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    1. “Hello Mrs Slater I was a friend of Charlie’s and I just thought that I would come round and offer my sympathies

    2. Danton Edmond had a vague memory of a dark blue coloured room, a feeling of terror – more so then the others because of his sympathies for the other side

    3. This end-around round the State Department should come as no surprise considering the president‘s track record as a draft dodger and antiwar protester whose sympathies continue to lie with our nation‘s ideological opponents

    4. (But do not let your children manipulate you by playing on your sympathies either – they will try!)

    5. The funny thing was, he found himself feeling a great sense of loss and gratefully accepting their sympathies, although the partnership had been a farce from day one

    6. any case, I suspect their sympathies will be directed at me

    7. Besides, we had lost the war, and as any soldier who loses a war will tell you, sympathies at home are few and far between

    8. Bridget suggested to Matthew and Sarah that they visit the house and offer their sympathies to the family

    9. Betty and Mick’s children, their cousins and nieces and nephew respectively extended their sympathies

    10. In a moment when his human interests and sympathies were focused upon the scene of suffering and affliction there spread out before him, he neglected to bear in his human mind the admonitory warnings of his Personalized Adjuster regarding the impossibility of limiting the time element of the creator prerogatives of a Creator Son under certain conditions and in certain circumstances

    11. Despite his sympathies for Stallman and Stallman's position,

    12. On one episode, Elaine decided to offer her sympathies over the phone, which Jerry told her was a no-no

    13. Even though I don�t condone it, but sometimes they can really be justified, and I can sympathies with some of them

    14. An investigation underway when I spoke to my friends last month indicates that Cecil Banks may be a spy for the Germans, though the motives for his treason are unclear as they can uncover no fascist sympathies or other connections to Hitler’s regime

    15. conversation with a large man who played on my sympathies

    16. “Open your minds and your hearts to the spirits so that they can feel your sympathies for them; relax your bodies as if you are about to fall into a deep sleep

    17. ’ Wilson is said to have realized that Smith had betrayed his true sympathies with that remark

    18. You all know how much this could cost politically to President Clinton in view of the sympathies often expressed towards Japan in the United States

    19. “They knew his sympathies toward the Communist Party, so they manipulated him

    20. I saw sympathies and emotions on his face for me

    21. It occurred to the Corporeal that his sympathies may lie with the oppressed peoples of the city, but nevertheless he wasn’t anxious to be killed by a sonic bomb

    22. sympathies of the government of the United States for the harsh plight that struck you

    23. Brown’s logical arguments had touched their hearts and had won the sympathies of the audience

    24. The first is that President Stevenson sends his regards and wholehearted sympathies to the family of Ken Giles

    25. While standing by his father’s casket just minutes before they lowered his earthly body to where it would forever reside - trapped within a solid concrete vault and surrounded by clay and mindless earthworms, Paul tried to remain calm as adults and countless students (some he had never previously spoken to) came up to shake his hand and express their sympathies

    26. Byron Meliorans tugged on Brennan, twisted his sympathies and convinced him Sabina was a limitation

    27. Such reforms will not win back the lukewarm sympathies of our laity, and make them the right arm of the Church of England

    28. In the nature of things, they can have no equals with whom to exchange hearts and sympathies

    29. As dame luck teamed up with the members of her gender, as if to show where her sympathies lie, Tara said to Raja Rao, ‘It looks like you have no way with dame luck today

    30. her face-to-face my sympathies about a recent loss of a loved one, and she shared with

    31. Her sympathies were with the Beauforts

    32. The Duke of Somerset, otherwise known as Edmund Beaufort, had spent years as a prisoner of the French and was suspected of having French sympathies

    33. I have, it is true, a great many friends-- people with whom it is pleasant to spend an afternoon if such afternoons are not repeated often, and if you are careful not to stir more than the surface of things, but among them all there is only one who has, roughly, the same tastes that I have; and even her sympathies have limitations, and she declares for instance with emphasis that she would not at all like to be a goose-girl

    34. " One cannot, however, go on saying poor little woman continuously, and of necessity there were gaps in these sympathies; but at least twice he put off his return to work for a few minutes in order to hearten her by painting the great happiness that was in store for her at the end of these tiresome months, the marvellous moment not equalled, he was informed, by any other moment in a human being's life, when the young mother first beheld her offspring

    35. “With our deepest sympathies,” he

    36. Stoke looked well, but I’m afraid to say that his sympathies

    37. Your Subconsciousness also maintains in this Form close contact with subjects of your previous refocusings which are “nearest” to you in frequency, and it draws inexplicable fears and phobias, amiability and enmity, love and hatred, positivism and aversions, sympathies and antipathies “from there”

    38. Here, in the Worlds of our present self-perception, everything develops in strict compliance with the development scenarios of each duvuyllerrt group of all our Stereo-Types which we unconsciously choose as a result of our own quality preferences or rejections, sympathies or antipathies

    39. vehicles on both sides will slow down to offer their sympathies, to catch

    40. Her husband had suddenly and unexpectedly died recently, and I had neither gone to the funeral nor offered my condolences to her and when we came face to face, by chance, at a club many months later, I was dreadfully embarrassed as I muttered my sympathies

    41. ing his sympathies, and inviting Thomas to Richmond,

    42. Irreligion and the attractions of sinful pleasure take hold of the minds of men by the handles of so many passions and faculties, by the enchantments of art and fancy, by the customs of society, by the ties and the sympathies of nature, that it is impossible for Christianity to fix too firm a grasp on the convictions of the intellect and conscience, and on the affections of the heart

    43. "I believe you are a Frenchman yourself," he snarled at last, giving me an intensely suspicious look; and forthwith broke off communications with a man of such unsound sympathies

    44. I had never lingered in that land which, on the whole, is so singularly barren of memorable manifestations of generous sympathies and magnanimous impulses

    45. I want to ask you two questions: the first is---How did you contrive to preserve the common sympathies of human nature when you resided here? I cannot recognise any sentiment which those around share with me

    46. invincible sympathies that, nevertheless, from the strongest links,

    47. Magua had so artfully blended the natural sympathies with the religious superstition of his auditors, that their minds, already prepared by custom to sacrifice a victim to the manes of their countrymen, lost every vestige of humanity in a wish for revenge

    48. Here the speaker paused, and again looked around him to discover if his legend had touched the sympathies of his listeners

    49. Deserted by all of his color, Hawkeye returned to the spot where his sympathies led him, with a force that no ideal bond of union could destroy

    50. Your misfortunes engaged his sympathies, so you see you must have been interesting

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