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    stand over

    1. Practice the Shoulderstand over a period of time and you will soon begin to notice a lessening of the intensity of your discomfort each month, until after a time it will cease altogether to be a problem

    2. Now stand over there and keep

    3. I tried to make him understand over the artillery barrage that I would try to help him as best I could because despite his terrible injuries he was still alive

    4. He walks back to Shauna’s side, and I stand over one of the Candor scales in the lobby, at a loss

    5. You can stand over

    6. Still, I continued to stand over her with my empty arms outstretched over her

    7. Spears didn't stand over five eight with his boots on, nor tip the scales over 140 in the same configuration, but he had the wiry and bunched muscles of a weight-lifting flyweight

    8. We would stand over the box and try to drop marbles into them, but you had to do it in a certain sequence or the marbles wouldn’t come out because of the little trapdoors inside

    9. Harry was running towards her, his eyes wide with fright, his mouth open, screaming words that she could not understand over the thunderous booming sound above them

    10. So those above him who do not stand over machines or carry loads are just “freeloaders” to him

    11. You stand over the hyper white hound, this is a new trick

    12. ‘Stand over there,’ Jarek instructed

    13. “Now… you 2, stand over here

    14. Gomes smiled for a few moments but then his smile turned into a scowl because if this was blood on the end of the needle then the blood belonged to Vasquez then he was in his house… He took his camera and photographed the exact location of the needle and then got Gonzales to stand over the needle and point to it as he took several more pictures

    15. “Me, too,” Alice added and Jed took her aside, let her away as the doctor brought Snowden into the recovery room to stand over his nephew

    16. I stopped dead in my tracks and waited for him to clamber over the ruined cave to stand over my sprawled form

    17. “Okay, look, Pierre, Please stand over there near that

    18. food stand over there beside the Maple tree

    19. “Corey, let’s go to that food stand over there

    20. “Right, now that we are all settled again, here’s how we do it, the financier lives on Bribie Island, on the day in question we load the truck with Mr Jay’s equipment which he will take across the causeway to a car park near the house of the financier, Mr Crow and I will have hired a fishing boat for a few days fishing I drop Mr Crow at the boat which will be waiting at the Beachmere wharf, Mr Crow takes the boat across Deception Bay, a matter of ten kilometres or so, he ties it up at the Bongaree boat ramp, after dropping Mr Crow I then drive across the causeway in the panel van and pick him up at the boat ramp, we drive to the truck then proceed to the house, Mr Jay our resident locksmith opens the door, you and I, Mr Crow, with our dart guns will then render the guards unconscious, at this time Mr Crow your only concern will be the guards you will not leave them, not even for a minute, understood, if you need a pee you do it there you must not take your eyes off them guards for a minute, putting two more darts in the guns you will stand over the guards and if they seem to be stirring you dart them again, Mr Jay and I will bring up the vehicles and start unpacking, I will then guard the front of the house, when Mr Jay has disabled the Wilson we will load it into the panel van and then load Mr Jay’s equipment back into the truck, Mr Crow and I then drive the panel van to the fishing boat and load the Wilson aboard, we then cross the bay with the money, while we are doing this Mr Jay is driving across the causeway and around to Beachmere to pick us up, we then come back here to open the box and share the money and then we live happily ever after

    21. Five minutes later, Marsh would return and obviously stand over his empty glass

    22. Once completed, our new Toulouse Tower will stand over one mile high and will count the equivalent of 566 levels

    23. They see Diane D lying asleep in a hospital bed hooked up to tubes and monitors as two male white doctors stand over her

    24. Thirty minutes later, Mary, Marilyn, Margarita, Gracy and the rest of the relatives rush inside the hospital room holding a bunch of flowers and gifts! They approach Diane D as Michael, Barry and Nicolas stand over her bedside

    25. Stand over there

    26. In Latin, people called this situation ob portu, which meant that a ship had to stand over off a port, waiting for the moment when it could ride the turn of the tide to harbour

    27. stand over by that tree, and look worried for me, will you? The viewers are

    28. Now Brydon and Sharon, won't you just come up and stand over here for a moment

    29. Only upon this sort of a personal kind of a conduct could our versions be able to quantify and qualify anything that we could ever comprehend or understand over here

    30. The girl pushed the pole on its wheeled stand over to the

    31. NASA used the white charcoal in shuttle as a heat-shield but because of its unsmooth surface which could be ripped apart by the air turbulence the coal was replaced by smooth tiles which can stand over 1000C

    32. “Jacob, you stand over here,” she said motioning to one side

    33. “I want you to stand over there

    34. and said, “Just stand over here

    35. “You'll have to stand over the crib and pass Sean over to me every hour or so, twenty four damn hours a day

    36. would stand over me and offer up some pointless advice but mainly he was just getting dirt on the floor and Elly had to follow him around with a brush

    37. knees or their butt when the rest of us can stand over

    38. Quaid shot from the couch to stand over Farrell

    39. I jumped out of my skin at that, and I came to stand over him, as though I could protect him from his pain

    40. Diane turns around towards Teresa and firmly asks, "Teresa why are you standing over there? Come stand over here!" Teresa nervously walks towards Diane and stands over her


    42. She would make sure Claire was bathed and fed, and then she would stand over her sister while she called Helen to come take care of her

    43. stick to his back and beat him while I could stand over him--as I

    44. Pumblechook continued to stand over

    45. I'll scourge the pigeonlivered cur as long as I can stand over him

    46. On the sixth, they stand in her grandfather’s old bedroom and open the huge wardrobe with its heavy doors and cross the hall and stand over the model of Saint-Malo in Marie-Laure’s room and whisper to each other and then tromp back downstairs

    47. Stand over here

    48. Constance rose slowly to stand over the steering wheel and cry havoc at the gate that was not yet open and the night windows that were blind shut and the blank walls that didn’t care

    49. All you did was stand over her bed and make faces?"

    50. They stand over the two dead men and turn their heads to see the Martian sands and the distant well where Regent lies lolling in deep waters

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