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1. Expect to invest around $150 or more in a quality tripod to stabilize
2. Another role of the Garuda is to stabilize the minds of humans as they advance on the evolutionary scale, both personally within a lifetime and societally over time
3. He subsequently changed his tune to claim he was attempting to stabilize gasoline prices
4. ” Hartle watched the distance stabilize as they settled in for shadowing
5. honest to tell him his condition, or to stabilize the patient's psychological with lies
6. Exotic blue anti-matter and other energies are needed to stabilize a wormhole to transport ships or large objects
7. mutually stabilize each another such that they occupy one’s attention across moments, leading to
8. model and the experience stabilize each other, or that one has received some support for a
9. speculate that illusionary-real oppositions stabilize that individual
10. “That is the case, though he was already over fifty-five million years old then, and it is unheard of for anyone’s personality to change significantly after so many eons to stabilize
11. If we can keep it that way, and stabilize the situation, we can afford to send a thousand professional hunters after every one of the guilty
12. He attempted to stabilize the facial bones, making many excuses to cover possible failure
13. To further stabilize it she stacked chunks of firewood around the pot
14. Despite all her efforts to stabilize her emotional state she would fall strongly into states of fear, depression and a feeling that something was chasing her
15. was shattered and no firm foundation existed to stabilize it
16. certain exercises to strengthen and stabilize the muscles that support the
17. When they did recover they were sent to Italy to stabilize the volatile situation after the deposing of Mussolini
18. If current trends continue the human population will probably stabilize between 10 and 12 billion
19. The higher a civilization climbs, the more necessitous becomes the duty to "seek first the realities of heaven" in all of man's efforts to stabilize society and facilitate the solution of its material problems
20. They tend to stabilize each other
21. “I was instructed to provide the volunteers with the new sedative, Suprame, to stabilize them
22. Hell, they send people to detox for a few days, wait for them to stop throwing up, stabilize their blood pressure, and tell them to go to AA
23. Drug therapy is used to stabilize the patient, to treat
24. They could not fix me, only stabilize me
25. regulation of this cycle were the minimum wage and the tax rate at the high end to stabilize the government and the rich/poor income distribution to a “fair” and sustainable level
26. It’s time to remove them from power and stabilize the world and its people without any significant debt
27. states to resuscitate and stabilize patients
28. The Germans aided by the weather and the terrain, were able to stabilize a line in the mountains west of the Tunisian Plains; thus frustrating Allied hopes of capturing Tunis and Bizerta by Christmas
29. Less than a minute later, as their speed seemed to stabilize at full power after creeping up slowly, James shouted triumphantly on the intercom
30. Max scraped away at the lava, but soon realized that it was black sprayed concrete, the process used to stabilize rock faces and create buildings
31. interest rates will stabilize at a high level
32. On a more positive note, however, agricultural settlements were established in the river valleys of what is today Egypt and Iraq by 5,000 BC with crops even being irrigated to increase yield and stabilize the food supply
33. The Mercedes then swerved wildly, apparently out of control, as the driver fought to stabilize and slow it down
34. and help stabilize high blood pressure
35. it to help stabilize yourself while doing this exercise
36. From day one, they were able to stabilize me in this
37. In fact, the German economy has started to stabilize only two or three years ago
38. I would suggest that at the first start of trouble, you start gas rationing and shut down unnecessary transportation in general, at least until things stabilize
39. As of now, all personal rights are currently suspended in Southern California in an attempt to stabilize the area
40. of Harry's skill to regain control and stabilize it
41. That would be a good way to stabilize things once again
42. strength to stabilize the ship
43. The Camel draws his head near to his body or far from it so as to stabilize while standing or sitting
44. And God says: ﴾And stay or stabilize in your houses and do not display yourselves like that of the time of ignorance and perform As-salat (Prayer), give Charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger
45. The word “stakes” is used to indicate anything that is stuck into the ground to help to fix and stabilize something else
46. A camel brings its head nearer to or further from its body to stabilize itself while it is standing or sitting
47. Liam was being kept while they tried to stabilize his
48. He repositioned the pillow Kirby had placed under her bandaged foot, so it was positioned under her knees instead, to help stabilize and support her injured limb once the van was in motion
49. I need to stabilize her ankle sufficiently until we can get it x-rayed at the clinic, and that splint is the only one which will do the trick
50. a lot of time to stabilize
1. I put the medicine in my purse, paid the bill, and drove home with Lincoln, now stabilized and no longer convulsing but still a very sick cat
2. The US had somewhat stabilized in its debate over slavery
3. “When I pushed over, my engine coughed, but we eventually stabilized and we were at least holding our own
4. immediately after her condition had stabilized
5. Brett was holding his own with Petra when it became clear the pair of cars behind him was dropping back, a situation which stabilized at about a four second gap and stayed that way for the next eight or ten laps
6. Angelo has been taken to the medical center, and the helicopter is sitting on the pad waiting for his condition to be stabilized
7. Having stabilized her balance, Monica began her walk over the dirt-laden area
8. would have to conclude that matter is actually just a mass of stabilized light, where mass =
