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statesmanship примеры предложений
1. If that is you, why be a partisan party follower? Why makes excuses for wrongs done by those you once voted for? Why devote yourself to any political party, except to hold its feet to the fire and live up to higher principle? Why would any such person of good heart and intentions focus on fluff and ephemera like “leadership qualities” and supposed statesmanship? Why focus on anything but whether people will live or die because of wars threatened or prolonged or avoided or ended, or policies or politics that inflict or relieve human suffering? Why care about anything but these concerns?
2. “Perhaps you have no assigned duties, my boy,” Yazadril chuckled, “But you have accomplished great feats of statesmanship and magical research on your own initiative! So much so that it was decided that we would be wisest to continue to allow you to choose your own course as much as possible
3. Raising financial support might look like begging to African Americans, but many white churches regard the same kind of requests as honorable missionary statesmanship
4. In her choice of entertainment, mother had shown incredible sensibility and statesmanship, by including our allies, our former enemies and a Toltec segment, she had gone a long way to healing any animosities that perhaps might still linger
5. We visited hundreds of dwellings and small villages as well as the main centres of Tulancingo, Santaros, Vincoso and everywhere there were signs of a people who were slowly being ground down by taxes and overwork, after three weeks we finally neared Xocanti, the followers now numbered in the thousands, but Wedon the high priest and all the villagers, man, woman and child, came out to escort us into the village, carrying food and drink for as many as wanted it, I began to worry that this selflessness would seriously leave Xocanti short of food but Wedon assured me that was not the case, it was a joyous reunion for me and Coatl, when Jodas and his troop of warriors marched up and as one knelt in front of us, I told them to rise and we all hugged and punched and rolled about in the dirt, even Coatl joined in the fun, not a very dignified entrance for the Most High chief of all the Tolteca, but knowing these people like we did no-one took exception to their chief wrestling on the ground and having a bit of fun, mother hearing about it later congratulated me and called it a stroke of political statesmanship unequalled ever, it was only later that I realised how right she was, that one bit of fooling around had endeared me to all who witnessed it, it had achieved more maybe than all the pomp and ceremony of our long march, I didn’t have the heart to tell her it was impromptu, trust mother to immediately sort the maize from the chaff
6. The true test of his statesmanship, however, came when the British government invited the Soviet Union on to the Allied side
7. Whatever illusions he may have had over the extent of Britain's influence over Polish fate he showed his statesmanship in appreciating his government's dependence, which inevitably characterized the Anglo-Polish alliance as it had developed, into the basis of a working relationship
8. With all their arts and sciences, intellect and skill, eloquence and statesmanship, poetry and refinement,-with all this they are a wilderness, barren of repentance, faith, holiness, and obedience to God
9. the awesome statesmanship of Nelson Mandela, the diversity of its cultures and the
10. Though he grew up in an environment of sentimentality, he imbibed a balanced outlook that his stint as the Czar of Medina turned into statesmanship
11. However, Indira exhibited both courage and statesmanship at times, and became the apple of the Hindu eye and the solace of the Hindu hurt for the way she exploited the Bangladesh crisis to dismember Pakistan
12. The intellectual process by which Bentham and his followers have succeeded in establishing this view of the nature of punishment is one of the most curious phenomena in the history of statesmanship
13. It is undeniable that but for the desire to be where Dorothea was, and perhaps the want of knowing what else to do, Will would not at this time have been meditating on the needs of the English people or criticising English statesmanship: he would probably have been rambling in Italy sketching plans for several dramas, trying prose and finding it too jejune, trying verse and finding it too artificial, beginning to copy "bits" from old pictures, leaving off because they were "no good," and observing that, after all, self-culture was the principal point; while in politics he would have been sympathizing warmly with liberty and progress in general
14. Most men consider statesmanship necessary to them