barney and Lou, the slaughterhouse workers, had to have laws to stop them maiming one another in drunken fights

    47. of the city’ s tailors; a year-old ox for the slaughterhouse; and Davey from Wigleigh

    48. Louie, the other POW, and the guard arrived at a slaughterhouse, where their wheelbarrow was filled with horse meat

    49. The other roared like a bull who smells the blood of the slaughterhouse

    50. To us, this means that the pigs are brought to slaughter one at a time and that the slaughterhouse only ever receives the pig for slaughter

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