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    swoop down

    1. She could bring the probe in very quietly among the pointed glass turrets of the castle this courtyard was on and swoop down to perch on a windowsill

    2. In other words, he could most likely swoop down and give ya a good, hard whap on your noggin and be up and out of sight again without your ever knowing what hit ya! “A ghost?” you might ask yourself afterwards, while trying to massage the throbbing pain on top of your head

    3. decided to wait for calm when he could swoop down on all of

    4. These conditions made it ideal for the Shenandoah to employ steam and swoop down on its Yankee

    5. They swoop down and expect food to be waiting for them

    6. A large snake appeared and Giselle girded herself, she could swoop down and rip the snake's head off with her strong talons

    7. The rest of us will proceed along the mountains until we are below the desert; then we will swoop down on them from the mountains in three places along the river valleys that flow from the mountains to the sea

    8. Likewise, as the atmospheric plunams would have been hard pressed for prey, what with their earthly counterparts on the growth path, they would have evolved as birds with the ability to swoop down on their pray and spirit away when threatened

    9. They had heard the Chinook swoop down into the estuary and watched it hover about a hundred feet above the water

    10. For some reason, Simon had expected them to instantly swoop down and finish off the men in mere seconds

    11. who could swoop down and attack you

    12. But enough eyes were watching to swoop down and pick up people’s film

    13. Lord Ashburn quietly watched Faye out the corner of his eye as she suspiciously stared at her husband with a hawkish attitude; she appeared to be prepared to swoop down upon him at any moment and catch his indiscretions

    14. all the Federal agencies would swoop down on the area

    15. Lov looked up in time to see an enormous bird swoop down and nab him with its Talons

    16. For a moment there would come a lull in the storm, but then it would swoop down again with such onslaughts that it seemed impossible to stand against it

    17. He’d really believed, apparently, that on this day, in his hour of need, God Almighty was going to swoop down and reveal what had happened back there to the Cicciaro kid, but maybe this was all he was going to get: a memory of his senior year in high school, when his father had driven him in from Passaic to see the V-J Day parade

    18. They looked as if they wanted to swoop down and carry away the infant

    19. In the winter of '46-7 there came a hundred men of Hyperborean extraction swoop down on to our pond one morning, with many carloads of ungainly-looking farming tools—sleds, plows, drill-barrows, turf-knives, spades, saws, rakes, and each man was armed with a double-pointed pike-staff, such as is not described in the New-England Farmer or the Cultivator

    20. How I have longed for it! Just to feel it once again, the nice, big, wholesome homeliness of it all! To jump, just to jump from the crest of an Atlantic wave, laughing in the trade wind's spindrift, down into the blue-green swirling trough! To chase the shrimps on a summer evening, when the sky is red and the light's all pink within the foam! To lie on the top, in the doldrums' noonday calm, and warm your tummy in the tropic sun! To wander hand in hand once more through the giant seaweed forests of the Indian Ocean, seeking the delicious eggs of the pop-pop! To play hide-and-seek among the castles of the coral towns with their pearl and jasper windows spangling the floor of the Spanish Main! To picnic in the anemone-meadows, dim blue and lilac-gray, that lie in the lowlands beyond the South Sea Garden! To throw somersaults on the springy sponge-beds of the Mexican Gulf! To poke about among the dead ships and see what wonders and adventures lie inside!—And then, on winter nights when the Northeaster whips the water into froth, to swoop down and down to get away from the cold, down to where the water's warm and dark, down and still down, till we spy the twinkle of the fire-eels far below where our friends and cousins sit chatting round the Council Grotto—chatting, Brother, over the news and gossip of THE SEA!

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