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speak for
1. When all were assembled and the hubbub died down, Moamar spoke, "Do I speak for us all?" he asked the council
2. ’ She said quietly, ‘And I speak for everyone here when I say that we want to do all we can to help you
3. SAMANTHA: I can’t speak for him, but I think he’s crazy in love with me
4. Do you speak for the entire Jade population?”
5. clever he was, rather than allow the words to speak for
6. can speak for us all when I say that our spirits were pretty
7. "You have to understand, I can't speak for my expedition
8. I will speak for the group
9. Tote, however, sticks to his guns and maintains that the results of his experiments speak for themselves
10. “I speak for the entire clan when I say we wish to make peace, Daughter of Thor
11. “But the results speak for themselves
12. us to Chastity, doctor!” That seemed to speak for itself
13. Sicarius did not speak for a time after she finished
14. I must have opened my mouth in amazement, but was unable to speak for a second, and
15. I have never witnessed it, but female cadets also received corrective PT so to speak for obnoxious behaviour
16. Kay’s throat closed up; she could barely speak for the emotion that overwhelmed her
17. I could only speak for myself as to how I felt at that moment even though the others said they felt the same way when they were baptised
18. The answer is, “Of course,” but I can’t speak for Billy
19. She was obviously a person worthy of special consideration, he let Truman’s judgment speak for that
20. Can’t speak for Lanris here, he seems to be brave or stupid enough to eat that snot of yours
21. Vincent did not speak for a few moments, and Colling expected to be dismissed, but the major continued, “And one other thing…I received a call the day before yesterday from a Major General Reed at USAREUR headquarters in Heidelberg, recommending that you be promoted to Tech-4
22. I can’t speak for him
23. “I think I speak for everyone,” he says, “when I say that you have earned the title of Dauntless
24. Cinder could not speak for the lump in her throat
25. “I can’t speak for my pipe-smoking companion there, but this altered state of mind
26. Again, a simple dish, left to speak for itself and what a lovely voice it had (I’m aware I’ve used this quite ingenious analogy before, but I’m now struggling – it is the ninth course to be fair, cut me some slack, it’s really arduous to review a ten course tasting menu
27. “Our interest here, and I think I speak for Jason as well, is that we spend our time as productively as possible
28. I didn't think that I said anything bad, but Akito suddenly went very silent and didn't speak for the entire journey back
29. Usually the plain of ordinary words of scripture will speak for themselves!
30. Character assassination is most effective if initiated directly after a candidate is nominated, before the nominee has a chance to speak for himself, or for others to speak for him
31. ” How convenient to have a client to speak for that cannot answer back
32. me--something that could speak for her when she couldn’t, something that could touch
33. ” He said and I raised my eyebrows at him “Speak for yourself
34. “What I really want to do is let my actions speak for themselves
35. their actions speak for themselves
36. An article addressing this issue is so on point that I will let it speak for itself
37. have recorded to go public and speak for these animals and require that we respect
38. There are three others among us who are more experienced administrators than I, but I was chosen by Prince Yazadril to speak for us at our oath taking, so I have been nominated to continue in that role until you should choose another to do so
39. I picked her to speak for her group at their swearing because she’s the most capable and levelheaded among them, and one of the most experienced
40. 9 And when they were come near to Rages 10 The angel said to the young man Brother today we shall lodge with Raguel who is your cousin; he also has one only daughter named Sara; I will speak for her that she may be given you for a wife
41. “The vizier doesn’t necessarily speak for Pharaoh although quite often his advice is followed
42. “Come back to us,” she said, realising how hoarse she sounded, as if she was learning to speak for the first time
43. “I think that I can speak for all of my fellow servants!” offered one in a rather august tone of
44. He will speak for himself
45. Youssaf's situation, and I think that I speak for all of us when I ask you to be first
46. murmur within the group that he had chosen to speak for
47. “Her actions speak for themselves
48. The people of the Pharisees said This man is not from God for he keeps not the Sabbath; And others said How can a man who is a sinner do these signs? And there came 26 to be a division among them; And again they said to that blind man You then what say you of him that opened for you your eyese He said to them I say that he is a prophet; And the Jews did not believe concerning him that he was blind and received sight until they summoned the parents of him who received sight and asked them Is this your son of whom you said that he was born blind? how then Look does he now see? His parents answered and said We know that this is our son and that he was born blind but how he has come to see now or who it is that opened his eyes we know nothing and he also has reached his manhood; ask him and he will speak for himself
49. Mostly, she was too weak to speak for long, but I’ll never
50. Guest: “I can’t speak for the others, but I was raised on a farm