9. Jason Redman, US Navy Seal ----- “Jason represents the current generation that brought down the Taliban, liberated Iraq, turned the tide in Anbar, stabilized Afghanistan, went after alQaeda and systematically protected America in the first conflict of the 21st century
10. Once stabilized, we expect the reciprocal relationship between bent-branch
11. “I will hold the first moment of the Reading until I have my four spells stabilized, and Theramin has his Sound casting ready
12. Mark experimented with it a few moments, until he had selected a technique and stabilized it
13. They should be stabilized by now
14. ” Or his implication that turnover during my years was rampant, when in fact, it had been rampant all through his reign and that of his other managers, and had stabilized considerably under mine
15. “He is finally stabilized, and if he takes no more turns for the worse for a few hours we might be able to consider his condition to be serious, rather than critical
16. Rick and Lorna were taken to the Military hospital in Upington where they were stabilized, and then transferred by ambulance to a private clinic
17. With empty cargo holds, the Bradley was stabilized only by 9,000 tons of water ballast as it headed for port in Calcite, Michigan
18. She can be moved now that she is stabilized, so get her inside the warmth of the buildings
19. For a moment, the floor stabilized, smoothing into a solid sheet of
20. If negative, is stabilized as I lead fear into Myself preventing it from entering the coffers of the Sesavah
21. But they were sure the earth character was what stabilized him and allowed him to be so controlled
22. “We have the teenager stabilized and ready to go
23. I turned my head away from his concerned face until he tugged me up onto my feet and held me while I stabilized
24. Once the ship had stabilized on its acceleration, Brownie and Sam returned to the galley
25. Life stabilized as much as it could given that people could join the community, but could not leave
26. Once they had stabilized in hyper, Rachel asked Reuben, “How about you drive for a while? I need to use the facilities
27. Once the formation had stabilized, Wren called, “Load proximity detonators in aft tubes
28. The wolf population stabilized based on the increased food supply and new hierarchies developed within the wolf society
29. The water stabilized at about a meter of depth before draining out
30. It’s better to wait until matters have stabilized a bit
31. the patient is stabilized
32. can be stabilized giving the false appearance of health
33. No one wanted to die from a hijacker’s bullet or be crushed to death in the sinking US1, so they regained control and stabilized the descent
34. After several minutes, the sub had fully stabilized and was back on course at a colossal rate of 50 knots, a 20 knots headway, until it had reached the same point where the trouble at handover started
35. An aerial reconnaissance suggested the team were all dead and when the volcano had stabilized, a new team would be sent to investigate
36. would have raised variable costs in proportion to fixed and margins would have stabilized
37. Magda Tacke felt her plane jump up in the air when the 5-ton BLOCKBUSTER bomb dropped, soon stabilized and slowed down by a tail parachute
38. would not have “sky rocketed”, it might have stabilized at a slightly above average level
39. Your friend has stabilized and appears as though she will recover fully
40. She's been stabilized and there are no signs of internal bleeding
41. the United States and the Soviet Union, had at least the merit of having stabilized many
42. “She’s stabilized, but keep me informed of any changes,” Garcia said, and then
43. “Jurak, as soon as the ranger is stabilized, there is a Lorax in need of surgery
44. “I have her stabilized,” Jurak said
45. Between 1996 and 1998, employment in the energy industries stabilized, rising in 1997 before falling back again in 1998
46. 4, but sort of stabilized for the last year or so in
47. The two minds are connected in a stabilized form so the sin of man is consistent with his described wish; interest, attitudes, work methods can have their creative paths
48. Who has fixed them firmly in the land and stabilized them so that they do not move or shake in spite of the earth movement and revolution ?
49. Mouthwashes or toothpastes containing a compound called stabilized chlorine dioxide appear to help eliminate bad breath by
50. one patient with advanced disease had stabilized, and two patients with advanced
1. The presence of the Moon stabilizes Earth's wobble
2. “Once his cycle stabilizes, there might be times when we could…” Persis said
3. Brian responded, “It means John, that Habeas Corpus is suspended till the government stabilizes the area
4. stabilizes, God seems permeated every where
5. " She stabilizes me for a moment
6. the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the heart and stabilizes
7. solve our problems in an alternate reality which stabilizes us for the physical reality in which we reside
8. This pose stabilizes and tightens the etheric of anterior Manipura
9. As you might expect by now, such an emotional extreme more often than not marks the very bottom, and the market stabilizes into accumulation in preparation for the next uptrend
10. Her immunity flickers, wavering due to her nerves, but it stabilizes and she knows they’re invisible
11. This is a good example because the market stabilizes and starts to drift higher at around 3:40 p
12. In his defense of short selling, Meeker states that short selling stabilizes prices when no other buyers exist, reduces the risk of manipulation, deflates bubbles, and provides liquidity
1. It was a sound that every old mariner knew—the keel had just shattered in half, which meant there was nothing stabilizing the Calamity against the waves and the ship would flip over in seconds
2. He lifted his pistol behind a locked elbow, with his other hand stabilizing his arm from below
3. Besides, it terrorizes the citizens with high duties tributary, high interests and diversity of laws that suppress vested rights with inhospitable economic actions as justification of stabilizing the economy or fear of international economic retaliation
4. and price are a few stabilizing forces commonly associated with the theory of the day
5. “He is stabilizing!” one of the dragon Healers exclaimed with such huge relief that tears flowed from her eyes
6. “Thank all the missing gods, he is stabilizing!”
