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surprise примеры предложений
1. “It caught us all by surprise
2. boarded the train and found, to my surprise, that my consultant was
3. Ava had spoken with Kulai about Herndon and quite a few others, it would not be a total surprise, he would expect no less
4. They have the element of surprise again, which is bad
5. "What was the biggest surprise of your voyage?" Ava asked
6. "Yeah," she said, knowing what a surprise that was
7. Ackers slowly turned around to see a paper delivery boy standing on the porch with his mouth hanging open in surprise
8. It is no surprise that most of the health related problems of women have been given names that start with MAN
9. ‘Gave the doctor a bit of a surprise, I can tell you
10. ’ He said calmly, obviously enjoying my surprise
11. In his surprise and disgust Dan nearly crushed the empty brandy balloon that
12. The officer opened his eyes wide in exaggerated surprise and gave a broad friendly smile
13. ‘That does not surprise me in the slightest
14. Travis lifted his gaze from the shop floor and looked into Theo's eyes with a malice that took even the seasoned investigator by surprise
15. To my surprise, there is a taxi standing outside
16. I’m pretty sure Molly didn’t miss a trick … wouldn’t surprise me if she knew perfectly well where her son spent most of the night … but she was discretion itself
17. Then, my daughter's voice was a surprise in all this
18. Man in love ---> (Shocked) Oh surprise she was my "beloved
19. Man in love ---> But the surprise was over when you hear like
20. But everything falls by surprise; the destination
21. Later, at Janus, we all had a pleasant surprise: Alexander finally agreed to our attempting a technique for astral projection in class, which consists of the following steps:
22. On the 16th, I produce a birthday cake for Fred and we surprise him with a little party in the hall to celebrate his birthday – complete with balloons and streamers
23. ‘Kate, you bake a mean cake! And that party was a wonderful surprise
24. He didn’t hear Parker coming and his surprise jolted him out of his seat
25. While she holds Apollo in her arms she looks over at me and her face explodes with surprise, "Your eyes! They're better, what happened?" Apollo interjects, "ARIES repaired them
26. He wakes up later, seemingly the next morning, to utter surprise
27. To my utter surprise and absolute delight, Menachem simply took my outstretched hand in his, shook it vigorously and said in a strong and jovial voice, “Marwan
28. I held on for dear life, twisting his foot so that he lost his balance, more out of surprise than through the force of my sudden retaliation
29. After a never ending moment, he opened his eyes and looked at me in surprise
30. The question took Kara by surprise
31. Parrot: If you hear this bird chattering, beware of a treacherous person in your circle; if a young woman dreams of a parrot, she should investigate the origins of her lover before marriage, or she will have a nasty surprise too late
32. She chuckled, the realisation that she’d be grateful for his company – for a variety of reasons - coming as something of a surprise
33. To her surprise, a man's shadow soon appeared on the ramp
34. ‘No, all this is a total surprise to me
35. “Yes? To all of it,” She asked in surprise as he was nodding at her, “alright, it’s your stomach
36. “No way,” he said with surprise, “I used to watch that every chance I got
37. Her eyes were wide in surprise as he cradled her head in his hands, and kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and her neck
38. Her surprise when he would react to her touch was a delight to him
39. “Yes ma’am, we thought we’d surprise everyone with hot water
40. ’ He said, his voice showing the surprise he clearly feels
41. They all looked at each other in surprise; no one knew who their egg was until they were close to it
42. As they emerged Kate was taken by surprise at the sight before her
43. surprise of his life when the Queen of Jodechi arrived
44. It was then that Daniel realized to his surprise, that Michael was a virgin
45. But the sight that took them all by surprise was the size of Oreo
46. To my surprise, we come to a roadway
47. To my surprise, the cabin is tidy … I had expected Joris to be one of those men who leave things wherever they drop, but I was wrong
48. I tried to rearrange the packages and parcels into a nest where I could lie with my discomfort but it soon became clear I should have skipped the cheese pie and lemonade because before long my stomach was trying to settle on whether or not to surprise me by throwing up over American parcels, Australian parcels or the fragrant cabbage
49. It was a surprise to me, I can tell you
50. She hoped this surprise would be pleasant but fell asleep before Yarin came to bed
1. "I'm surprised you're not with Herndon this sleep
2. He was surprised she had been interested this sleep, on Dawnsleep she had still been sore
3. He felt a little hurt, but was not surprised
4. Sam was surprised at the crowds at the Oodle Festival, held just outside Berlin in the July of that year
5. Sam was surprised that his ears were suddenly so sensitive to the unfamiliar music
