Используйте «tagged» в предложении
tagged примеры предложений
1. When posting an image, the contestant simply has to add the #shoe (or other hashtag), and their image will be tagged to that word or phrase
2. They are often tagged as the culprit in the case of wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity and
3. when hundreds of people dying is tagged with 'only'
4. It would have been in a commercial storage cubby, they would have tagged it after a year and opened it after ten
5. If she was registered for something at the Kassikan and didn’t show up, the room would be kept til the end of the term, then the contents would be tagged and sent to the catacombs, where they would be til this day unless they were used for historical research
6. There are thousands of tons tagged in deep warehouses now
7. “It was tagged?”
8. To her amazement the first man, through the door pined a color-coded map on the wall, and then began to bring in boxes and furniture with the same color tagged for that house
9. The catcher tagged him just as he crossed the plate
10. "And the power of tagged messaging
11. The stars were tagged, the numbers clearly corresponding to their distance
12. He'd asked for a favour in return, tagged on to the
13. She forced a smile, a pale smile with painful memories tagged onto the end of it
14. into books, and even evolved a verse which she audaciously tagged "old
15. Once they had you tagged, everything you said was written down and held against you in some way
16. Identified risks are normally tagged with category and source
17. It was tagged with a picture of Jesse and I doing some charity work for the Gilbert Foundation
18. ” Her expression sobered as she looked from Jesse to Gabriel to say, “When we use up one of these bins, it’s tagged empty and moved to the end of the line
19. It was tagged empty and moved to the end of the line
20. I tagged along and gave my opinion when asked
21. The “lucky seven plus one,” Moshe had hopefully tagged them, awaiting the moment of truth ahead of them
22. Toby Parker tagged along, slightly uncomfort�able with how far back in his mind he had pushed the memory of his encounter with her and Bubba Bates
23. “We were shown that the alteration we had felt before was due to being implanted and that our ship had been tagged so it could be tracked no matter where we were
24. tagged them, awaiting the moment of truth ahead of them
25. tagged you with a harmless, but very obvious para-protein that will completely throw them off the
26. “He tagged me with the bullet chip and recorded my
27. But the fuse is not the problem—the problem is the, the…" He struggled for an oath usable in front of a church-going woman and the young child who tagged after her
28. tagged out (disconnected), using approved tagout ure the current in the circuit by placing an ammeter in procedures, at the nearest source of electricity
29. “Only the furniture I have tagged goes, but everything else, the TV, all the boxes in each
30. It was a spur of the moment thing for him and I just tagged along; nothing planned
31. After the image is named and tagged, this should never change
32. Steve tagged along behind, still holding the flowers, while Mary
33. StumbleUpon l ets users ‘stumble upon’ new, related web pages The service will then recommend other websites that people have already tagged
34. Photoflashes played on the cadaver and on the nearby floor and walls; bits of physical evidence were collected and tagged
35. But is it so with the so-called honor-killings of the unfortunate females whom the Cupid tends into the arms of lesser males across the caste barriers? What an irony is that men invest their honor in their women all the while treating them as vassals! What idiocy the honor-killing is - would it ever restore to the family the lost honor? Why, with the infamy of murder tagged to it, it only ensures a double jeopardy for the family, won't it?’
36. An MBE -- Member of the British Empire -- a chunk of metal tagged with ribbon that had been stuffed away in an old tea-caddy behind a pile of Readers Digests
37. who tagged along after realizing that if they stuck
38. When she had gleaned as much as she could from this she turned to the exhibits bagged up and tagged on the trestle table
39. Trail taggers, tagged along trail drives
40. Dogs' ancestors, who were wolves, tagged along and
41. “Do you have a love?” The question came suddenly, tagged on to the end of the sentence like a full-stop
42. Yeltsa, Tylin, the Sekku and S’us tagged close
43. facing the windshield I spotted the small red card tagged unto
44. He indicated that the authentic cookbook guy on occasion has tagged his book covers with some type of award sticker, not unlike the Indie Excellence Finalist Award on a few of my books
45. Women traveling alone were quickly tagged as prostitutes or runaway girls, which was basically the same for the 177
46. It is tagged at fifteen pounds
47. After a second, Coach Ryan swung and tagged a hard line drive towards third base
48. With a sudden panic, he was successfully tagged out reaching back for second, after crawling several feet through the orange dirt
49. I told them that I didn’t appreciate being tagged with any phoney label,
50. ‘bomb’, might have a portion, or all, of their conversation tagged, and analyzed