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    syllables примеры предложений


    1. It emphasized both syllables with an exaggerated change of pitch going from really high to really low

    2. No recognisable syllables

    3. She had to explain how syllables were put together and explain the rules for the order of letters in a syllable

    4. silence between the syllables is the state of perfect bliss

    5. “Astron-omi-con” he said, stressing the syllables for clarity, “It’s

    6. During the next 50 years, Panin would devote up to 18 hours a day painstakingly counting letters, numbers, sentences and syllables and performing calculations to mathematical problems and then recording his findings in hand-written notes

    7. Not only did Panin have to focus on the words of the original Greek texts, but also on their arrangements, positions, numeric values, the syllables they contained and the letters that they consisted of

    8. These would include order number, numeric value, place value, number of occurrences, syllables, letters, writers, books, number of forms etc

    9. If you were required to write a paragraph consisting of letters, syllables, words and sentences and were requested to make use of a number of words that are evenly divisible by 7, most people would not see this as an issue and would agree that this can easily be achieved

    10. Seraphia’s last words to Raven cut him like a knife, the cruelty, the brutal honesty of those simple syllables

    11. studied his notes and charts, muttering arcane syllables

    12. letters and vocalized as syllables ( man, to think + agential suffix tra)

    13. New words are being invented all the time but their syllables must have one of those patterns

    14. It can be easy to hear the syllables when you say the words

    15. "You know where to go," he whispered in tonal syllables

    16. " Thereupon I took it and going away into a certain part of the country I transcribed the whole of it letter by letter; but the syllables of it I did not catch

    17. "Four syllables? You ain't that drunk

    18. "No, no, that's six syllables

    19. It is the same voice that whispered dark meaningless syllables at midnight

    20. -Heeereetiiics, Get Out! – So she was saying lengthening the syllables in ancient English that no one has heard of and the peasants who constituted her only public acclaimed with effusiveness her sardonic declamations

    21. ” Her words and syllables were broken, and the

    22. But now they had a name for Satan, a few syllables that stand for all things evil

    23. important to keep in mind, for the efficient speaker not only changes the pitch ofsuccessive syllables but gives adifferent pitch to different parts, or word-groups, of successive sentences

    24. quite different results according to the notes upon which its syllables are

    25. race, are all syllables of a great word which will be complete in the seventh

    26. “Toby,” he said and there was a wealth of feeling in the short syllables

    27. they replaced the repetitive syllables by repeating words and re-

    28. tones evolved from additional syllables that got lost and re-

    29. ” Hint: the missing word has thirteen letters, four syllables and shouldn’t be uttered in church

    30. “I guess ‘one-night stand’ has two many syllables for today’s generation

    31. “Shirl, in words of very few syllables, very slowly, please explain to me what all this has to do with video camera’s

    32. Did it have to have four syllables?

    33. b) LONGER than other syllables in the word or even in a sentence

    34. Some syllables may be

    35. you speak slower, the RELATIVE pace of the syllables must not change

    36. While the Greeks had little use for the sound called a glottal stop, that separates the syllables uh and oh in the English term uh-oh, represented by the Phoenician letter alef, they did need to represent the “a” sound in English father

    37. Gasbag was sure that the twanging guitar on the jukebox uttered meaningful syllables, if he could but understand them

    38. Byrhythmic stress is meant the more important metrical accentthat falls (1) always upon the last accented syllable of a line,and (2) near the middle of a line of ten or more syllables

    39. In the following line there are eight syllables and one rhythmicstress:

    40. [*] A stressed syllable (as in Ascensión) at the end of a line counts as two syllables

    41. Make conscience of pins and syllables

    42. A Vedic meter of twenty-four syllables and also name of a most sacred verse recited by pious Hindus at morning and evening devotion

    43. Now you’ve digested that information see if you can count how many syllables there are in the following words

    44. The chatter has increased, but, in a world of increasing complexity and shared frail immune systems, we are brief, succinct and to a point in one hundred and forty characters or ten or less human-microphoneable syllables

    45. He uttered his part with a most corrupt indulgence, the syllables

    46. Klocker pistol whipped his syllables across the contestants and co-panelists

    47. Stedder could not help but recognize the tonal quality of the voice; the rounded vowels and the soft syllables

    48. we mean a single line ofpoetry); (2) a rhythmical arrangement of the syllables withinthe verse

    49. One syllableis always added in counting the syllables of

    50. syllables in a verso esdrújulo

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