6. Nancy looked away, trying to appear casual, before acting surprised that the question was directed at her
7. why should I be surprised … the cup continues on its journey
8. With time--and patience--you'll be surprised at how much a rebellious grandchild can change
9. we'd been closer than ever after that, he'd been really surprised that I was still there for him
10. She was surprised that she was available
11. ‘Why should she have hated me?’ I asked, surprised at her comment
12. The Garda was surprised
13. ‘Is there coal mining in the Bath area?’ I asked surprised
14. I realised fairly quickly that she is jumpy about seeing Stephen with their disagreement unresolved and this house does looks a little imposing … I know I was surprised when Stephen bought it originally, thought it above our touch
15. Surprised, he hesitates, hands her the reports
16. ’ Emma commented, clearly surprised at the speed with which matters have moved
17. “How could it happen?” they asked, surprised
18. She was also surprised by the immortal population of New Dallas, that was four times the Pan Solar League's Angel population, even more than Pallas
19. "I'm surprised there’s nothing on him here
20. You would be surprised how shocking that can be
21. Surprised, I look at her reflection in the mirror
22. Theo was surprised but didn't show it
23. "I'm surprised Herndon didn't tell you about it
24. "Really?" Sarah was surprised
25. He was surprised
26. ’ Jeremy said looking surprised
27. The man without faith, surprised by the question of that girl
28. ---> (Surprised) What does it mean?, Only one of
29. Jubei ---> (Fascinated) I'm surprised that life put us in the
30. I was surprised at how quickly I became aware of alternative ways of interpreting my strange new home
31. I was surprised by this
32. Vincef was somewhat surprised
33. She sets the scene and we all walk through the lines, then we have to do it properly … which, in this case, means Andy and I being in a clinch as the curtain goes up so that we can be surprised by other characters walking in on us
34. “Can I have a cigarette?” I asked, surprised by my sudden boldness, but I was desperate to finish my first meal in days with that final token that would mean release from my futile fasting and a passage to one short moment in heaven
35. At first Alexander looked surprised to see me in his class after three years of absence -as if he hadn't known I would come tonight
36. I’m surprised they didn’t send more ships than the one we killed
37. now why am I not surprised by this? As promised, I send Nick a text message
38. I surprised by the openness of his thoughts and I get a piece of a conversation between him and ARIES
39. What he didn't understand was why the person he had surprised was doing this, unless he really didn't know it was Bahkmar that had surprised him
40. It was on that third day, as evening approached, that he suddenly found himself surrounded by a throng of surprised crewmen, most of them surprised to find themselves clad in formal robes and turbans, all walking along the colonnade of the Haadij toward what could only be the amphitheater
41. As I turned my head, I was surprised to see that Arion's laser had struck the crystalline sphere above the altar, actually destroying the mystical seal inside
42. Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you,” 1 John 3:12-13
43. ‘Iain!’ she said, surprised to see him standing there, awkwardly holding a bunch of flowers
44. Luray looked a little surprised, but explained
45. ‘I’m not surprised … it’s a nasty business all told from what I can glean
46. It surprised him so much he woke
47. He raised the covers, and was surprised that his clothes had been removed
48. Before the surprised clowns could reply, Marshall and Didiera
49. "I'm surprised there hasn't been the way you've been calling them
50. Unfortunately, Liesse Yare has had to stand down from the management – his health is deteriorating and, strictly between you and me, I should be surprised if he lasts the year
1. The scheduling the staff of this place alone is a nightmare!" As they leave, I stand to embrace Apollo, but he surprises me yet again
2. This clearly surprises her
3. I am also frustrated by the knowledge that, even if I could present you with such tokens, you probably wouldn’t wear them … I have never met a woman who wears less jewellery or who is so difficult to buy presents for! This being the case, I am sustaining my ego by building up a little store of surprises for you – one day I shall dig them out of storage and watch as you open the various boxes
4. He helps me out of the vehicle, which surprises me
5. The fact surprises me … I haven’t seen anyone else here any of the times I have been here and it comes as a shock to realise that Joris uses it regularly
6. After making sure that there were no surprises left in the air, Jake dispatched Rah to hunt down a scout that he knew would be there to observe and report back
7. His comment surprises me
8. is, of course, considering that there are no surprises
9. As pain may result from these unforetold surprises, the joys that come from meeting someone and discovering their
10. Alastair is excited, which surprises me
11. This surprises me and it shows
12. “Are there any other surprises?”