7. We have that assurance as a strength and as a stabilizing reality
8. Profits, if any, turned into blue smoke and ashes, thereby stabilizing the wheels of commerce by continually removing excess illegal tender from circulation
9. stabilizing faith in the Sprug and prices, and
10. motion and activate the stabilizing muscles
11. focus was stabilizing faith in the Sprug and prices,
12. Kastur’s love for Mohan was the stabilizing force that remained constant throughout their turbulent, ever changing, and demanding life
13. very stabilizing and friendly, as was the modern decor
14. Or detracting his wheels and running on his clawed hind legs at a slower, but more surefooted, eighty miles per hour as his stabilizing tail sticks out behind him with its formidable club on the end
15. I needed a stabilizing force, I need Dr
16. “Without the stabilizing leg, the chair is something else, regardless of how close it appears to being a chair
17. laws come into effect as a means of stabilizing societies
18. He seized the control column and slid his feet to the rudder pedals, stabilizing their movement and regaining control
19. In most cases, the cost of capital will be uniformly higher for all equity companies, which they need to overcome by both increasing and stabilizing the amount of
20. reversion is by no means a “hard and fast” rule, investors will actually demand it because it means production is stabilizing
21. It was modified with a stabilizing motor to hold the coordinates
22. Would you therefore advise stabilizing this before doing stage 4? To thus work on stage 3 before moving on is my current strategy, even
23. “Putting that aside, the fact that the average scores are improving proves that some people are still willing to invest their time stabilizing the foundations of the Program instead of exploiting it
24. Although you can be independent to the point of contrariness, and maddeningly aloof and blasè, your self-reliance is a model for and stabilizing influence upon other people
25. After the dust settled, he treated the head injury, stabilizing the patient and then moved on
26. His oxygen level was stabilizing
27. “So, I’m guessing you think that the substance that’s stabilizing the explosives is also this tasrac dust?”
28. Enough to detonate any black powder that’s not currently under the stabilizing effect of tasrac
29. “The stake” expressed anything that is sticked into the ground to help in fixing and stabilizing something else
30. He helped them gingerly put her onto the gurney, stabilizing her leg as they did so, having already attached an IV into her arm, from one of the ambulance’s kits
31. stabilizing the back leg on your toe while the
32. both mood stabilizing and calming effects
33. act to boost the body’s production of serotonin and end up stabilizing your mood
34. He was stricken with this realization, awed by it, as he bent another sapling over, stabilizing the last snare
35. For example, at this moment, the Information I am explaining specifically influences the quality state of Configurations of your Self-Consciousness, forcedly stabilizing (due to your attempts to understand this Information) your Focus of Creative Activity on high-quality Levels of ORLAAKTOR and AIGLLILLIAA, which are still unusual to you
36. After the pumping of air increased the heat in the cylinder which even can go to dangerous levels, will reduce back to room temperature when further pumping ceases and that stops further air movement into the cylinder and such surging of pumping air is what brings about heat stabilizing
37. By increasing the liver function in stabilizing the yin qi in the liver, it helps the liver in protein and fat metabolism, resulting in increasing the function of the nervous system
38. I am very lucky to have found a stabilizing force in my religion
39. The spin was stabilizing, but the
40. I caught it and made it stretch down the few feet needed and with one hand stabilizing it I hoisted her up and secured the straps about her
41. Thanks for stabilizing me
42. It has a stabilizing influence and leaves the minds of the children free to turn to other interests
43. This means it has an overall stabilizing effect on the body without disrupting other functions
44. Then, entrusted with restoring the balance between hot and cold temperatures and with mixing tropical and northern waters, the Gulf Stream begins to play its stabilizing role
45. Then they offered another kind of pain medication, Neurontin (gabapentin), which is used for seizures and mood stabilizing but also deadens nerve pain
46. However, the EMA is also slower to react to stabilizing prices because it has a very long look-back window
47. If the rate of the trend increases, or if there is a shock in the opposite direction, the EMA will react before the SMA, but, as before, the SMA will react more quickly to stabilizing prices
48. This device of concealing a subsidiary’s profits in good years and drawing upon them in bad ones may seem quite praise-worthy as a method of stabilizing the reported earning power
49. He adds, “They were losing maybe a dollar a quarter, but the delinquency trends were stabilizing
50. not due to lithium’s mood stabilizing effects – as valproic acid, another mood