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    sustainable примеры предложений


    1. How long can we ignore the chaos? It is for these reasons that natural non-chemical life-styles are very important in developing a sustainable life-style

    2. product creation is the best way to create sustainable income that’s more

    3. The Surprising Truth About Success and Creating a Sustainable Business

    4. At stake is our place in the universe as a sustainable biosphere for future generations

    5. But soon she noticed that he was easing back to a more sustainable effort, and although the raft moved slower, it seemed to glide more smoothly along

    6. This working capital is calculated with base in the necessities of organizational resources, quantity of beneficiary people and defined goals that are foreseen in the Usuarist Project of each organization to accomplish the production of products and services with completeness and feedback of its process productive or social with sustainable development

    7. upcoming water wars, the erosion of the coral reefs, the endangered ozone layer, lost species, urban sprawl, sustainable growth, and so on

    8. One never hears of sustainable marriage, sustainable gun ownership,

    9. How could we be sustainable in the business and environment long term?

    10. The global vision must be responsible and in line with the long term sustainable

    11. Despite the cleaning authority, long-term sustainable cleanliness could not be

    12. What is the vision that you imagine is sustainable in long term, and win-win-

    13. If this desire is not heartfelt and is not sincerely orientated towards humanity, but is result of personal interest, desire for power and money, the leader and his leadership policies are not sustainable on long terms

    14. Power is sustainable, the pressure is not sustainable

    15. Power is sustainable, beneficial health of body and mind, the harvest is more potential in life

    16. All the technical information, procedural and budgeting principles are extremely important if you want to ensure lasting and sustainable change

    17. ethical responsibility and for the only sustainable solution, based on the WHO approach of catch neuter, release programmes”

    18. Global Nation, founders for the group ‘A Sustainable Planet’, blamed the red colour on global warming caused by environmental pollution destroying the Earth’s ozone layer

    19. Each year since the Balance Budget Act of 1997 which created the sustainable

    20. they did not win a fight they sure as hell had to have at least dealt some sustainable injuries to

    21. You are rational, because you know that the only sustainable way of becoming wealthy is to create something of lasting benefit to others (an honest value) otherwise they won't 'buy' it

    22. The transparency of the web creates the accountability for business to produce real solutions for all stakeholders; spin is no longer sustainable as a solution

    23. , is not sustainable

    24. There are several who have dedicated themselves to building a sustainable, low-carbon

    25. It"s called sustainable logging

    26. ―And that we maintain a sustainable hold on our system‘s resources

    27. Bridget herself knew that with the girls growing up so quickly that the situation was not sustainable

    28. Over the next few weeks they’d brought in soil from outside and, with the addition of chemicals developed by Norm and Ngem to enhance it, a large area at the side of the cavern had now become a sustainable pasture

    29. In particular, he was concerned about safeguarding the environment and using natural resources conservatively and in sustainable ways

    30. Greg spun the ship around and kicked the engines to full, the real full, not the full the pilot’s manuals approved, but the full the engineers said was possible but not sustainable

    31. ‘Secondly, to secure and defend a substantial area of our most productive remaining agricultural land, where low-tech communities can live and work to produce sustainable food surpluses and accommodate the maximum number of the most suitable members of our existing population

    32. It is hoped that eventually the vast majority of food production for the remaining urban population will be sourced from these sustainable farming communities

    33. It would be easy to blame the people, but they had not been responsible for destroying the sustainable self-supporting communities that had inhabited Sub Saharan Africa

    34. I think we can safely say that, The End of Days, or, Armageddon has begun and, for the first time in well over a century, we now have a sustainable human population that can be supported on our planet

    35. It is important that you investigate things and locate actions and products which are sustainable

    36. All things are sustainable to some degree but at what cost to other areas do you wish to keep the specified product or action sustainable? It is important to understand that all actions have a reaction, cause and effect

    37. You need to make a sustainable income in this day and age to afford just the necessities of life and money must be there

    38. This form of counseling has proved to be sustainable

    39. 9 - Highest sustainable rating for a category

    40. The wood for the frame will come from sustainable harvesting techniques

    41. Their land is an environmental masterpiece, combining permaculture – a branch of self-maintained, sustainable farming embracing nature

    42. We need to use more small scale diversified sustainable farming, and get away from large scale risky, genetically altered crops and animals

    43. 425T to support the increase in wages plus the transfer of jobs from the government and industry of about 8-10million 40-50K (home buying) jobs per the sustainable capitalism approach presented in a curve earlier

    44. It is my supposition that the market is revved up in a sustainable way to produce more product

    45. An essential part of this model is the strong reduction of government spending that allows, not only a strong market, but a pay down of the national debt in big chunks $400B/yr, turning a non-sustainable government into a sustainable thrifty government by comparison

    46. Go back to sustainable small farming

    47. Put everybody to work doing clean energy type manufacturing or small scale sustainable farming like we were at war, a big commitment

    48. I want to see a green future starting right now, with huge investment into solar, wind, and other sustainable energy systems, and the plug-in hybrid electric car PHEV

    49. We should not forestall the development of serious amounts of alternative sustainable energy

    50. We need people who are excited about doing their share in their area to achieve a sustainable economic system for the nation

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