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    small group примеры предложений

    small group

    1. We stand watching a small group of ducks as they dabble in the water amongst the water lilies dotting the surface

    2. At this point, the small group of folk in the Tavern all got up and

    3. ‘She was only about seventeen; her mother had offended a small group of Welsh nationalists … the upshot was that they kidnapped the girl and stole her away to Wales, demanding all sorts of things in return for her safety

    4. A small group of workers are sipping coffee and arguing at a table outside a street cafe in a pocket-sized shady square and so I plop into a seat at a table in the corner and order some breakfast

    5. Looking round I realise that I might have taken a wrong turning because I'm surrounded by small groups of impoverished and suspicious stragglers who guardedly, seem to be offering each other objects for sale

    6. Ahead of us, originally hidden by a bend in the track, there is a small group of men working with large hammers, pounding the track

    7. We’re a small group, only about a hundred of us

    8. “Doc, Paul, we are a small group of people who have been given the task of restoring order to our world

    9. They stand in small groups, laughing and talking like extras waiting to take part in some theatrical costume production, glittering eyes beneath their scarves, laughing at the Yamaha, laughing at our bumbling stumblings across the pebbled beach towards the bike

    10. Whether the small group of signals that occur when a course correction is made are instructions causing the correction, status confirmation that the correction has been performed or by-products of making the course correction doesn't tell us much more

    11. They may also help small groups with other challenges, such as training volunteers and staff or expanding the reach of the services they provide

    12. It was then Myra learned of a small group of females who believed nothing of what the Elders said, and were fast rebelling against them

    13. They sat around in small groups discussing in hushed tones the coming Scather attack and formulated a plan that would be put into motion should they try to attack the city in the forest

    14. The farmers lived in small groups of stuccoed stone houses of several rooms each, with toilets that flushed with a bucket and little stone gutters that brought water from streams in the hills

    15. The small group unexpectedly changed direction and went to house on the second level below Miner’s Hold

    16. “They’ll hunt in small groups, maybe half a dozen, usually led by an

    17. A small group had gathered in the large room used as a mess by

    18. ‘Mr Middlesex said that there would be a small group of people staying there and that he wanted to see the warblers nesting

    19. He watched the small group of horse-drawn

    20. The need to interact with individuals or small groups at a time

    21. Small groups of six or eight animals spaced widely apart

    22. There was a small group

    23. managed to join up with a small group of pilgrims

    24. Of the small group that had been waiting at

    25. Late morning she came to a small group of shops

    26. Small groups, in, out fast

    27. As the rain abated the small group from Troyes were able

    28. As she neared ever so cautiously, she could begin to make out a small group of people on the road

    29. “You! What is this?! Who are you and where are you taking me?!” It was only after she yelled out her question that she noticed the uniforms on the small group of men, the somewhat relieving red and brown

    30. But one small group amassed near the base of the Tower, a few of them kneeling

    31. This means that you need your offer to be of interest to the majority of people in your target market, rather than to just a small group within your list of subscribers

    32. A few miles away a small group of people were travelling on foot

    33. higher end products such as Group Coaching Programs, Exclusive Small Group

    34. Both settlements were run by the Committee, a small group of elected representatives chosen by democratic elections every two years

    35. In small groups they stood silently, awaiting direction from their leaders

    36. The small group headed out to the boulder in the tunnel Alex had hidden behind

    37. in small groups around the room was different from the

    38. A small group of girls were dancing on their own up near the stage

    39. small groups in the wings

    40. But also I could see small groups of individuals moving forwards despite the odds and closing in on the German trenches

    41. The rest of the camp was a scene of men and women going about their business, or following strict orders, servants bustling left and right with arms burdened with bundles, armoured soldiers marching in small groups carrying swords or shields towards the outer defence lines, Alit’aren strolling with an air of pride and dignity, often trailed by a host of Ael Tarael like motherly foxes patrolling after potentially rabid wolves

    42. I kept on running into small groups of men and individuals trying to get back to our lines and every time I bumped into someone I knew I would ask them if they had seen Stanley or Smith

    43. The rest of the campsite was either mounds of sleeping soldiers on blankets, or Guardians, Ael Tarael and Alit’aren patrolling the campfires in small groups

    44. Apprentice and Gai’den level wielders were also seen in small groups around the fires

    45. Those were a small group, not taken seriously by the vast majority who realised that kind of philosophy would make a nonsense of the universe

    46. He carried it off all right, but he was better in small groups, or his large therapy groups, or one-on-one

    47. He wended his way around sleeping villagers, as well as small groups who were awake and talking quietly

    48. Occasionally small groups of niggers, escaped slaves from Kumassi, peered cautiously through the trees

    49. I don’t know if this is true but we did operate in small groups and very rarely above section level

    50. As the small group made its way along the well-worn paths of Brockenhurst Forest they were followed by a skulking figure

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