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    1. ’ She said plainly staggered by my disclosure

    2. There seemed to be a cafe near some rocks at the far end of the bay so with that as my turning point and the town some way behind me now, I staggered along the tide line

    3. I staggered and to save myself from falling, shot a hand inside a thorny bush by mistake

    4. The boring banter continued and the evening staggered on with Mercouri bragging about how much beer and raki he could drink

    5. As dawn broke they staggered wearily out into the early morning daylight for a well deserved cigarette on the Embankment

    6. Young girls in scarves of white satin, stockings of red cotton and heavy brocade jackets staggered under heirloom medallion chains of heavy gold, links of pearl, lace and beads

    7. So, surrounded by a huge crowd of curious strangers and attentive townsfolk, new and old, I staggered to my feet as my mind went blank

    8. The older man was staggered by this and stuck for words

    9. The boy staggered backwards only to find his posterior fixed

    10. To say the least, I am staggered when she comes back, despite her ordinary shirt and jeans, she looks wonderful

    11. broke they staggered wearily out into the early morning daylight

    12. staggered up to the altar and came to a halt directly in front of the

    13. Naturally, it is staggered so at any one time there is usually a vacancy or at any rate one coming up soon

    14. staggered to a halt next to Ken and Lucy, who were standing and

    15. He brought it up (I didn’t dare) … said he’s staggered by how much I meant to him … he’s staggered! That is nothing to how I feel about it … that a man like him could care for a woman like me … a concept to approach gently and in small doses … even so, blows my mind

    16. Jorma staggered back under that blow

    17. 'Well, as you yourself saw, he just staggered about the

    18. staggered about the room before falling to his knees

    19. He held the red canister over his head and staggered rapidly toward Roman

    20. Max staggered from her,

    21. when she ordered her legs to run, but they only staggered

    22. I staggered, and my lips began to

    23. Something very hard hit him in the head—a rock maybe—and now as he staggered

    24. Men stumbled down the streets, following harlots into alleyways or simply staggered about, pausing only to fill the gutters with the contents of their stomachs

    25. The next moment he had staggered back to his bed, exhausted

    26. As he staggered

    27. eventually got up and staggered out

    28. staggered under the weight of his load as he lifted it onto

    29. Clothier staggered outside and came back bearing his wife's cloths basket

    30. He staggered about for a second or so and then sat down with a thump

    31. that he straightened his aching legs and staggered over to

    32. "It actually staggered on as far as a river and went down in it

    33. on into the nave, and almost staggered as he was

    34. Late that night, Tragus staggered in, reeking of sour wine

    35. Tragus staggered to his feet, cursing drunkenly

    36. I staggered toward the forest, not wanting to retch in front of my family

    37. She in turn hoped that the same sort of guaranteed surprises of her army life would make staggered if not even far rarer appearances

    38. The towering automaton would hiss and clank and grumble as it staggered, possessed by uncanny determination to stay on its feet and to keep fighting

    39. The thief staggered a bit, nearly falling to his knees

    40. She staggered along as Mercer strode ahead to look for the road - any road

    41. The momentum was too much for him to control and he immediately staggered clumsily forward onto his hands and knees, held for a moment and then collapsed flat on his chest, winding himself again

    42. We eventually staggered out of the final gully and onto the flat scrub land that we had crossed so easy this morning

    43. ” I staggered to my feet still half asleep thinking what the hell’s going on?” Elijah who seemed to be in the same boat shouted

    44. Felix staggered in carrying another man over his shoulder and Sarah immediately pulled the door shut after them

    45. I arose, staggered, more than walked, back to the table

    46. As the figure staggered towards her, her initial instinct was to take a step backwards, as if from an attacker, but in that instant she recognized her niece and caught her as Rosemary fell into her arms

    47. ?' She cried out in alarm as she staggered back

    48. We kept on going and I couldn’t believe that we had further to go I had to keep repeating to myself not far now there can’t be far to go now and I staggered along with my jaw clenched tight shut so that my teeth nearly shattered

    49. We staggered up a communications trench and George cursed saying

    50. “Yes or try carrying the trench-mortar ammunition like me and Nobby that’s not easy either”, and we staggered along the trench cursing as we went

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