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    tactical примеры предложений


    1. What she chose to reveal was invariably better than the inter-intelligence communiqués where one agency often hid detail from another in order to maintain tactical advantage

    2. The bundles of control conduits feeding into Horcheese blocked the projection in a few places, but the bridge’s tactical display covered half the bridge

    3. On the tactical display, the Squidy was a blank, gray region, like a menacing, disembodied shadow

    4. Through my eyelashes I watched him lift a paw and dab my chin then when I groaned he made a tactical retreat across my body to the safety of the folded sheet

    5. Later that night in the Orgasmatron Nightclub, where the boys had gone for some shampoo and some dancing after another hard week at the tactical grindstone, Terry told his best friend, left-back and room-mate, 'Boozo' Van Honk, that he was going to marry Bling

    6. Not for her any serious preparations or special tactical considerations, she'd be receiving special attention from her massage therapist, expanding her mind on something exotic, receiving visitors and doing deals, safe on her boat with mindless mercenaries at her beck and call

    7. week at the tactical grindstone, Terry told his best friend, left-back

    8. He settles for a full tactical withdrawal and goes back to thoughts of Maggie and Jock

    9. lights? Who’d plugged them in? A tactical error made by Chatterling’s staff

    10. He scanned the room with his grey and white eyes, seeking anything that could give them a tactical advantage

    11. Even as he stood discussing such matters with his officer, he was always contemplating, strategizing and imagining all sorts of tactical possibilities for his principal task

    12. The only son of one of the most prominent and ancient families in the Colovian Highlands, he had, reluctantly, been allowed to train and nurture his penchant for tactical studies as a purely intellectual exercise

    13. Tactical Space Command have been following events around Jupiter closely, and we can see that your position there is no longer tenable

    14. For the first time in his life Danny contemplated phoning in to say he was sick, but tactical sickies are difficult to carry off if you're never ill

    15. While we where here on Salisbury plain the training really intensified the route marches got longer and the whole physical training side was stepped up as well as firing practice and tactical problems bayonet drill and obviously fatigues and working parties

    16. “Alright men listen up these are the Fourth Army Tactical Notes and this is what we must follow

    17. General Frank Simmonds, chief of tactical operations, had spoken to the US president for nearly an hour over the hotline

    18. I hereby suggest that we change its name to the Tactical Petroleum Reserve

    19. night a tactical team found Mrs

    20. Imbrahim divided his attention between the tactical monitor and the first officer, his

    21. But even if the readouts in Wethers’ cube and the tactical monitor had

    22. When he stared into the field of the tactical monitor, he’d

    23. He studied the tactical monitor again and

    24. forward, to the bank of monitors, his eyes fixing upon the tactical screen

    25. Her attention was focused on the tactical monitor, as it had been from the

    26. ” She stole another look at the tactical screen, as though assuring herself that nothing

    27. about to congratulate her on saving their hides when something beeped on the tactical monitor

    28. that came from the tactical monitor

    29. Communication no longer possible, though not a problem and if anything an advantage, given his raison d'être of independent tactical thinking

    30. That blip on the edge of the tactical screen was a death sentence; yet when he looked at it now

    31. grimly determined as she peered intently at the tactical display

    32. Imbrahim watched the tactical screen with a pounding heart and a mouth as dry as dust

    33. Jhordel turned from the tactical display and

    34. The Generals had ordered a tactical withdrawal to the docks in the hope that the boats would see their plight and come to collect them

    35. I cannot fault our training, which was a good as any but it never covered tactical training

    36. If you do not know the difference between tactical and strategic, but let me give you an example that an Army Colonel once gave me: “It seems that a young soldier had decided that paratrooper’s wings had a special effect on the ladies, and thus he volunteered for the elite Army Parachute Battalion

    37. That was where his tactical objective began

    38. Our pistols were carried in holsters on the hip of choice, which caused tactical problems when driving or sitting in a police vehicle

    39. Nor were we issued the fancy tactical thigh holsters seen today, so we got used to what we had and not being longhaired liberals we never complained, but we knew of their existence

    40. Years later, after I resigned, the Special Task Force began training other members in SWAT techniques and tactical awareness

    41. Western intelligence agencies efforts to surveil and monitor the activities of Islamic terrorist operations have been compromised, in part, by democratic restrictions that otherwise provide certain (tactical) advantages to terrorist groups indifferent to the principles of rule of law

    42. The one thing which SAP COIN taught us well was how to survive urban terrorism, and we learned all the tricks of the trade regarding house penetration, tactical approaches and the double-tap shooting method which was something of a SAP COIN speciality

    43. The tactical objectives may change as the war progress and you know the saying that all plans go to you know where when the first shots are fired

    44. It means you regained the tactical initiative

    45. The airborne commander had to be able to work more than one radio at the same time and his tactical understanding of the nature of COIN and the terrain outstanding to prevent catastrophe

    46. This tactical radio control is not the same as the circling fixed wing aircraft used as a radio relay system which started earlier in the war and I think called "Telstar

    47. Interesting is that most terrorist leaders order the strategic objective and then leaves the operational details (tactical) to his lieutenants to work out

    48. How to obtain that Justice is a tactical merry go round of Acts and Laws taken from all existing Law and thus the confusion in classification

    49. The United States (Union) Army and Navy, especially Generals Grant and Sherman successfully defeated the Confederacy despite huge tactical disadvantages

    50. My preference would be to institute well-trained squadrons as a group, familiar with each other, using a common tactical doctrine, from day one

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