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    staff office

    1. Not only that but this was another battle that had ended with men killed for a few yards of earth sometimes it was hard to differentiate between who we would sooner kill the Turks or the Staff Officers

    2. We were wearing metal discs on our packs some Staff Officers brilliant idea for keeping tabs on us during the attack all I knew was that they were heavy and made the packs on your back sag

    3. There were more Staff Officers then I had ever seen in one place and who came in all sots of shapes and sizes

    4. We watched as Senior Staff Officers drove the opposite way in their Staff Cars asleep and looking comfortable and rested and not at all bothered by the misery all round them

    5. About a week later we were again lined up with a Battalion of the York and Lancaster’s and the Barnsley Pals for a simulated attack watched by Staff Officers

    6. This seemed for some reason to impress the Staff Officers but I don’t know why as all we did was walk past a load of white tape on the ground in line abreast

    7. Their jabbering, and the attempt of Toral's staff officers to stay the retreat, broke the stillness as our worn-out troops were aroused by the picket fire

    8. Nonetheless, the Air Force Staff Officers were in a panic!

    9. On the appointed day, the generals arrived, riding in an open command car, followed by two other olive-drab Plymouths carrying their aides and other staff officers

    10. Of course, Captain Flores: Manuel Flores, the OIJ staff officer responsible for all interrelations between The Port Authority and National police departments

    11. Short and to the point, his staff officers seem to say

    12. Word around the staff officers is there has been a change of plans

    13. He had come in as a captain, and had been assigned as a corps staff officer from the beginning, in G-1, personnel

    14. Inside were some staff officers who all rose and saluted me

    15. I went back out and directed the veterans to the barracks and told the new men to follow the staff officer to their new assignment

    16. Jibes at his fellow staff officer aside, MACV J-3 Operations was not a sarcastic man who enjoyed pillorying his peers

    17. ‘A Staff Officer named Thorsten – his background is in logistics so he may be useful in a siege but tactically he is unproven

    18. The code for entering the staff office is made up from the day and changes everyday at midnight but you need an employee number as well

    19. MacDonald smiled in appreciation at seeing she was not one of those paper-shuffling staff officers who had to be pampered and took their privileges very seriously

    20. Otto Skorzeni was driving a VW Kubbelwagen14 towards the Fornebu airfield, where he was to meet a Luftwaffe staff officer to resolve a problem with air shipment of critical spare parts, when he heard the first gunfire

    21. He followed Laplante and Stone back to the elevator tube, taking place with them and his staff officers in a large round cabin

    22. Five minutes later, Nimitz and his staff officers were back at their waiting staff cars

    23. After five minutes, satisfied that his troops were grouped properly, Wainwright and his top staff officers took place at the head of the long procession

    24. ‘’Somebody used her initiative and intelligence to obtain vital strategic information on the situation around the Philippines and your reaction was to send her home? If she was one of my staff officers I would promote her on the spot for that initiative

    25. MacArthur looked at her with curiosity, while his staff officers around him appeared scandalized at seeing a woman give her opinion on a military situation to a general

    26. The reaction of MacArthur was to applaud her briefly before looking at his staff officers

    27. The nearly 200 Navy and Marine Corps officers packing the fleet main briefing room got up from their chairs as one when Admiral Hart entered the large room with his main staff officers

    28. As the young pilot stepped to a position one pace from MacArthur and saluted him, a staff officer read aloud a citation

    29. After shaking hands with Dale, MacArthur then called forward Jesus Villamor as his staff officer read a second citation

    30. Her turn in front of MacArthur finally came, with all the reporters taking photo after photo of her as the staff officer read her citation

    31. With Admiral Hart and some of his staff officers sitting with him and senior officers of the USAFFE in the conference room of his headquarters, MacArthur signaled to his chief of staff, sitting near him at the big table, to start

    32. While showing an impassive face, Yamamoto felt discouragement and sadness fill him as he read the casualties list for the operation while standing near the big chart table, observed by his staff officers

    33. Raising his nose from the list of casualties, Yamamoto looked at his aviation staff officer

    34. Yamamoto then looked around the chart table at his staff officers

    35. Discouraged, Barnes looked at his staff officer in charge of aviation matters, Major Hicks

    36. General Douglas MacArthur had mixed feelings as he listened to the reports and briefings from a succession of staff officers: while the situation around the Lamon Bay appeared under control, the same could not be said about the Japanese landings on the shores of Lingayen Gulf

    37. Yamamoto stayed silent for a moment as he digested that piece of news, then looked around at his grim-faced staff officers

    38. I don’t want to reflect badly on my present staff officers, but none of them are really comfortable with anything that is not accepted Army Air Corps doctrine, if you see what I mean

    39. Opening one of the photomaps and laying it on top of a map table in the center of the dugout, he and his staff officers present studied it with growing glee

    40. Many of my senior staff officers and other officers in the Army are positively fuming at the thought of a nineteen year-old lieutenant colonel

    41. � Hitler himself then left without another word, followed by the staff officers and his bodyguards

    42. Worry on his face, Hodge turned towards one of his staff officers

    43. There were also a few military personnel in uniform but, judging by their age and physical shape, were probably staff officers more qualified to handle paperwork than combat

    44. They then all sat down to be debriefed as a group by Jenny, who knew that the Far East Command’s headquarter in Okinawa would be expecting her report on this with great impatience: the loss of the 2nd Marine Battalion had shocked many complacent staff officers back to reality and had reportedly angered greatly General MacArthur

    45. I had a staff officer check on the reasons why that artillery unit withdrew

    46. What I want is infantrymen that stand and fight, artillerymen that provide fire support when requested and headquarters staff officers that pass on information and properly coordinate troop movements

    47. Eventually, the air officer in command, Air Vice-Marshall Trafford Leigh-Mallory was tracked down; he was in the process of reviewing Belgian air force units on parade and his staff officers refused to interrupt him

    48. One of his junior staff officer then shouted in alarm

    49. As the staff officer used a field radio to call the crews of the heavy machine guns, General Ngo nervously looked at the sky, trying to see where the French fighter aircraft were

    50. A British staff officer left a brief case containing top secret documents in a London taxi that fortunately was turned in by the cabbie

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