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    status symbol

    1. It was in fact a status symbol to have the old style camouflage but you better also be entitled to it for the owners did not take kindly to interlopers and wannabes

    2. It was a status symbol for us to wear faded camouflage as it indicated veteran status in our macho world

    3. ” Antiques were a status symbol and usually referred to highly polished fragile items costing vast amounts of money

    4. were used for living expenses, but in addition they invested in land, status symbols

    5. A large dowry was a status symbol in the village and many girls tried to accumulate their "treasures" to impress their prospective husbands

    6. Large American manufacturers began to promote their automobiles as a status symbol

    7. It was my only nice thing, my status symbol

    8. In addition various and sundry additions were added as status symbols, which wealthy family was expected to have

    9. SUV’s are a status symbol of the wealthy affluent upwardly mobile rich; who can afford expensive cars

    10. to point B, just as effectively and comfortably as the brand new car does? What do you want: a car or a status symbol?

    11. All because these useless things originally had been exclusive status symbols of the wealthy

    12. Processed sugar; which had once been an expensive, rare commodity; used only by the rich upper heads of the British Empire, and kept in expensive locked cabinets in the parlor… as a status symbol of conspicuous, over-abundant wealth… became a drug so much in demand, it became so cheap, that other new staple drug-foods were introduced for the masses

    13. By selling them instant, fake, temporary status symbols like cars or designer jeans, or fancy, overpriced coffee

    14. The American Coffeehouse has become merely another cultural scam selling an elite status symbol to the masses to make them feel they are being upwardly socially mobile

    15. Out of this came the Protestant religious insanity of worshipping abstract-dead things as status symbols denoting wealth and privilege, they began collecting objects d’art

    16. Anything and everything that was abstract was worshipped as a status symbol

    17. Accumulating the dead decapitated heads of killed animals as status symbols? So the more skulls of dead animals a tribe has: the more skillful they are in killing, the more dangerous, the more they should be avoided if other tribes see how many skulls are impaled on wooden stakes around their camp, or village, or caves

    18. Be honest, is it a necessity or a luxury? Will it help your business life, home life or perhaps it will just be a status symbol, a trinket

    19. of student performance, a system of meritocratic status symbols

    20. We used to joke that the big status symbol for one’s office at O’Neil was not getting new carpet, but getting new duct tape to repair the rips in your old office carpet! All joking aside, you will not find a Google-like “habitat” where extravagant and self-indulgent perks are an intrinsic part of the environment

    21. Gold is viewed as a status symbol throughout Asia, but nowhere is it more prized than in India, where gold jewelry is the centerpiece of the gift-giving festival season

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