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    1. educationally subnormal if the values and curriculum of the school were

    2. We cannot simply go our way living a carnal, subnormal Christian life anymore

    3. Other manifestations include teary eyes, sneezing, appetite-loss, depression, subnormal stools, mites, etc

    4. Notice that these were three consecutive short bear markets, and each was of very subnormal duration compared with the eight- to nine-month average for the species

    5. A similar situation developed during the bubble bull market of 1921-1929, which was interrupted by subnormal bear markets in 1923 and 1926

    6. Toward the end of an advance that has proceeded for a year or longer with a subnormal rate of gain, the convention that one of the declines must dip under the low of a previous sell-off is not required

    7. There have been only three genuine advances that have been subnormal: those of 1932–34 (577 days), 1946–48 (615 days), and 1960–61 (414 days)

    8. (This observation of Lindsay’s is very interesting because it tends to imply that other subnormal advances that he had listed in various appendixes were only temporary “working counts” used for educational purposes, as opposed to being his final count

    9. The subnormal Basic Movement appears regularly in declines and only occasionally in advances

    10. There have been many subnormal declines

    11. By comparing the Basic Movements with the long-term intervals in the foreseeable future, it can be determined whether the current movement should be subnormal, short, long, or extended

    12. It would have been nice if the decade had started with something more traditional, but instead it chose to begin with two anomalies: a subnormal advance that is quite unusual and a time period (August 1959 to December 1961) that Lindsay considered an example of a 3PDh pattern taking the place of a bear market

    13. There have been only three genuine advances that have been subnormal: those of 1932–34, 1946–48, and 1960–61

    14. That would have been barely long enough for a subnormal basic decline

    15. The decline from February 9, 1966, to October 7, 1966, was subnormal as it lasted only 239 days

    16. The Kansas City Public Service Company readjustment plan, also consummated in 1933, was designed to meet the simpler problem of reducing interest charges during a supposedly temporary period of subnormal earnings

    17. Because of this emphasis on the growth factor, quite a number of enterprises that are long established, well financed, important in their industries and presumably destined to stay in business and make profits indefinitely in the future, but that have no speculative or growth appeal, tend to be discriminated against by the stock market—especially in years of subnormal profits—and to sell for considerably less than the business would be worth to a private owner

    18. The converse may occur in the purchase of securities at subnormal prices

    19. The speculative or marginal position may arise from any cause that reduces the percentage of gross available for the common to a subnormal figure and that therefore serves to create a subnormal value for the common stock in relation to the volume of business

    20. The early period was one of subnormal earnings, which would have been still poorer if more nearly adequate depreciation charges had been made

    21. The use of five-year average figures for each item, presented along with those of the most recent twelve months, is suggested here because the subnormal business conditions in the year ended June 30, 1938 made it inadvisable to lay too great emphasis on the results for this single period

    22. Much more difficult is the task of determining whether or not the qualitative factors will justify following the quantitative indications—in other words, whether or not the investor may have sufficient confidence in the company’s future to consider its shares a real bargain at the apparently subnormal price

    23. Coverage of interest charges and preferred dividends must be tested over a number of years, including preferably a period of subnormal business such as in 1970–71

    24. At Berkshire Hathaway, we have a subnormal process

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    Синонимы для "subnormal"

    subnormal retarded dull second-rate unintelligent lesser obtuse