13. “You are full of surprises Tar,” she leaned closer and whispered, “and not just in the bedroom
14. across something unexpected that surprises you
15. Because it is so bulky and primitive I never thought the hardware would hold any surprises
16. This planet is full of surprises Mya
17. People in deep vegetative states don’t come up with many surprises, that’s why Enjteen left you the way he did
18. when I thought Roman was done with the surprises, it seemed another was always
19. ‘What surprises me is that he proposed by e-mail … I mean, it’s hardly romantic
20. enough that not much of anything surprises me these days
21. Over hot cocoa at the cafe, they made a brief list of stops for the shops Chloe knew she would find the majority of her surprises
22. With all of his surprises,
23. Would his surprises never end?
24. pleasant surprises awaited them; Bobby’s and Boochie’s presents were met with
25. More circumspect as they scanned the ground before them for caltrops and any other nasty surprises that may lie in store
26. surprises but this time one comes as a shock! How can he do
27. result may offer surprises of the most serious,
28. They were generally at the same time erected into a commonalty or corporation, with the privilege of having magistrates and a town-council of their own, of making bye-laws for their own government, of building walls for their own defence, and of reducing all their inhabitants under a sort of military discipline, by obliging them to watch and ward; that is, as anciently understood, to guard and defend those walls against all attacks and surprises, by night as well as by day
29. She in turn hoped that the same sort of guaranteed surprises of her army life would make staggered if not even far rarer appearances
30. What other surprises was she going to produce? The Elf sat back in the Captain's chair and asked calmly, “And where did you get a hand scanner with that kind of range?”
31. Many things had of course happened in the past few days and none really wanted more surprises
32. No great surprises here thought Monty
33. A successful meeting has no surprises
34. I was surprised that McDonald stopped there, but the man was certainly full of surprises, wasn’t he
35. “Alright Sergeant take the men on as far as those trees over there and check that the Turks have no more surprises for us and no more of them are in the vicinity and I will take care of things here
36. They all fused into an existence, a life of very few surprises
37. “He’s full of surprises, isn’t he?”
38. I could relax around her again, but I had to ask, “Is there anything else I need to know? Any more surprises?”
39. There were no surprises, and I got home by fifteen after ten
40. “Other than that; I despise the police with a passion that surprises me
41. I was looking forward to it, and had planned some special surprises for Uncle Hobart and Aunt Martha
42. I experienced the expected radiation burn and the fatigue, but there were no other complications or surprises
43. While their pilots were usually pretty well-trained, any technical surprises would be in our favour
44. The return trip was of equal duration, but their familiarity with the route meant there were fewer surprises, so that the two men not driving the truck often used the time to sleep
45. "That surprises you?" She moved closer, capitalizing on my reaction
46. The mayor didn"t like surprises
47. He still didn’t know the young curator as much as he wanted to, but he had seen enough to know that he was a indeed a man full of surprises
48. He felt wary of the other surprises that lay in stock for him
49. He had a few surprises for the Council, and he wondered what old Simmy Baby had been up to lately
50. While there are many fruits you may already be familiar with, there are some exquisite ones that many Westerners have never seen or heard of so there are some pleasant surprises in store
