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    smell of

    1. The smell of hops trails out of the room behind him

    2. air with the smell of sweet peat and smoked wood

    3. Even with a set of knuckles in my wind pipe and the rank smell of Cockney scumbag breath up my nose I knew this came to €4500 total

    4. The smell of the hops being brewed from the Guinness factory filled his nostrils and made him think of old times

    5. With every step a new smell of the primordial struggle erupted to fill

    6. There was a smell of psychosis

    7. garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them

    8. flame harmless, preserves the hair on our head - “and the smell of fire

    9. There was a terrible smell of rotting seafood

    10. The smell of rotting seafood was intense

    11. herself to him, but the musky smell of this noble carnivore seeped into Lucy’s soul

    12. The smell of him;

    13. I gagged with fear and the disgusting smell of rotting seafood that was his calling card, "never you fucking mind about my tattoos mate, where's my fucking bread?"

    14. "Anything’s better than the smell of this suit," Parker said before she took her helmet off

    15. Suddenly the burnt smell of the ship’s atmo burrowed up his nose and stung him behind his face

    16. The simple, sweet smell of jam and bread was utter torment

    17. The smell of oil on a bolt mechanism

    18. The sweet, musty smell of old books mingled with birch tells me we're in the library

    19. I craved the touch of another’s hand, soft and warm, a hand that did not smell of oil and gunmetal

    20. Closing her eyes, fighting against the sharp disinfectant smell of the hospital, she forced herself to picture the interior of the bus … nauseating diesel fumes … a dingy, well used fabric covering the seats, chipped and faded paint on the accoutrements of metal … or was it plastic? She found it hard to tell sometimes … she heard again the chatter and laughter of the young people as they swayed along the aisle towards the door as the vehicle approached the bus stop

    21. The smell of him; taught and unfettered, canine and warm, dripping with libido

    22. smell of burning tobacco which had run up the wrong

    23. unwashed since the roof and a smell of cindered flesh

    24. The smell of ammonia told me that it was dragon piss

    25. in amongst the smell of dry caked oil

    26. "It's not bad, the wood they burn in here is what's native to this basin, doesn't have quite the smell of real swamp-bole, but that's a minor point

    27. A smell of stale smoke hangs on the becalmed,

    28. " Luray tried to not wrinkle her nose too much at the pungent smell of the lantern fuel he was washing the pulleys in

    29. And from inside I caught the smell of cleaning fluids, lunch and the sound of gentle, delicate music

    30. Oh, how the Greeks love their kitsch - that is, whenever they can afford it, yet no matter how hard they tried, still they could never disguise the heady smell of diesel

    31. He bent and lightly kissed her cheek, taking in the smell of her

    32. The delicious smell of wood smoke was the first thing I became aware of those early Sophian mornings and I used to think it came with the perfume from the wisteria that lingers around the charcoal soot-streaked ovens near our villa, but after talking with Theo I began to associate it with his recollection of the blaze in the forest on the mountainside

    33. It was a good feeling; the smell of her was comforting

    34. Both he and Eileen particularly loved the smell of their garlic bed and the way that sunlight thickened the broad, upright blades of their maturing crop

    35. He worked so frenziedly, he didn‘t notice the sun shining, or the beautiful smell of the flowers or the colors or even when the sky clouded and began to rain

    36. It was then that Billy noticed the smell of burnt chicken Madras

    37. And then the flies came, attracted by the smell of coagulating

    38. loved the smell of their garlic bed and the way that sunlight

    39. surprised but strangely comforted by a strong smell of garlic that

    40. Some of my earliest memories are of a printing press pounding away … with that wonderfully idiosyncratic smell of ink and paper … come to think of it I must have gone to stay with the grandparents when Chris was born … I’d have been about four then

    41. She needs a fix and there is something gnawing away at the back of her mind; this man, a strange taste in her mouth, lights, sounds and the smell of unwashed bodies

    42. The lanterns were old, the cookfires were open but the smell of rord and norrot were unmistakable

    43. Sheila was busy in the kitchen; by the smell of the hot fat which assaulted Chrissie’s nose, frying was on the menu again tonight

    44. When he got out from the third shaft deeper, he could tell just from the smell of the dust that they were in Gnome quarters because he’d heard it described in novels

    45. The smell of the place is institutional and cloying, especially now that the carefully controlled ambient temperature has been augmented by the bright spring sunshine that streams in through the corridor’s large plate glass windows

    46. The smell of fried

    47. The smell of Arbnor Jasari overpowers Rezarta's favourite perfume and Alex has to open both of the front windows to stop himself from being sick

    48. The smell of the man is in Alex's nostrils as he pushes through the swing doors that lead to the main hospital staircase and he heads up to the third floor to start his search for the Intensive Care Unit

    49. It dawns on him as he pokes his head round the door frame that the smell of roasting meat is entirely absent from the house

    50. Gnomes lit with candles rather than bioluminescent panels and the smoke and smell of old wax or even grease, mixed with moldy paper dust, their own personal odors and the residual odors of a cuisine heavy in fried wevn, kvarit and mushroom, never left the passages

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