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    specific gravity примеры предложений

    specific gravity

    1. To reduce thickness of shrouds of atomic power stations and factories that produce isotopes along with normal weight concrete extra heavy concrete with specific gravity from 2500

    2. state of existence Its specific gravity, as it were, is constantly decreasing It

    3. This oil, with which the swim-bladder of Pisces infinitum is filled, has the remarkable property of having a negative specific gravity

    4. Specific gravity tests had shown that the casing of the

    5. This law is that, “the specific gravity of any substance is the weight of any volume of it, compared with an equal volume of water

    6. Check the salinity or specific gravity,

    7. After several hours, check the specific gravity with

    8. Enter terms such as specific gravity (SG), salinity, conductivity , but essentially, all of these terms refer to 'how much salt there is'

    9. - Pure water has a specific gravity (SG) of 1

    10. - Natural Sea Water has a specific gravity of 1

    11. because they can be more sensitive to pH, specific gravity and other water chemistry changes

    12. They prefer saltwater higher in specific gravity

    13. saltwater tank keepers need this device to monitor specific gravity levels

    14. Perhaps they wouldn't sufficiently increase the Nautilus's specific gravity

    15. These chunks weighed less than the water, and by an unusual effect of specific gravity, each chunk took wing, as it were, to the roof of the tunnel, which thickened above by as much as it diminished below

    16. At his orders the craft was eased off, in other words, it was raised from its icy bed by a change in its specific gravity

    17. Their specific gravity in the human species results from something more than a combat

    18. But, peradventure, it may be sagaciously urged, how is this? We thought the tissued, infiltrated head of the Sperm Whale, was the lightest and most corky part about him; and yet thou makest it sink in an element of a far greater specific gravity than itself

    19. If the only whales that thus sank were old, meagre, and broken-hearted creatures, their pads of lard diminished and all their bones heavy and rheumatic; then you might with some reason assert that this sinking is caused by an uncommon specific gravity in the fish so sinking, consequent upon this absence of buoyant matter in him

    20. And its specific gravity is less than that of my body

    21. The writers of universal histories and of the history of culture are like people who, recognizing the defects of paper money, decide to substitute for it money made of metal that has not the specific gravity of gold

    22. "They will ascertain, what is as yet but very imperfectly known, the depth, the temperature, the saltness, and the specific gravity of the sea-water in those high latitudes—the velocity of the currents, the state of atmospherical electricity in the arctic regions, and its connexion, at which we have glanced, with the inclination, declination, and intensity of force of the magnetic needle; on which subject alone, a collection of facts towards the upper part of Davis's Straits would be worth a voyage of discovery

    23. Globular concretions of greenstone are common in this amygdaloid, several inches in diameter, and of greater specific gravity than the other parts of the rock

    24. Specific gravity not determined, as it falls to pieces on being moistened

    25. If it be said that the specific gravity of meteoric stones being several times that of water, it is absurd to suppose they can rise, (if even reduced to the state of gas) to the elevated stations here assigned them, seeing the vapours of water can ascend only one or two miles above the earth

    26. To this I reply, that the doctrine of heat is not yet so thoroughly understood, as to acquaint us with all its habitudes with natural bodies, but we infer from analogy, that the more refractory a body is in the fire, the greater in a due ratio is the absolute quantity of heat required to reduce it to, and retain it in, the state of gas, and the greater, in a corresponding degree, will be the dilatation of its particles and decrease of its specific gravity

    27. The specific gravity of the black varies from 3

    28. Specific gravity only 2

    29. Specific gravity of these varieties from 3

    30. Specific gravity of three massive pieces, 5

    31. —, mode of obtaining the specific gravity of, R

    32. —, gases, a mode of obtaining the specific gravity of, xvi, 293, 295

    33. Hare's Apparatus for obtaining Specific Gravity of the Gases, 295

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