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social system
1. “I’ve never heard of such a repressive social system in all my studies,” Desa said, she had to think about this a second
2. “But the same social system that exists in the cities also exists in the compound; it’s just a little harder to see
3. They are becoming aware of ecosystems, financial systems, social system and their effects on large populations
4. They refused to marry, unwilling to be part of a social system in which, despite academic and other success, they felt alienated
5. as the multitude of other nonfeminist practitioners, have, by and large, chosen to ignore both the historical roots of the patriarchal family and its relationship with larger social systems, and in-stead to focus narrowly on the current organization of the family as the best and only means of understanding it
6. 9 A lasting social system without a morality predicated on spiritual realities can no more be maintained than could the solar system without gravity
7. 7 No social system or political regime which denies the reality of God can contribute in any constructive and lasting manner to the advancement of human civilization
8. Richard became a ward of the social system
9. Gone was the security of a monthly check from his ex-stepfather and the generous government social system
10. In modern times, without their source of food and source of purpose, the Indians had become a liability to the social system of both the US and Canada
11. He didn’t know if establishing a social system such as the one described by Jack Crawford would be possible in France but it was certainly worth considering if it proved to be at all 776
12. Can we think of a more ideal social system?
13. There are very few laws because with their social system, very few laws are required
14. To know that good and evil is relative is the first major ethical enlightenment of the individual within a social system – “I can choose”, regardless of threat or punishment, is the root of liberty and the foundation of ethical thought, choice and act
15. We exist within social systems that purposefully inhibit flow and thus manifest symptoms of blockage
16. We bring the hypothetical attractor, the Ideal Dreamed, into existence by being its formula for manifestation, by choosing mindlessly the social systems entertraining us according to the gravitational laws producing the Culture, whose increasing mass warps future space in the I'mage of its proscriptive ideal: See, Believe
17. In every ownership system, concentrations emerge that block the social system's flow and divert it into a political virtualnism, rather than the people, be it a monarchy, dictator, president, or national interest
18. The question, then, is what is the threshold of love for love to functionally predominate the social will; what are the social systems, cultures, and institutions necessary to enact a social love that is greater than any individual within it? If love is the attractor, how are we a social will to it?
19. “A wise culture perceives the maintenance of the social system and institutions as nurturing labor: all participate in the nurturing of the society, which allows for society to nurture all
20. But on the other hand, the so-called chaos, ensured by a sequential stimulation of Intelligence, represents a potential source of possible harmony within physical, chemical, biological, and even social systems, all of which exist in these externally destructive states
21. Our social system in the Western
22. It is not designed to dynamically balance living social systems: it is designed to dynamically balance the slow formation and erosion of mountains, valleys, oceans and plains
23. The point is this: the conventional western Jewish media propaganda shit crap of portraying Hitler’s National Socialism as the most evil social system ever invented is a total propaganda lie
24. At the head of the social system, as the clergymen of that day stood, he was only the more trammelled by its regulations, its principles, and even its prejudices
25. Human nature is not taken into account, it is excluded, it's not supposed to exist! They don't recognise that humanity, developing by a historical living process, will become at last a normal society, but they believe that a social system that has come out of some mathematical brain is going to organise all humanity at once and make it just and sinless in an instant, quicker than any living process! That's why they instinctively dislike history, 'nothing but ugliness and stupidity in it,' and they explain it all as stupidity! That's why they so dislike the living process of life; they don't
26. He was hot on the French social systems, and talked of going to the Backwoods to found a sort of Pythagorean community
27. A strategic interventionist navigates a variety of scenarios ranging from individual problems to those of the family, the peer group, the organization, and the larger social system
28. Human nature is not taken into account, it is excluded, it’s not supposed to exist! They don’t recognise that humanity, developing by a historical living process, will become at last a normal society, but they believe that a social system that has come out of some mathematical brain is going to organise all humanity at once and make it just and sinless in an instant, quicker than any living process! That’s why they instinctively dislike history, ‘nothing but ugliness and stupidity in it,’ and they explain it all as stupidity! That’s why they so dislike the living process of life; they don’t want a living soul! The living soul demands life, the soul won’t obey the rules of mechanics, the soul is an object of suspicion, the soul is retrograde! But what they want though it smells of death and can be made of India-rubber, at least is not alive, has no will, is servile and won’t revolt!
29. "Dedicating my energies to the study of the social organisation which is in the future to replace the present condition of things, I've come to the conviction that all makers of social systems from ancient times up to the present year, 187-, have been dreamers, tellers of fairy-tales, fools who contradicted themselves, who understood nothing of natural science and the strange animal called man
30. How then could false thoughts not have an enormous influence on the social system? People, some of them, are well off in a false system based on false thoughts; it is natural that they support false thoughts, false-religious teaching
31. It is this antiquated social system, in which they no longer believe, because it is really a thing of the past, that men are trying to uphold
32. Violence, which men regard as an instrument for the support of Christian life, on the contrary, prevents the social system from reaching its full and perfect development
33. The social system is such as it is, not because of violence, but in spite of it
34. Therefore the defenders of the existing social system are self-deceived when they say that, since violence barely holds the evil and un-Christian elements of society in awe, its subversion, and the substitution of the moral influence of public opinion, would leave us helpless in face of them
35. An indictment of the present social system
36. May I be thrice accursed! What a world of irony was in this single fact for me! Just imagine! Here was I, seriously occupied at this very time with the destiny of humanity, thinking of the re-organisation of the social system, of political revolutions, reading all sorts of devilishly-wise books whose abysmal profundity was certainly unfathomable by their very authors—at this very time, I say, I was trying with all my might to make of myself "a potent active social force