1. Even more surprising than that, his head wasn't bleeding or nothing!
2. Not surprising really
3. Not surprising really when you know a little about her life
4. It’s surprising how much dust accumulates on bookshelves
5. "No," Glenelle said, surprising herself with the speed that word was out, in spite of the racing heart her ethical misgivings were causing, "I just need to understand who I am and where we are
6. While we were packing boxes, we chatted about all sorts of things … she told me some stories about her childhood which were very similar to some of my own memories – not really surprising, we’re both country girls, after all
7. clearly notified that: “It is over”, the most surprising thing was that there
8. Suzy was surprising everyone
9. Emma was a bit cagey with Stephen when she first got here, as though she was weighing him up – not surprising really, she’s very protective of her mother – but she seemed reasonably happy by the time she left
10. ‘You look shattered, Kate, which is not really surprising
11. He was stupid to have left it at that level after surprising the one who ran the fake female side
12. It's surprising how easily and quickly they broke him
13. And it’s not surprising your head hurts,’ Came the reply
14. "Not surprising, as bulky as that is, but this is as good a place to camp for Noonsleep as any
15. I squelched through swarms of midges and climbed through tall grasses and even jumped a surprising brook all without confrontation
16. ‘It’s hardly surprising is it?’ Berndt said reasonably, ‘You’ve not spent that much time here on Errd, after all
17. ’ He said, surprising me – although I have called the thing that in my mind, I didn’t for a moment think it was the proper name
18. The blind at the window is pretty manky too – not surprising I suppose with the amount of steam which gets generated in here sometimes and the fire in the range creates a fair amount of soot
19. ‘You’ve had a lot to deal with over the last week, Jo, it’s not surprising that you get ratty sometimes
20. In fact, the archaeologist said that considering there is so much evidence to show Dorini was an established Minoan settlement, it's surprising there has never been an official dig
21. It wasn't surprising, considering she was the best looking girl in
22. Abi was nervous before her piano lesson tonight, not surprising really - after all it’s over a month since she last had a lesson, but when she came back she was okay
23. It wouldn’t be surprising
24. this leads to surprising revelations about the past
25. It wasn’t surprising that her body needed a certain
26. Not surprising with the heat that is generated between you
27. If she really did believe in the Son of God, she would not have thought it at all surprising that he was not here
28. Tam had to admit that this human was very surprising in his reactions to his
29. The newness of it is a little surprising
30. ‘Not surprising with that thing making such a row
31. In a not so surprising coincidence George finished his tower project just when they had completely varnished the decks
32. Not surprising considering what Ozzie put her through – but she’d married him after all, it was reasonable to assume she knew what she was doing at the time
33. “You know, there’s a surprising variation in the Visitors I have
34. Even more surprising, he actually came to
35. Soissons, surprising everyone with the change of subject
36. His search turned up empty, not surprising considering who he was dealing
37. Not surprising though that our definitions of ‘good people’ are not
38. They’re pretty subdued … not surprising really … at least they’re not hysterical
39. There was a surprising number
40. After a few seconds, he squinted his eyes open and saw something most surprising
41. His speech was a little accented, not surprising from way up there
42. Not surprising that he didn’t know of them, few who weren't history scholars did
43. It is not so surprising, I suppose, for Harry to both complete his University studies and hold down a new career at the same time
44. His strength was surprising as he pulled her up with him
45. Her reaction to his touch was surprising also and a bit of a gasp escaped her lips from the shock of it
46. This was a surprising discovery, and I was exceeding glad of them; but I was warned by my experience to eat sparingly of them; remembering that when I was ashore in Barbary, the eating of grapes killed several of our Englishmen, who were slaves there, by throwing them into fluxes and fevers
47. The title was a bit long, true; The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner; Who lived Eight and Twenty years, all alone in an Uninhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque, having been Cast on Shore by shipwreck, wherein all men perished but Himself
48. Even more surprising was their dress
49. It was certainly, as you said, very surprising that he should have gotten a rare Asiatic disease in the heart of London--
50. He was barely out of the shower when Luray showed up, surprising him