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    1. As I passed by, Max’s body began to smolder from the heat of the blaze

    2. Ash’s knee buckled and he reciprocated with a flare of magic that caught Liam’s shoulder in a fiery smolder

    3. The upraised pikes started to smolder before burst-

    4. abruptly in my mind, her flesh began to smolder, burning up in the same fire that was still

    5. The white steeple on a church turned brown and started to smolder

    6. Conan's eyes began to smolder ominously, but he trod warily into the chamber, his sword ready

    7. For a Zamboulan dancer to blush would be an impossibility, but a smolder of anger mingled with the fear in Zabibi's dilated eyes

    8. It was of heroic proportions, and the floor of a curious red stone, cut in square tiles, that seemed to smolder as if with the reflection of flames

    9. A curious gleam was beginning to smolder in his eyes

    10. not be extinguished and continued to smolder in his mind and soul

    11. That helped me immensely, but do you mind telling me what you brought me here for?" Lov felt his hunger smolder, and let it edge his voice

    12. Their only source of light was a few candles around the walkways, but some of the candles were starting to smolder

    13. We see forests kept alive by the death of excess trees and undergrowth helped along by lightning-generated fires—and with the first rain, new forests spring phoenix-like from burns while the dead still smolder

    14. Some fires had been extinguished, but others were just beginning to smolder

    15. The rest of the world could smolder for the rest of eternity, all I needed was one more look like that from her

    16. Interestingly this smolder was but a poor prelude of what loomed close at hand

    17. His lovely blue eyes didn’t smolder at my sight as they did this morning

    18. What had begun as a smolder within Falk was sparking into flame

    1. The fuse on a small incendiary device smoldered in the dank blackness, piled high with oily rags just to make sure

    2. Cigars smoldered untouched in the

    3. Even though it was a warm afternoon, the hearth smoldered

    4. Anger smoldered in his eyes

    5. littered the dead garden, and the hieroglyph for Chaos smoldered on the

    6. They were immobile, but his eyes smoldered with fierce life

    7. His eyes smoldered more vividly; his muscular hand knotted harder on his hilt; that was all

    8. Then the blaze smoldered to a throbbing, pulsing luminosity in which nothing was distinct, and that slim shape was but a shimmering blur of ivory

    9. His brow was low and broad, his eyes a volcanic blue that smoldered as if with some inner fire

    10. As they slid silently past the city whose great black bastions rose on the jutting prongs of land which locked the harbor, torches gleamed and smoldered luridly, and to their ears came the low thunder of drums

    11. It flamed, smoldered; a blue serpentine of smoke rose and swayed upward about Orastes in a slender spiral

    12. Schmoozeglutton sat and smoldered over that one

    13. Schmoozeglutton smoldered over that one

    14. His anger smoldered inside him

    15. The ground smoldered, the thick scent of burnt wood rising into the air

    16. Mud covered the floor and papers smoldered in a corner

    17. The trees were gone, entirely; razed by what could be nothing but an instrument of depravity, with nothing remaining other than an occasional uprooted stump and a huge mound of ash and deep-glowing charcoal that smoldered in the center of the spreading atrocity

    18. It smoldered on the floor and turned into a tiny black speck of charcoal

    19. to fill the car as the sparks smoldered on the carpeted floor and Sean

    20. His dark eyes smoldered as he looked up at his sister, and he said ominously: “What do you think YOU’re doing?”

    21. Flowers died within its presence and wilted into nothing more than ash, while the grass itself smoldered as though burnt and cast with sparks

    22. “Now it is nothing but ash and the smoldered wreckage of nobility

    23. He lay on the bunk with the posture of a man having a cigarette on the beach, though nothing of the sort smoldered in his hand

    24. His eyes smoldered when he saw me

    25. Coals smoldered in the fireplace as the last of the logs burned out

    26. Vivid orchids and wonderful colored lichens smoldered upon the swarthy tree-trunks and where a wandering shaft of light fell full upon the golden allamanda, the scarlet star-clusters of the tacsonia, or the rich deep blue of ipomaea, the effect

    27. Immediately the fires which smoldered beneath tight basques flamed wildly and the two organizations split up and glared hostilely

    28. His dark eyes smoldered

    29. The cane chair still smoldered

    30. Her dark, sullen eyes smoldered as she stared him down

    31. And with this spontaneous combustion the house smoldered ablaze

    32. A warm, rich room, where a fire smoldered on a drafty hearth

    33. The boats were large, capable of holding six or eight people in the two ends, while in the middle was the inevitable clay hearth, on which smoldered the fire of hemlock

    1. Evan’s cigarette remains on the curb, smoldering

    2. When your husband breaks down the door, he finds a smoldering corpse, like a doll made of ash

    3. And in the center of it all was the huge black smoldering cauldron that seemed to house an eternal volcano of seething lava

