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    suffer from

    1. Sarah is said to suffer from prophetic nightmares

    2. We continued to encounter and suffer from the same problems as

    3. It is enough to know that I do not suffer from seasickness

    4. And if you suffer from that most distressing and common complaint, varicose veins, nothing could be more helpful than the habitual practice of the Shoulderstand which I described in chapter four

    5. If you do not suffer from sciatica regular practice of the Bull Posture will ensure that you never do

    6. If you suffer from high blood pressure, palpitations, chronic constipation, chronic nasal catarrh, or weak eyes, please do not attempt the Headstand

    7. If you suffer from excessive cold in the winter this is a good exercise to warm yourself

    8. The following exercise will help those who suffer from calcium deposits at the shoulder joints

    9. The majority of overweight people suffer from chronic constipation, so one of your very first tasks is to turn back to chapter five, re-read all I have written, and vow to make an immediate onslaught on your sluggish bowels, as this complaint is very fattening as well as uncomfortable

    10. There is a greater tendency in women than in men to suffer from varicose veins and prolapse of the viscera, this being due to the wider pelvis and larger number of abdominal organs

    11. If, therefore, you have a nervous temperament, and who has not in these troubled times, and you suffer from symptoms of eyestrain, you may be able to overcome these symptoms simply by learning to relax

    12. Strangely, the fisherman’s wife did not suffer from morning sickness, nor did she eat for two, gain weight or find cute little knitted bootees of any interest whatsoever

    13. spent their lives feeling grief would often suffer from

    14. And then the doctor made me feel a little better when he said that if you don't suffer from high blood pressure, the high reading today is probably due to the pain and infection that is spreading from your finger throughout your body

    15. They also usually suffer from depression

    16. (Dedicated to those who suffer from post traumatic stress because of abuse)

    17. ( Some must not only suffer from their own abuse, but be witnesses to it)

    18. (dedicated to those who suffer from flash-backs)

    19. The cheapness and abundance of gold and silver plate would be the sole advantage which the world could derive from the one event; and the dearness and scarcity of those trifling superfluities, the only inconveniency it could suffer from the other

    20. Rapists and serial killers will fall into the same medical category: they suffer from a disorder that affects behavior

    21. and that your product or service will not suffer from these issues

    22. I thought I’d relate it to you at this moment since in a roundabout way it could serve as encouragement for all of us to answer “Yes!” to an age-old question regarding the possibility of our being able to gain our freedom from this competitive and aggressive anguish that we frequently suffer from

    23. Though, from excess of avarice, in the same manner, the inland corn merchant should sometimes raise the price of his corn somewhat higher than the scarcity of the season requires, yet all the inconveniencies which the people can suffer from this conduct, which effectually secures them from a famine in the end of the season, are inconsiderable, in comparison of what they might have been exposed to by a more liberal way of dealing in the beginning of it the corn merchant himself is likely to suffer the most by this excess of avarice; not only from the indignation which it generally excites against him, but, though he should escape the effects of this indignation, from the quantity of corn which it necessarily leaves upon his hands in the end of the season, and which, if the next season happens to prove favourable, he must always sell for a much lower price than he might otherwise have had

    24. Therefore, when young souls are given the opportunity to assume important roles such as leaders of countries, the citizens of those countries might suffer from reckless decision making

    25. We’ll not suffer from lack of libation, if anyone cares to indulge

    26. “I see you have convalescent leave did you suffer from some kind of disease?” I nearly said

    27. So great an extension of market would soon compensate, both to Ireland and the plantations, all that they could suffer from the increase of the duties of customs

    28. Diabetes and aging, so my doctors tell me, cause depression, and I suffer from severe anxiety attacks at times

    29. Besides Botswana, I doubt if there is even one African country did not suffer from this despotism and tragically most still do

    30. I can also tell you crocodiles suffer from bad breath and invented the evil eye stare

    31. Part of our training was a lot of medical terms and conditions of which the dogs could suffer from

    32. Almost all those who suffer from Plan Colombia are African descent or indigenous, especially the huge numbers displaced by fighting

    33. In recent decades Mexicans have even begun to suffer from a new problem, an obesity epidemic

    34. White Fox didn’t suffer from a lot of little insecurities

    35. the thousands of ailments that human beings suffer from

    36. I don’t suffer from that affliction

    37. Her two children continued to suffer from

    38. Scientist believes that there are 8 out 10 drivers suffer from this illness

    39. “Don’t you see it John? The case is watertight against me, I can’t let my family and friends go through with such a protracted case as this, the bank will suffer from the bad publicity too

    40. you are someone whose family history includes a lot of family members who suffer from

    41. Another health issue that people may suffer from who have high levels of cholesterol

    42. the wait as long as you do not have to suffer from certain ailments that can be

    43. And if we can do our job in the beginning, we would not suffer from our devastating problems

    44. Dr Tawfik says they suffer from the Fourier complex—that is, they want to level our community to the ground so that we may live in misery, just like them

    45. But here is my question: what if there were another neighbourhood that had even less wealth and a lower standard of living than our attackers? And what if that poorer neighbourhood were also to suffer from the Fourier complex and thus decide to punish our attackers the same way they are punishing us? In life, inequality of all sorts will always exist

    46. did not suffer from the lack of basic education the original cavers

    47. I used to suffer from that joke when I was at school, but it comes in useful now

    48. I believe that I did in fact suffer from the same aliment

    49. that last more than an hour are said to suffer from migraines with

    50. suffer from common migraine, migraine without aura

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