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    Используйте «surrealism» в предложении

    surrealism примеры предложений


    1. lucid, with none of the twisted surrealism and random jumps of

    2. I seem to have survived on sheer surrealism

    3. surrealism that was accompanied by philosophical interest

    4. leapt across the threshold of Surrealism, and there it has remained

    5. “Outside of the usual flagstone boundaries of surrealism

    6. Computers are the dawn of a new mass-cultural psychosis, a new low in human inhumanity… of humans raised inside an artificial culture of machine surrealism that is so disconnected from the rest of the Universe: that humans who use computers: no longer socialize with each other in person

    7. to it; and there was a definite sense of surrealism in the atmosphere

    8. The “I Wanna Be Loved” clip was one of the few occasions in which the surrealism of miming conveyed any real emotion

    9. Ford leaped to his rescue, hazarding “counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the… er…” Hefloundered too, but Arthur was ready again

    10. “Hmmmm,” he said, “counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor…” He considered this for a moment, and

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