    4. Although the city had, from all accounts, revived itself from the ashes of the 'Big Fire,' Harry's first impression of the haze and dust was that they had missed a few smoldering areas

    5. Heather took a sip of the smoldering liquid, blowing on it first and then

    6. The old Wolf Down Inn was nothing but a pile of smoldering rubble

    7. shed the smoldering coat

    8. By the time the fire truck arrived, there wasn't much more than a smoldering shell left

    9. She raised her head to find a heap of melted rock smoldering where Whimly's rotting corpse once rested

    10. "Yes, so I see," Nicola said, turning her blue eye to the now smoldering pyre of dead flesh

    11. On the ground at his side the Graelic sat smoldering, totally black and shriveled like a worm caught in the baking sun

    12. Their charred remains covered him, still smoldering as they landed on his thick, leathery skin

    13. The staff was blistering to the touch to begin with, but once it took the Dead God’s life, it was smoldering

    14. The elf had to abandon his staff, smoldering as it stuck out of Ostedes’ body

    15. The Elf was instantly in front of the white-haired woman, with another smoldering hole in her robe

    16. Her eyes were dark, smoldering coals as they bore into me

    17. The sight of a fire was only about twenty feet away and it was smoldering

    18. With the smoldering wadding, he touched the corner of the crinkly vellum and it went up in flames

    19. Nevertheless, it is not without irony that from the smoldering ashes of defeat emerged off-centered platforms that would quickly come to define both party‘s sociopolitical ideologies in the coming years

    20. Above the tree line, the landscape took on a barren, lunar appearance, except for the greenish-yellow sulfured lake in the basin of the still smoldering crater

    21. The aroma of marijuana surrounded her as he held the smoldering joint out to her, offering it

    22. She fixed her eyes on the smoldering joint

    23. He rolled and writhed on the ground leaving behind roasted flesh, cloth and smoldering hair as the blaze extinguished

    24. It lessened the smoldering pain inside

    25. Only then did I realize that my own smoldering resentment of Paul had been because of my original hatred of that Saul of Tarsus

    26. Much like what I saw the previous day, the others fought it off until Itsuki hit the raccoon with a lighting charm and it was reduced to a smoldering pile of ashes

    27. Not far from the castle lay the smoldering ruins of Jarin Huss’s house

    28. Throughout the day the people of Pravik laboured to put out the last of the smoldering fires and salvage what they could of the ruins left in the battle’s wake

    29. towns were torched and nothing more than smoldering remains

    30. ” Ken mounted into the seat of the Marmon Herrington and watched the smoldering hulk

    31. continuously smoldering issue of “Athens versus Jerusalem” conceived in the Talmud as the problem of hokhmah yevanit (Greek wisdom), now burst into flames

    32. Amori looked into smoldering eyes; the feeling of unease settling in the pit of her stomach

    33. was on the ground near the table, still smoldering

    34. "That percentage, gentlemen," Friedlander waved his smoldering cigar, "is thought by the powers that be at TAC headquarters and in the Pentagon to not be enough justi�fication for the added weight, cockpit volume needed, and expense, to mount Fox Mike in our fighters

    35. For a few moments the smoldering mixture nearly died

    36. The smoldering pieces of the city gate were spewed out

    37. When a tree fell a smoldering fire bounced from this effect, it didn’t require property rights or singing

    38. They bade us to follow them to a large bronze cauldron that contained smoldering, fragrant grasses

    39. The farmhouse itself was a smoldering ruin, surely beyond repair

    40. smoldering in his white T-shirt and jeans, leaning with one shoulder against the open

    41. a smoldering look that was as easy to read a hundred years ago, as it was today

    42. The smoldering pile that had been the hunter remained motionless for the longest time, until, with a sickly creak and moist gurgle, he was reborn

    43. All the carnies stood together as one, covered in ashes and still smoldering a bit

    44. I lifted my gaze to his smoldering, intense blue eyes watching,

    45. Safely back in the attic, I looked out the window and watched the smoke still rising from the smoldering pile of ashes where the parlor used to stand

    46. A pile of smoldering ashes told me, in not so subtle terms, that last night was no nightmare

    47. few shattered shabti, scraps of smoldering linen and papyrus

    48. She stared at the melted wheelchair, then the smoldering remains of

    49. The smoldering creature fell into the void

    50. And that smile! She’d captured him with a look so smoldering and knowing that he’d nearly taken her right there

    1. Off to the side of the road, a fire truck hoses off the wreckage of the lead truck, which smolders

    2. A fire smolders in the fireplace

    3. The trees seethe and the house smolders, and standing in the gravel of the driveway, the daylight nearly finished, the locksmith has an unsettling thought: Someone might be coming for us

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    Синонимы для "smolder"

    smolder smoulder burn smoke fume glow reduce to ashes consume burn without visible flame smother steam be consumed fret stew fester be rankled seethe simmer with suppressed anger carry rage inside