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    study for

    1. "I should have done a route study for this," doostEr said, "We may have to stop and do one even yet

    2. wanted to study for it

    3. It is said that the students at the local university believed that if you did not study for your end of the year exams by the time the Jacarandas are blooming you don’t need to bother and pack your bags for the Army next year

    4. At the back were a kitchen, bed-sitting room and bathroom for our use, and a separate study for my husband

    5. "You should study for the CAT and MAT

    6. The professor told us a couple of things to study for the upcoming finals

    7. Because Motorola had just paid the previous summer in Chicago for me to study for the IL bar exam on their nickel and time during days M-Th in the Loop, it was presumed (correctly) that I remembered something from the core subjects which were the same in common law and community property states

    8. Sanders reportedly responded well to treatment; however, shortly after entering a research study for the drug manufacturer, he had quickly de-compensated

    9. Only seventeen of them had dropped out of the study for reasons unknown

    10. Things to study for today for the test tomorrow are Math and Japanese History

    11. examination I couldn't study for - in matters of this sort, nature would be a more

    12. You will need to study for other indications which

    13. good study for you when you have finished this book

    14. On October 3, 1529, Nostradamus enrolled in medical school at the Medical Faculty at Montpellier to study for his medical doctorate

    15. Would you agree to a more intensive study for my personal research?”

    16. a great case study for your readers to

    17. Then they study for decades under the tutelage of accomplished Ajk’ihab’s

    18. would go and study for themselves about the Exodus and the time spent in

    19. had been accepted to study for a Bachelor of Commerce Degree at the University of

    20. And our lesson study for church this week talks about Christ, His crucifixtion, but more

    21. But rumor has it you’re a quick study for anything you set your mind to

    22. “I had a big Social Studies test today that I didn’t study for,” Haven began weaving her

    23. It was his habit to have two sets of notes, one in his study for him to pour over at night and the second one at his lab

    24. but when Phillip turned 13, he was chosen to study for the priesthood under the tutelage of a local priest named Father Quimper

    25. emails from our subscribers asking for suggestions on the best way to study for the boards

    26. That’s a basic overview of how to study for and pass the ABIM board exam

    27. While there is no one way to study for the NBME

    28. That’s a basic overview of how to study for and pass the NBME Internal Medicine Board Exam

    29. Then there was Mona, who took time out of her insanely busy schedule to help me study for the MCATs when it was – quite literally – painfully obvious that I wasn’t going to be able to make it to the official review sessions

    30. The park is full of orphaned, abandoned and injured animals, as well as others at risk, and provides an excellent chance for observation and study for both professional, and amateur, researchers

    31. Would you be willing to study for thirty years just so you could manage to recite the alphabet? That is the kind of Negative feedback that Science thrives on

    32. “Yeah, he wanted to come here to study forestry

    33. “How did you study for Exams Aadil?” She asked, with a respect in which she hardly ever speaks



    36. For drawings that are intended as things of beauty in themselves, and are not merely done as a preparatory study for a painting, charcoal is per

    37. College professors normally expect that students in their classes know the proper way to study for exams, write term papers and how to research information

    38. But what about those of us who wait until the last minute to study for exams? What is the best way for us to prepare when we have to cram?

    39. To all this Don Quixote said in reply, "Children, senor, are portions of their parents' bowels, and therefore, be they good or bad, are to be loved as we love the souls that give us life; it is for the parents to guide them from infancy in the ways of virtue, propriety, and worthy Christian conduct, so that when grown up they may be the staff of their parents' old age, and the glory of their posterity; and to force them to study this or that science I do not think wise, though it may be no harm to persuade them; and when there is no need to study for the sake of pane lucrando, and it is the student's good fortune that heaven has given him parents who provide him with it, it would be my advice to them to let him pursue whatever science they may see him most inclined to; and though that of poetry is less useful than pleasurable, it is not one of those that bring discredit upon the possessor

    40. bachelor, and the elder to be licentiate; I am a widower, for my wife died, or more properly speaking, a bad doctor killed her on my hands, giving her a purge when she was with child; and if it had pleased God that the child had been born, and was a boy, I would have put him to study for doctor, that he might not envy his brothers the bachelor and the licentiate

    41. It had been the object of careful study for some days past

    42. “Pete, all five dose classes have been covered, and the study for ½ of the patient pool is

    43. He saw the map which Monte Cristo had been examining when he entered, and said, "You seem geographically engaged, sir? It is a rich study for you, who, as I learn, have seen as many lands as are delineated on this map

    44. There was a study for Emmanuel, who never studied, and a music-room for Julie, who never played

    45. Only now his father kept him in in the evenings studying hard to get an exhibition in the intermediate that was on and he was going to go to Trinity college to study for a doctor when he left the high school like his brother W

    46. She was wearing the blue for luck, hoping against hope, her own colour and lucky too for a bride to have a bit of blue somewhere on her because the green she wore that day week brought grief because his father brought him in to study for the intermediate exhibition and because she thought perhaps he might be out because when she was dressing that morning she nearly slipped up the old pair on her inside out and that was for luck and lovers' meeting if you put those things on inside out or if they got untied that he was thinking about you so long as it wasn't of a Friday

    47. In order to get promoted, I would have had to study for the test, which would have involved going to a secure reading area, a special room where top-secret material can be reviewed

    48. Though she invited him to brunch, Colin begged off with his apologies, citing a number of upcoming exams he had to study for before working another shift that evening

    49. In order to get promoted, I would have had to study for the test, which would have involved going to a secure reading area, a special room where top-secret material can be reviewed

    50. These have already been formalized in some of the trade entries in Chapter 7, but this is a rewarding area of study for discretionary traders

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